Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 037: The Front Line Is The Experimental Field

After breakfast, I will work again. [M] First of all, building dormitories and digging wells...

"I need Jagila and Pilna to do something for me."


"What is it?

Jagila, who was resurrected after eating breakfast, is full of energy. By the way, breakfast consists of baked bread, soup, and steak in a salad. I put out everything I had made in advance with a craft. You might think it was heavy in the morning, but basically the face here was flat because it was a manual worker. I mean, except for Pirna and me.

Well, that's good. I'll take the clip-loaded bullets out of my inventory and stack them in front of Jagila. The total number is 500 rounds.

"I don't mind if I drop the gun, shoot me. It's a durability test."


"Seriously. But it's also dangerous. The barrel is naturally heated by continuous firing. This can reduce accuracy and in some cases can be dangerous to explode. In addition to the barrel, it can also be considered that the firing mechanism and loading mechanism are malfunctioning. It's dangerous. Can you do it?

Leave it to me.

Placing a large cage on the table, Jagila filled the cage with ammunition and climbed up the barrier. Let's start with one thing.

"I want Pilna to check the weight of the hand-thrown bullet. I want you to measure the limit of the weight that you can fly without any problems. Flying without problems does not mean you can carry the bomb critically, but you need to imagine dropping the bomb from an ally position on the enemy position many times. If it's too heavy, it can't fly many times, and if it goes bad, it'll crash into the middle of the enemy line, so I think it's best to have enough room."

I see, I see.

"I'll put tools and wood, iron and stones in place, so I need someone to help me. And this."

Remove about four grenade dummies from the inventory.

"It's a dummy without gunpowder. For your information."


"I'll help."

It seems that Miss Zamir will help Pirna. That's reassuring for now.

"Then Sylvie and Sir Leonard are with me."


"I understand."

Each scatters for work. Well, I'm building a dormitory.

"I'm going to build a dorm. Lord Leonard, think about what you're going to do with the Mythrill weapon."

"Oh! I'll take care of it!



Sylvie asked me to look back, but Sylvie's expression seemed to be serious. What's going on?

"What's wrong?

"... no. Architecture, good luck."

"? Oh, leave it to me."

What's going on? I don't know, but I'll do my best when they tell me to. That said, I'm just going to pop up the tofu house. There is nothing difficult because the shape and size have been decided.

I bam up an inn that really feels like I just leave a little luggage and sleep. The room is divided into two floors with the same floor plan, so that there is one living room for eight people in four rooms. Sixteen people can live in one building. If you make twenty of them, they will be 300 people's dwellings.

I want you to be honest about habitability. There are windows in each room. It comes with solid wooden shutters. Regarding the size and layout of the building, it was built yesterday under the supervision of Merti, Cubi and Isla. Rainbows have been crafted to the required number, so installation is easy.

"But it's a tremendous momentum to build a building."

I see. I can only describe the power of Koske as amazing. "

Hahaha, even if you're praised like that, nothing will come out.

The last three of us, Sylvie and Sir Leonard, checked the dormitory we had built, and the dormitory was finished.

Next is well digging.

Silfi, please.

Leave it to me.

The well is gunned down in the moat. Don't worry about the air because Silfi sends it in from above with the magic of the wind. The wall surface is hardened with a stone wall block to prevent the wall from collapsing. Stone and clay alone make it sturdy and easy to use, right?

About seven meters deep, the water began to come out. Dig about another meter, and now it's eight meters deep. You can also use a hand pump with this. I have seen on the internet that it can only be used up to about 10m.

By the way, a hand pump has been created. I was delighted to make one and put it in a well in the refugee section. I was delighted by the chaos.

And they promised to install it in all the wells in the refugee section.

Also, Isla took one for research. He gathers and researches all the dexterity of the refugees. The structure is surprisingly simple, isn't it, a hand pump?

