Sweet Planting Life of Two Young Masters

Chapter 392 The Accident

After Fang Honghua said these words, the room became quiet.

Everyone present has heard her talk about this, but everyone knows that, except for Professor Huang who doesn’t know the truth, everyone knows how close the relationship between Fang Yan and Fang Honghua is, and that’s why they I also worried that Fang Yan would not be able to accept it.

After all, this is too sudden.

At the same time, Fang's mother had to admit that their actions were too fast, even she didn't have any preparations. Fang's mother was shocked when she first heard Fang Honghua say this.

She knows her little son very well. She heard the news of her adoptive mother's marriage as soon as she came back a few months. During the period, she didn't receive any news. It would be difficult for ordinary people to accept it, let alone Fang Yan originally told Ji Lijun. With prejudices, I don't know how to treat this matter now.

Seeing Fang Yan not making a sound, Fang's mother couldn't help but said: "Inkstone, in fact, your mother Hua didn't want to startle you. It's just that something happened not long ago. She was also because of that incident. It's completely decided."

"Something happened?" Fang Yan looked sideways, "What happened?"

As soon as she mentioned this matter, Fang Mu suddenly hesitated. She looked towards Fang Honghua, wondering whether she should tell this matter.

Fang Honghua said, "I'll do it myself."

That's even better.Mother Fang took a long sigh of relief and handed the topic to her.

In fact, during Fang Yan's absence, Fang Honghua accidentally had a small car accident. The accident was not serious, otherwise she would not be alive and kicking now, but the situation at the time was also very dangerous.

That day, she was out to play with Ji Lijun. On the way back, she encountered a fatigued driver on the highway. The opposite truck drove towards them. Seeing that the situation was fierce and dangerous, Ji Lijun thought. Without thinking, he protected Fang Honghua in his arms. In the end, the truck came by carefully and hit the guardrail next to it with the steering wheel, and no life was lost.

Only in the end their car smashed into the guardrail, and both of them suffered minor injuries. After going to the hospital for an examination, it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong, which was a sigh of relief.

Naturally, the truck drivers kept apologizing to them. After the matter was resolved, Fang Honghua sat down and thought of it, and felt moved.

At the juncture of life and death, I was able to protect her instinctively, and I also put her in my heart. If it were not, Ji Lijun would not react like this. The two are in love with each other. After this accident After that, the relationship is deeper than before,

Ji Lijun sensed her vacillation, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue her and took her directly to see her parents. Mr. Ji was also very satisfied with the other party Honghua. There were no other family members on Fang Honghua's side, and Fang Yan had done it before. I have seen it, and the two of them have also crossed a clear road.

After a moment of enthusiasm, Fang Honghua directly agreed to Ji Lijun's proposal. After returning, she told Fang's mother that she was about to marry Ji Lijun.

When she calmed down, she couldn't help but feel a little guilty. After all, the adopted son was not there. He secretly made this decision while Fang Yan was out, but after thinking about it, Fang Honghua didn't regret it.

When he heard the news that Fang Yan was coming back, Fang Honghua made up his mind to tell Fang Yan about it.

As for how Fang Yan would react, she was naturally prepared.

Even if Fang Yan didn't agree, it didn't matter, Fang Honghua thought, she was ready to fight Fang Yan for a long time.Before Fang Yan came back, Fang Honghua had simulated such a scene countless times in her mind. The more she recalled, the more embarrassed she became, and she felt like a student who secretly fell in love and begged for parental consent.

After listening to her talk about the ins and outs of what happened before, Fang Yan suddenly worried: "Mother Hua, are you all right now?"

"It's okay." Fang Honghua said: "We went to the hospital for an examination. They were all skin injuries. It's not a big deal. It's fine after raising them for a while. You see, I am alive and kicking, and there is nothing wrong with me."

Fang Yan nodded and observed carefully, and saw that she looked good and knew that she was not lying, and then relaxed.

"Then... the inkstone." Fang Honghua said nervously, "Then look, what do you think about my uncle Ji and me?"

Sitting aside, Ji Lijun couldn't help but straighten his back, looking at Fang Yan nervously and nervously, wanting to wait for his answer.

Even Gu Rong became nervous and turned to look at Fang Yan's expression.In the car, he told Fang Yan about this matter. Fang Yan's expression was not pretty at the time, and his reaction could be said to be flustered.

If Ji Lijun was in the car at the time, he might have been beaten out by Fang Yan.Now it has been a long time since he told the news to the inkstone. He didn't know what the inkstone thought, and Gu Rong didn't know if he had calmed down.

Fang Yan remained silent.

Even Fang’s mother couldn’t help, and she persuaded: “Yanyan, your mother Hua and Mr. Ji like each other. Mr. Ji is a good person. Your father and I have seen it. We all agree very much. Look... "

If you think it's ok, you agree?

Mother Fang swallowed the last half sentence with difficulty.

Fang Honghua and Ji Lijun are both nearly one hundred years old. They are both very sane, and they can see clearly whether the other party is compatible, but when they are in front of Fang Yan, they are as rigid as a child, all waiting. His reaction.

Fang's mother even began to worry.

Her youngest son just came back and he heard the shocking news. Can he accept it and leave it alone. Shouldn't he lose his mind as soon as he is stimulated?

Fang's mother knew how important Fang Honghua's inkstone was.

Thinking like this, she suddenly became nervous, looked at Fang Yan nervously, and was ready at any time. As long as Fang Yan showed something wrong, she immediately rushed to stop him.

It was just that Fang Yan was much calmer than she thought.

He looked at Ji Lijun earnestly: "Uncle Ji, my mother said that, so what do you think?"