Survival in Another World With My Master

Episode 235 ~ Aftermath ~

The stabilization of Griselburg has continued unabated since then, and with it towns and villages around Griselburg have also shown courtesy. The story of Griselburg, the most robust defense in the region, falling in just one day quickly spread through merchants and others.

"If that Griselburg is dropped in one day, we won't be alone."

But did you think that? The lords and messengers from the surrounding towns and villages came to see how Da Nang was feeling.

Then there are not only Da Nang, but also the Virgin of Adolphus. There are also saints or apostles of God who have never heard of them. And the subordinates who have been treated as slaves and shady until now are waving their big hands and walking around. It's only natural that the Liberation Army or the nascent kingdom of Merinard came under its control.

The reaction of the messenger who saw the situation was divided into two main parts.

The good old kingdom of Merinard is coming back!

It is the messengers of the pro-Asian villages and towns who have secretly followed the ideas of the former Melinard kingdom with joy and courage, and what laws will be enacted in the future to treat the Sub-Asians.

This is not good. We have to set up the system as soon as possible. "

It is the villages and towns of the pro-kingdom who return with a blue face and only minimal greetings to make it less conspicuous. Those who react like that seem to be discovered by well-nosed Wesen subpopulations. She said she smelled everything frightened and smelled like a hunted prey. Does it even smell cold sweat?

"Well, that's what it is. Human beings, or most creatures, are naturally and smelly."

Da Nang, who finished meeting with the messenger, shook his shoulders. Today Da Nang is not wearing armor, he is wearing something like a magnificent military uniform, and how could this be? Former Jinbei was also an elite in the former Melinard kingdom, and it seems that his meticulous work is also elegant. The first time I saw you in the elves, it was just lousy pants and shirts, but it was intimidating, so it looked like a bandit's parent or something. Appearance is important.

"Is that what it is? What do I look like, by the way?

"The sweet smell is mixed up."


I try to smell myself, but my sense of smell doesn't feel anything like that at all. Again, the subhuman language is very sharp. But being sweet is...

"Maybe Ellen and the others."

"That's what I'm talking about. Well, you're always like that."

"Well... um"

Now I'm in bed with one of Ellen's guys every day, and before that, I was in bed with Sylvie, Ira, Harpy, and Merti and Grande every night... yeah?

"Eh. Does that mean that until now, I've always been thought of as' he's so good... '?

I see. Isn't that true?

"Well, that's true, but..."

Still, that's what it is. You're walking with a punch of emotional signs, or a little walking obscenity?

"Never mind. I'm used to it. I mean, I don't really care because I can't help myself in that position."

"Well... if you care about one thing or the other, you won't be able to kill yourself."

"That's what it is. It's obvious. I'm not looking at it... but it's a bit out of line."

"That's right. So, what's next?

"Prioritize and effectively control towns and villages with suspicious movements. It's hard to imagine a large-scale rebellion over this period, but if you're doing it, you can do something disgusting."

"And when we're done with the surroundings, we're headed to the next city."

"That's how it is. Well, it's going to get easier gradually."


"I'm troubled if you don't do that. Is that why you and the Virgin are so popular?

That's true, too.

I nodded honestly to Da Nang's words. I certainly expect such an effect, because I am willing to expose myself and generally play the Messenger of God. No, I'm playing it, or the likelihood of playing it is high so far.

As we were talking, the PLA soldiers rushed into the conference room where Danang and I were talking. It seems that something unexpected has happened.

"What's wrong?

"We have a distress call from the town of Culeon! It's a monster breeding rampage!

"Reproductive runaway?

Tilt your neck to an inaudible word. Well, I can somehow imagine it from the feeling of words.

"Gizma pushed me into the elves, didn't she? It's the same as that."

"Oh, I see. What kind of monster is that?

Gratinus Glass Hopper.

"Slow, slurpy, slurpy... bulimic? Another bug."

And now it looks like it's going to fly or jump. Don't make me feel nasty by name anymore.

"That's it. They're such bad eaters. If you're hungry, you eat not grass or crops, but trees, animals, and anything you can eat. Normally, I clean them regularly so that they don't cause breeding runs...."

"It wasn't done."

"Did you skip extermination with the Liberation Army measures, or were you simply incapable of doing so... the number and quality of adventurers under the Holy King's reign seemed to have dropped, so I guess the number increased without being diluted... Now, what's the matter?"

"Oh, my God."

"Oh no. Very badly. They fly on top of the numbers. Prioritizing crops and devouring them, they could develop into a famine. We don't know the scale until we investigate it, but it's not going to be concentrated in one place, so it's not going to be solved by a Harpy bombing. They fly pretty well in the first place, so it's dangerous for Harpy to fly at low altitude."

"Well, first of all, yes. When it comes to famine, I think the harder I die, the better I can handle it."

Food Productivity is Confident! My arms and hips are going to die because I'm going to build a field!

"That may be true, but as a kingdom of Merinard, there is nothing we can do about it. It involves selling tickets. Well, in this case, the Holy King's honor will be crushed, so if we succeed here, our reputation will be greatly improved...."

Da Nang is thinking with a difficult face. If you place a lot of light machine guns, you might have a chance, but just imagine what ammunition consumption will look like and you'll have a headache. And then, yes.

"We have no choice but to cut the demon bill."

"Ghost bill?

What are you gonna do? Da Nang looked at me with that face. It is obvious that it will cause environmental damage, but it will be the same anyway if it is devastated. I don't see any other use, and I was expecting to use it in this kind of situation to some extent, so I think it would be better to use it here.