Survival in Another World With My Master

Chapter 207 - Archbishop

"At first, I've heard a lot about you. Rare people from different worlds, collaborators of witches, dragon mates, and for us, gentle saints. My name is Deckard. The Archbishop and other great titles have been pressed, but it's a masterpiece."

He was an old man with a soft face. Her hair is perfectly white and her rich beard is equally pure white. A tight body with a sturdy body and no extra meat found anywhere. There is no such thing as a bent hips, and he would be exactly the old man who wrote it in the picture. Maybe it was the Knight of the Temple or something.

"Ha, thank you for being polite. It's Koske."

"Ho-ho-ho-ho, there's no need for words like this."

An old man dressed pleasantly in white laughs. The white clothes that he wore had no extra decorations, but only minimal patterns and glowing crosses to tell him he was a priest.

"But something called a brand-new vest doesn't settle down. I don't mind wearing old clothes like mine."

"Father. Even if your father is well, it would be rude to him."

Ho-ho-ho-ho, that's right.

A red-eyed saint sitting next to an old grandfather named Deckard gave up in the middle of the year and exhaled in a small mood. The old man still smiled happily as if even such a saint's quit mood sigh was lovely.

"Sylvie, it's not what I expected."

The Archbishop of Adolphy, behind the myths, is alcohol, gold, women! I thought it was just a smelly boy, but the Archbishop doesn't look like such a kind of boy. To put it bluntly, you only look like a good gentleman. It does not look like a person who trembles in the power struggle within the Holy King's kingdom or Adolphus that he is a drodrodro.

"I also met him in person for the first time. But, well, this is the kind of person."

Silfi then turned to the tight female priest who was sitting next to Archbishop Chilari and Deckard.


They're totally looking at me, too. The gaze was hard to say friendly, and I felt like I was being classed as a carnivore.

The age of female priests... is probably around the time of their first years of life. You're younger than my mother, but you're pretty close. A thin lip with a single letter that says that there is nothing pleasant in the world, such as a lot of white hair intertwined with chestnut hair, crispy, tight eyes. And like the Archbishop Deckard, he's wearing the same decorative monk outfit. Probably hit the Archbishop's right arm.

Did you notice my gaze? Ellen will introduce me to her.

"This is High Priest Katerina. Archbishop Deckard's right arm."

"It's a caterina. Rare people are in a good mood. I'm a lowlife, but please find out."

Wherever the carnivore gaze went, Ellen introduced her to the perfect smile. I don't know what it means to look at it with such a gaze, but perhaps both the Archbishop and the High Priest would like to play a kind father and his close associates in front of Ellen. If you think so, you may have to look at Archbishop Deckard's favorite grandfather with a spit on your eyebrow.

"Let's not introduce anyone who has finished during the day. My mother and sister, the queen and princesses of the former kingdom of Merinard, are sitting there first."

"King Merinard, wife of Ixville-Danal-Merinard, Seraphta-Danal-Merinard."

"My eldest daughter, Doriada Danal-Merinard."

"My second daughter, Ifrita Danal-Merinard."

"Three women, Aquawil-Danal-Merinard."

"And I was captain of the Liberation Army, my youngest sister, Sylvie-Danal-Merinard. Well, now it's about me."

Following the queen's and sisters' greetings, Sylphie shook her shoulders and then turned her gaze towards Isla.

"Isla, the court sorcerer of the former Kingdom of Merinard. Now a Liberation Army sorcerer leader. And one of Koske's mates."

Introduce yourself with a small but well-directed voice. Did you need one last word?

And then ─ ─

Before Sylphie finally turned her eyes, there was a girl who was eager to cook with an attitude that did not necessarily tell her what she knew about the dinner manners. A girl who produces horns twisted like a demon on her head and dirty hands that produce tough and vicious nails to look at.

"Hmm? What?

"Grande, introduce yourself."

"What a hassle... the grande of the Grand Dragon. For the record, my concubine is not part of the Liberation Army. I'm not just following my old koske. Well, if Koske wants, I can help, but basically I don't want to intervene in the crap between people. And then I want to eat Koske, Chizugagagawa."

"Yes, yes..."

Remove the large wooden dish from the inventory, place the cheeseburger on a pile, and hand it over to the maid who serves it and bring it back to Grande.

By the way, it was Lord Merti and Lord Leonard who omitted Sylvi's introduction. Ms. Zamir is guarding the door of this cafeteria where a meal is being held with a Mythrill alloy spear she made earlier to explore the dungeon.

"Unfortunately, I am not familiar with proper meal arrangements or manners because I was sent to the black forest before I received my education as a princess. So let me welcome you at the black forest elf banquet. Well, the name of the toast is the encounter and the future. Bye."