Now that the water looks good, all we have to do is climb up. Remove the pre-made 10m wooden ladder from the inventory and stand on the wall of the stone wall to escape.

"Thank you."

"Did the water come out?

"I got it. I got it. I had to dig deeper than the forest."

I see. I'll see if I can drink it tomorrow. "

Spirit magic is amazing.

They can tell if water can be drunk by the Spirit Magic of Water. It seems that the water has to accumulate in the well to some extent, and the water has to be clear over time.

"You were talking about digging all four, right?

Oh, let's go quickly.

While you hear intermittent gunfire, you dig a well. Looks like they're shooting at us right now.

Repeat the same work to dig three more wells. There was no problem with all the wells and water came out. For now, I'm relieved.

"I wonder why Omit has no proper plants in the wilderness when you dig."

"Spirit Stone Event Collapse As a result of abusing the attack, the Spirit Power of the land was disturbed and the plants could not grow properly."

"Who are the elders...?"


The power of Spirit Stones is amazing! Doesn't have any negative effects on the human body, does it? Ola, I'm getting a little scared.

After digging the well, we will now proceed with the entire fort. The toilet is not just a simple one with a hole in it, but a full-fledged puff toilet. A familiar person was among the refugees about the structure, so I asked that person.

The King's Capital and big cities in the Kingdom of Merinard were equipped with magical water and sewerage systems, and the toilets were washable, but in small and medium-sized cities and rural areas where this was not the case, they used pumping toilets. She was a craftsman who had made toilets in those places several times.

Well, that's good. The toilet is also related to gunpowder making, so I've heard it quite seriously. I actually made it in front of her and she taught me. Perfect.

"Does Koske have any special feelings for the toilet?

"No, it's nothing. Cleanliness is important. If you're filthy, you can easily get sick."

"I'm sure you are."

There are dozens or hundreds of people living in these forts. If we don't take good care of public health, it could be a hell of a picture of a nose scream with a plague in no time. Real biohazards are no-sensitive.

"Surely the plague is terrifying."

Sir Leonard seems to have convinced me of my attachment to the bathroom. Well, I'd use any dirty bomb against my enemies. In that sense, pee and poo are strategic supplies.

In fact, it seems that in the old battle against the castle, the defense side threw urine along with boiling water and hot oil. And then I put it on my chestnut. What a terrible... tremor.

I've made as many toilets as I think I need. Three hundred people, anyway. Naturally, there will be more. And in relation to the ratio of men to women, there are overwhelmingly more women than men. I can't help it.

Now that the restroom has been renovated, it's time to make farmland. Nevertheless, there is a block of agricultural land made from black forest soil. So I'm thinking of using this first.

I made it with my craftsmanship. I wouldn't be surprised if I had the ability to make Isla's eyes vanish again.

No, because you're pulling on the ability of survival games. I don't think it's strange that crops can be harvested in about three days after sowing.

For this reason, we will dig into the area planned to be farmland with a shovel and place the farmland block.

"What a fat soil."

"It's a farmland block made of black forest soil. It is not strange that my abilities and the soil of the black forest combine to make me look the strongest."

The farmland block is then plowed in quails. We have to make acorns, woosh, woosh.

"I've come to understand why Her Highness and Ira sometimes have heads."

You know what I mean?

"It's time to plow!

A shake of the quail allows a square meter of ground to be plowed moderately and the acre feels good. With a swing.

I slide backwards over the farmland block with command actions and plow more and more farmland blocks. I can hear acorns. Plant. Acorn. Very fun.

When you're done plowing, plant the next seed. What I have prepared this time is grain seeds. Not the corn that Merty always grinds, but the wheat.

"I'm getting a headache, too."

You know what I mean?

"Planting seeds!

Holding a bag of wheat seeds in his hand, and conscious of the right click, seeds are sown in a square meter range in an instant, immediately germinating and green buds emerge. Sowing seeds. Germinates. Sows seeds. Germinate. Very, very fun.

