White is soft and eye-catching, "I clearly cut off the hospital's monitoring line in advance."

"I sent a hidden pinhole photography." Fang Xinxin told her answer.

"Then I have seen the doctor Guo Yi also injecting the euthanasia and Longxuan, and I saw them and I didn't die."

"Let the death row post high imitation of the two people's peel mask, tens it to two people, you are tense, pretending to be a nurse standing behind Guo Yi, did not see the differences of the two. Two dead prisoners. As for the two Death ruling, because gives them a good fee. Anyway, because you, let them die comfortable, peace of mind. "

"It turns out." White Jingjun suddenly rampant haha ​​laughed, no longer passionate in the past, "Fang Xinxin, you really have a means, no wonder I can sit on the position of the white lady!"

Fang Xinxin laughed again, "You finally admit, you have a position of white women."

"Yes. There is a thing, I have no use, I have no good concealment." White Jing soft suddenly went to the White Engine, "Tang Xiong, you are so good, you said, which woman can love you ? "

There are a few lost in the tone. "We have no blood source relationship. Although I am in the white family, outsiders look at us closely, but I have never been close to you. You have always look for me. To match me. You, I am in a hurry, pretending to be a heir of the dragon ... "

Bai Qinghao looted a clean laugh, "You have a vanity greedy, do a multi-end, you will put the cause to me. White is giving you the glory, money, not enough? You know that I and Fang Xin Xin autumn Engagement, until you are married, are both established, can't change the fact. No matter how you sell pitiful, die, is your only place! "

"Tang Xiong ..." White is soft and forth, as long as this man has a harmony, she can not die, "Tang brother, I am a white family, I can't make my life because of the mistake of the dragon ... "

"Your mother has already taken you out of the white family." Bai Qinghao told her in the coldly.

"No ..." White is soft and intimate, "Mom, how can you do this?"

"Sorry, it is quiet." Huang Yushu is full of apologies, "You were held by the Optimus, and the mother was originally wanted to use you from being separated from the white family. I didn't expect ..."

"I didn't expect to have a white family, and the brother wouldn't help but leave." White Jing soft face suddenly revealed the sad expression, "I am not your own daughter, just a child, it is no wonder, you I will give you yourself in the position of the white family. "

"Silent ..." Huang Yu's lady is painful, "I will come to see you when you look at your daughter ..."

In fact, Baichen Xi and Jing Soft are her biological children. However, this secret is absolutely guarded.

At this point, there is only the surplus of the car, and give up the silence.

White quiet also understands, drag the dear brother and the mother, there is no benefit. Push them, only the benefits of yourself.

So, I would like to say this.

Baichenxi also stunned, "Sister, you are confused. How can I do this kind of thing!"