Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter One Hundred Forty Three

Fang Honghua’s injury will take some time to heal. Fang Yan would come to see her every day when she was not in school. Even during school time, Fang’s mother would come to talk to her every day and listen to her telling stories about Fang Yan’s childhood, or that she never Country anecdotes that have been heard.

Fang's mother ran a lot, listened a lot, and had a better relationship with her. At least after coming back, she would often mention the things Fang Honghua had told herself at the dinner table.

For the relationship between the two mothers to improve, Fang Yan was the happiest one. He even ate a small bowl of more food with him. He had a full stomach and lay on the sofa after each meal. He rubbed his stomach.

"Inkstone." Fang's mother rubbed his belly while actively speaking: "I ask you, when you used to live in the country, how did your mother flower treat you?"

"Mother Hua is of course nice to me!" Fang Yan stood up quickly.

Although he didn't understand it very well, he still knew vaguely that Fang's mother probably didn't like Fang Honghua very much.Fang Yan can be said to be the person who wants the two mothers to have a good relationship. Now that Du Fang’s mother runs diligently into Fang Honghua’s ward, he is the happiest one. Now that he hears Fang Honghua’s problem, he immediately talks to Fang Honghua. Good words.

He broke his fingers and counted one by one: "Mother Hua is kind to me. No matter what is delicious, she will leave it for me to eat. Every year she is reluctant to buy new clothes, but she still buys it for me. People always said that I bought it from Mama Hua. At first, I was sad, but when those people said, Mama Hua would chase them away every time. She told me, whether I bought it or made it by myself. , I am her big baby."

It is precisely because of Fang Honghua's meticulous concern that among the gossips of the villagers, even if he knew his life experience, he was very close to Fang Honghua.

Mother Fang touched his head: "What else?"

"Da Zhuang grows stronger than me, and always bullies me. In the past, Hua's mother helped me teach him, but then I grew up and I could beat him myself." Fang Yan held his chest proudly," When I first started school, other people were unwilling to take me to school because of my strength. Hua’s mother was not at ease. Every morning, I got up early every morning and sent me to school, and then walked back to work in the fields. Wait until the afternoon, and then pick me up from the school. The road to our school is long, she picks me up every day!"

Fang Honghua had to do farm work in the field and at home by himself. There was not enough time, especially when the farming was busy, there was a long way from home to school. I didn’t know how much time was delayed for two trips, but Fang Honghua still took it every day. It lasted for more than a year without hindrance, and no other children had their parents to pick them up!

It was Fang Yan who felt sorry for her, and when she dared to go to school on her own, she let her give up the idea.

"Once before, I fell ill in the middle of the night and had a high fever. Mother Hua was in a hurry, but there was no doctor in the village, so she hugged me out in the middle of the night. The mountain road at night was dark and there was no light at all, but it was dangerous. No, she was not afraid. She hugged me and walked the mountain road until dawn, and then found the clinic outside." Fang Yan looked around and saw that there was no one around, then approached Fang’s mother and whispered: "The doctor said If she is later, the inkstone will be burned into a little fool."

Fang's mother touched his head pityingly, and the other Red Peanut expressed infinite gratitude.

When she returned with Fang Yan, she had seen the mountain road. It was steep and dangerous, and there was no protection around it. Even during the day, Fang's mother would be scared to see it, let alone at night.If it were not for Fang Honghua, her son would not be as good as he is now.

"But don't worry, mother, Yan Yan's body is great, and I haven't been sick since then." Fang Yan said proudly.

A sickness not only worried Hua's mother, but also spent a lot of money on medicines. Later, he kept paying attention for fear that he might have a little cold or fever. After that, he would protect himself well!

Fang's mother felt acid in her heart, but nodded with a smile.

Regarding Fang Honghua's affairs, Fang Yan couldn't count them, and he couldn't finish them. He didn't remember many things clearly, but now he talks to Fang's mother and recalls them again.He took Fang's mother, and told Fang Honghua's concern about him, all the good things that don't need money, and tried to make Fang's impression of her adoptive mother better.

"By the way, mother." He suddenly remembered: "How about the former trafficker?"

Those traffickers even stabbed Hua's mother!

Fang Yan can bear his grudges, and now he still remembers clearly!

"The trafficker has been caught and handed over to the police." Fang's mother said, "Yanyan can rest assured that they will get the punishment they deserve."

Fang Yan was satisfied with this, and then carefully ordered: "You must not be soft!"

Fang's mother laughed: "Of course."

She didn't tell her little son more things.

For example, those traffickers who want to snatch the youngest son are not ordinary traffickers, but were bought by others. They targeted Fang Yan with a clear target, with the purpose of taking the inkstone away from her again. .

She followed it up carefully and found out that the family who bought the nanny and stole the inkstone was also involved.At first, the family was cleaned up by the Fang family and ran away in a desperate manner. Later, the end was not very good. The family had a son who was half old when the accident happened. He also hated the Fang family and wanted to find a chance to retaliate.When the inkstone was stolen while it was still in its infancy, Fang's family was very sluggish for a while. Now that the inkstone was retrieved, they also announced it with great fanfare. The family's son also read it in the newspaper. Here comes the news.

Following the initiative of the traffickers to report, they also found the instigator behind the scenes.

It turns out that when Fang Yan was stolen, the family had the idea of ​​directly killing Fang Yan, but at that time the nanny was greedy and sold Fang Yan to traffickers to make a lot of money, and then Fang Yan was left behind. , But also escaped.

And this time, Fang Honghua was injured. It was not the desperate counterattack of the traffickers, but the people behind the scenes had instructed the traffickers to kill Fang Yan even if they didn't take it away, and that was to come straight to Fang Yan!Usually Fang Yan seldom places one person alone, either at school or under the protection of his family. It is really difficult to start.This time I finally found an opportunity, so even in a crowded playground, I didn't let that person get rid of the idea.

The price of the person was high, and there was nothing wrong with packing the ticket, so the trafficker agreed to it, and in the end he was killed this time.

Thinking of this, Fang's mother gritted her teeth with hatred.Had it not been for Fang Honghua's block, her inkstone had finally been recovered, but she would have lost it again!

The next thing was handled by Father Fang, and he wouldn't be soft when he wanted to come. Even Fang Ke was very angry when he knew about it. He rarely collapsed and was always calm, and followed Fang's father arrogantly to make trouble.

Thinking of this, Fang's mother smiled and said, "Does Yanyan know? You also saved someone."


"At that time, the traffickers were holding a little girl, and it was not theirs, but the kid kidnapped from the amusement park." Although they got the task, when they saw the child alone, the two traffickers still couldn't hold back and started."The little girl from the police has found her parents. They thank us very much."

Fang Yan suddenly smiled: "That would be great."