"Hey, did you shoot everything...? What? Why?

Jagila with a bolt action rifle sling on her shoulder spreads in front of her eyes, or she looks at a field that is spreading in a progressive fashion and turns her eyes round.

"... Your Highness, the first germinated buds are already growing."

"... because it's what Koske does"

Shit, we have to sprinkle water. I've made a candle... so I'll try using well water. Even if you drink it, it will be okay to sprinkle it in the field a little.

I also use my own dash and the command action dash to pump water into the candle. Stick some water from a pet bottle of drinking water into the push pump as caller water, and move it tightly to drain the water. Oh, my God, the water's transparent. Well, don't worry about the details. Just sprinkle the water!

Return to the well and field several times to finish spraying water on all the wheat. Hmm, this needs to be improved. Maybe we should build a well for the field and a tank for storing rainwater.

No, wait...? If the block floats in the air, can you use it...? No, but... I don't think it's in the boulder... do you want to try it?

The problem is securing the water... oh, my God, should we have pumped the water from the river? Can you replace it with well water? I can't. I'll try it on my own.

Dig holes 4 m wide, 4 m deep and 2 m deep next to the field.

"What are you doing?

"No, a little experiment, sir?

Lay a stone wall block on the bottom and place the stone wall block to surround the edges further. This allows holes with a width of 2 m, a depth of 2 m, and a depth of 1 m to be formed. Pour a bucket of water over the diagonal line of the hole.


"What is it?

"Why is this hole filled with bucket of water?

"Hahaha, why?"

With that, I pump water into an empty bucket and put it in the inventory.

"Also, I've been pumping water into empty buckets many times, but it doesn't look like I'm running out of water."

"Maybe it's your fault? Eye illusions, I'm sure."

"No matter what you think."

"Silfi, this is a well. It's a bit of a strange well. Okay?"

"Okay, okay."

Sylvie nodded honestly that she felt something about my attitude. Good boy. I can't say I've created an infinite source of water, so let's say this is a bit of a strange well.

I made it with my heart, but this is very dangerous somehow. I don't care how much water I pump or how much water I never run out. Isla's eyes are dying again.

Speaking of which, it's an endless flame, but it's infinite as a light source, but for some reason it's not hot, right? The one I installed. I can burn other things when I have them... strange.

"Oh, yeah. Jagila, how's the rifle?

"I shot all 500 shots, but there was no trouble. I don't think the accuracy has changed much."

"Seriously? Okay, I'll take care of that. Use me."


Receive the 500 tested bolt action rifles and hand over the spare new bolt action rifles to Jagila. I'll try making a four-fold scope next time.

Still, there's no problem at all with about 500 rounds... it's hard to tell whether the original performance is excellent or because it's a craft I made. However, I was relieved that it would not be usable in a single battle. I don't think it's that small as a sample.

Looking at the bolt action rifles that Jagila received, Ms. Pirna and Ms. Zamir also showed up. And I'm stunned to see my fields. It's a nice field, isn't it?

"Why is the field...?

"It's sprouting and stretching..."

Return the stunned two to their senses and listen to the results. Then the shape of the best pattern and the weight of the bomb were largely determined.

"It's pretty heavy, this. You all right? You all right?

"That's all right. You can go back and forth as many times as you want, 10 kilometers a way."

Hmm, I see.

The prototype model was made by remodeling the dummy of the patterned grenade. Added thick horizontal wood to the end of the pattern and T-shaped. I see, it's easier to hold and throw. Does the warhead have metal added to it and the overall weight is about four times that of a standard dummy grenade? This is quite a load of gunpowder. The warhead weighs about six times as much. Probably about three kilos, this one.

"Okay, I'm going to make some prototypes with this in mind. Miss Zamir, you need to work out the design of the Mithrill weapon."

"I understand."

For now, I've finished building the fort, so if I have lunch, I'll be working on weapons development. Sir Leonard and Miss Zamir, Jagila and Pirna decided to scout the perimeter of the fort. Looks like Sylvie's gonna stay by my side.