So Sylphie put up a glass of honey wine, and Lord Merti, Sir Leonard, and Isla put up the glass in the same way. I raise a liquor cup in the same way, and the queen and Archbishop Deckard do the same.

"Meet and Future"

"Meet and Future."

Sylphie is followed by the participants singing in harmony and tilting the wine glass. The sweet aroma of honey liquor with a fluffy nose is pleasant. But as always, alcohol is strong, so it is easy to drink because it is strong, so if I get on my feet and open the glass, I will fall down quickly.

"Wow, this is an elf beer. Manlu Manlu"

Dear Deadcard,

"I know. Too much luxury is corrupt, right? But it is also against doctrine to stand in the way of favorable behavior. Isn't that right?

Archbishop Deckard listens from right to left with the whispers of High Priest Katerina, and has his waiter's sister pour him a refill. With regard to service, the Kingdom of Merinard and the PLA were maids of the royal castle, while the Adolese side was under the responsibility of an Adolese Sister.

The seats are also split between the two factions at a large table, with the neutral Grande taking part in the so-called birthday seats. Well, she's eating and drinking without asking about us, so that part is somehow a different space. I'm a little sorry that only the maid who takes care of Grande is busy moving around.

"Is this dish made with ingredients I've never seen before from Koske's hometown?

Archbishop Deckard asks while staining his white beard with pizza sauce. It's quite a powerful old man to reach out to the pizza first. Well, they're all junk food, so there's hardly anything big about cooking.

Because most of the survival games that are based on abilities, or because they are made in foreign countries, the only food that can be cooked with abilities is junk food. Even rice may be able to make rice balls and Japanese food, but so far rice has not been discovered in this world. Dammit.

"It's hard to say my hometown cooking. It's my world cuisine."

"Hmm. There are a few countries in the rare world, just like here."

"Yeah, well. Perhaps the way people do things doesn't change in any world. Starting with hunting life, people gathered to form a community, and then began farming fields ─ ─"

"We're going to start a fight. What a profound story."

Unfortunately, while saying so, Archbishop Deckard flattened the pizza and now reached out to the fried chicken. It seems quite a healthy house.

"Hmm. I don't know, but what kind of peace do you think Mr. Koske is?

Archbishop Deckard swallowed the fried chicken in his hand and chewed it up and swallowed it, suddenly bumping into a philosophical question.

"I remember hearing somewhere that peace is the period of preparation for the next war. I also generally agree with this opinion, and I imagine that one day it will definitely collapse. In short, the balance is maintained."

It was a sudden question, but I answered him without hesitation. He nods when he hears my answer.

"Well, there must be one truth. In a time of war, the equilibrium of the world must be in great disturbance. The equilibrium is breaking down and the disturbance is calling for a disturbance. The same tribes are fighting, despising, and killing each other. It's far from the harmony God wants."


"I believe that Koske, who appeared in this turmoil, was sent to correct its broken equilibrium and reconcile the world."

"Hey... it's not too big to talk about boulders."

As far as I know, the main cause of war in this world is the struggle between the Holy King and the Empire. Receiving his ideas honestly, my mission is not just to win the independence of the Kingdom of Merinard from the Holy King, but beyond. This means putting an end to the struggle between the Holy King and the Empire. I don't know what that means...

"Please give me a break because it's so annoying that I feel nauseous. No matter what you think, you can't use my vessel."

I still don't know exactly how powerful the Holy King and the Empire are. But it was a struggle between a country and a country like Pong and sending troops in 10,000 units to suppress the insurgency in that country. Just imagining makes me dizzy.

I may not be able to do anything if I want to destroy both the Holy King and the Empire, but I have no intention of doing such a demon king's spirited move, and I don't think I can think of a way to round up the relationship between the two countries that have repeatedly fought in blood. Or rather, I don't want you to impose such a mission on gamer style. Actually.

"Ho ho ho, is it troublesome? Sure is a pain in the ass."

Archbishop, your word.

"Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, this is rude."

Archbishop Deckard, who was thrown into high priest Caterina, reached out to Cheeseburger apologizing. By the way, High Priest Caterina used forks and knives to eat beef-like steaks. Ellen? She's eating hot cakes and crepes with her sparkling eyes.

"Well, let's say we're talking about this slowly. Mr. Koske, if you don't mind telling me about the other world? I'm interested in what a rare world is."

"Nh, I'm interested too."

And my concubine.

The Archbishop of Deckard's suggestion was followed by Isla and Grande. Ellen was also moving her mouth and sending an interesting gaze. High Priest Katerina was also concerned, and he turned his gaze toward us.

Well, that's fine.

You need to choose a topic, but, well, peace is a little easier than talking. That's what I started talking about. The story of the original world that Sylvie once told me.