Well then, let's go.

Be careful.

Basically, there are only gizmas around here, so these four won't be late first. I'll take the blacksmithing facility and workbench out of the inventory and start developing sniper scopes and Harpy aerial bombs.

After I acquired the skills of a creator, item creation became much easier. It's very easy because it optimizes even the fairly vague images and makes recipes.

Items added to the recipe with the item creation feature have a longer craft time and heavier materials than the ones registered from the beginning. Well, it must be a reasonable disadvantage.

Quadruple scope - Material: Glass × 5 iron × 1 mechanical parts × 4

The materials aren't that heavy. However, the craft time is longer. Thirty minutes... well, I can't help it. Make ten to use Mass Producer skills. That way, it's a bargain.

Since the improved workbench has been filled with scope creation, a new improved workbench is to be created. I have ingredients so I can make them right away.

"Next is an aerial bomb for Harpy."

Consider the design while looking at the samples made by Pirna and Ms Zamir. Basically, it's for interpersonal use, and you don't need to make it shell-shaped. Increases the amount of gunpowder by thickening the shell to improve the fragmentation effect. The fuse should be in the same format, but the string should be improved to make it easier to install. Hook the weight so you can wrap it around and hook it up. This is how the recipe looks, by the way.

Handled grenade - Material: Gunpowder x 2 iron x 1 wood x 1 mechanical part

· Type I aerial bomb for Harpi -: 6 gunpowder x 3 iron x 1 wood x 1 mechanical part

That's three times the cost of a patterned grenade... I hope it's as effective as it gets. I'll make about ten for now. I'll make about 30 grenades with patterns.

And when I finished booking my craft, I raised my face and Sylvie looked at me with a ridiculous expression. I wonder what it is. I'm sorry for the trouble.

"What's going on?

"Um... is Koske okay?

"What do you mean you're okay?

The question is too vague to answer. Nothing really painful...? I'm only conscious that I'm still alive.

"I wonder if Koske lived in peace in a safe country? Well, to be honest, I got a little scared. Bolt action rifles and hand-thrown bombs are a powerful weapon. Though for me, don't you think it's hard to create something like that?"

"Oh, I see... honestly, I didn't think about it very deeply."

I feel honest. It may be irresponsible, but I was looking forward to building a powerful weapon myself until Sylvie told me now. What we're making is an entirely interpersonal weapon, a tool for murder.

"That makes me heavily responsible for what I do. With my weapon, the people of the Holy King's kingdom are about to die..."

I'm sure I'll get a lot of resentment. Each soldier kills his enemies directly in the coming war, but I will bear many times, dozens, hundreds, or even more deaths in making that weapon.

"I'm going to hell."

"Very well?

"It's a concept that's talked about in my world. There is a very frightening god, called the Demon, who will judge the dead according to the sins of his life and inflict commensurate torment and suffering. Of course, it hasn't been proven to exist."

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed. Well, what do you think? You're beginning to think that there's a supernatural presence in the world, right, me? I don't know if there really is hell or not.

"Well, it's a post-mortem world... where people die and their souls become stars."

"That's a romantic story."

There was certainly no story of him becoming a star after his death, and there he is. Orion.

"But if Koske is going to that hell, I'm sure I'll be with him. I'm the one who's letting Koske build the weapon."

"Should I be happy? As far as I'm concerned, I'm the only one going to hell. I can't stand to go to hell with Sylvie."

"No matter how heavy a sin you two carry, it weighs half. I won't let Koske suffer."

"You're a gentle master. Now, will you actively accumulate good deeds so that you can lighten your sins a little?"

I see. We must look not only at killing, but also at saving. "

Sylphie smiles. Yeah, Sylvie's smile is always cute.

From now on, I will kill you a lot. But I'm going to save a lot of people for that. Because I want Sylphie to smile.