Sweet Reincarnation

Episode 378: Sweets and the Cold Relationship

Pais was in a good mood.

"Hmmm, rururu ~"

While singing his nasal song, he still hangs in the kitchen today as well as today.

It is said that the work today was divided, but the main reason is that I received the ingredients prepared for the dinner party in the royal capital.

There were plenty of spare ingredients for an event that could never fail, but many of the ingredients were fast paced and quickly rot.

Some foods are preserved and processed, but ingredients that are not suitable for processing are usually discarded.

It might be a meal for a castle worker, but Pais took what he couldn't use and said something selfish.

The royal palace aristocrat's face was a sight to behold when he was told to give me ingredients because I didn't need a reward. It was a casserole valve.

I wonder if the pigeon will look like a bean cannon.

I felt like I couldn't understand what you were saying, and my mouth was half open and dumb.

The king laughed and gave permission.

"Warm up the milk first."


Pais will be taught by Mr. Farriel, the chef of the House of Morteln.

Presenting himself as a disciple of Pais, he is a middle-aged man who has gained considerable experience. However, not forgetting the feelings of being young, he still makes strides in culinary research.

"Here, I'm going to dissolve the sugar."

What's the amount?

One cup of milk, that's all.

I think there are quite a few of them.

"If you don't put that much in, it won't taste good." It's hard to feel the sweetness when it's cold. "

I see.

Milk and sugar are brewed in a very weak pan over a thick fire.

It is a work while checking the procedure, but if you look at it for Pais, it is a procedure that I have already tried many times, and I do not get lost or stare.

Farriel continues to make a note of it, surprised by the amount of sugar in it more than he thought.

"And when the sugar has melted, take the coarse heat and mix it with the egg yolk."

Oh, egg yolk.

"By putting this in, the mouthfeel becomes softer, it is easier to eat, and the shape is less likely to collapse"

I see.

Mix the eggs with the milk and strain with a cloth.

These eggs are also made from the finest eggs used in the Royal Palace. Authentic bespoke chicken eggs, which are young chicken eggs that have been sorted, and are filled with years of ingenuity.

Whatever you boil, it's a very delicious and rich egg, but the luxury of using only its yolk.

I use white meat for other sweets, but if I don't use it this time, it will be avoided.

A liquid that can be mixed beautifully and further set on fire.

“I'll mix it like this until it melts.”

"Hmm, I see. If you're not careful, the smell of scorching will come off?"

“That's right, you should be careful with the smell.”

It is cooled when there is so much tingling that it can be checked with a spatula.

Let's do a little work here.

”Ho ho ho”

Pais adds a bit of effort to the simple process.

What's added is a green sauce.

What's that?

"It's a mint sauce that I made specially for you."

Hmmm, do you mind if I take a sip?

It's fine.

"Ho ho, this is..." The scent slips through your nose. "

"I guess so."

When the sauce is mixed with each other, the yellowish milk becomes dyed green.

It is a vibrant new green color to the eyes.

And all you need to chill is a chunk of ice straight from the mountains.

I knew you'd use ice after all.

That's right.

Ice in a metal bowl and well chilled cream.

As it mixed, it hardened, the king of summer sweets.

Yes, ice cream.

"And if I hang the sauce that I had separately....."

Pais hangs the sauce on the ice cream.

It is a special sauce that has been researched and made to suit this ice cream.

It's done!

Representative examples of ingredients that are perishable.

Using ingredients such as milk and eggs, Pais made sweets that, of course, earned him a reputation at the Royal Palace.

Chocolate Mint Ice Cream Served with Berry Sauce

Now that they have a reputation in the capital, the Mortelleuns may even behave like visitors if they get the chance.

Or perhaps we could devise a way to do business.

As a servant of the Moltellun family, where the confectionery industry accounts for most of the income, it is not a loss to know the taste of sweets that they may use in business and diplomacy.

No, you should rather know.

Under the rationale, Pais was happy to cook in the kitchen.

"It's delicious!!"

"It's delicious."

"Cold and sweet".

"What is this, soo-soo?" A taste I've never tasted "

The servants who took a bite to taste each one of them expressed their feelings.

Everyone admired that there was only one thing that was given out in the royal palace and served as a trish.

The seasonal pattern is a time of flames. Ice cream is an exceptional flavor for servants who move their bodies and sweat through training and work, but it also keeps them cool.

"This coldness is good." The cold food you eat during the hot season is exceptional. "

Citizen Staff Sergeant Shiatsu likes the mint flavor, especially the chocolate mint flavor.

With momentum, Chokomin may become the party's representative.

Cold ice cream is a treat for a hot body in the summer.

It is good, and I do not hesitate to eat it.

"What is this Sue?"

The corona of a female servant is the texture of mint. No, I'm interested in the feeling after meals.

"That's a mint."

Oh, is that how you used it?

The sensation of the mouth being filled with a unique sense of coolness.

When you breathe, the feeling of coldness is unique to the mint flavor.

While saying it's funny, I'll eat this again.

"After all, pastry-sama's sweets are delicious."

"Rock is the dragon's protector."

Oh, yes. The Rock is the Dragon Guardian.

"Hey!! The strongest protector!!"

Young people who are in a mood for sweets and making noise.

The proximity of the distance is the family style of the Mortelleun family, but it can be said that it is dyed inside that the next lord is to be named.

”Hah... I think I know how he feels”

He is given two names that are unwilling to him, and is said flourishingly as a compliment.

The feeling that the sergeant sergeant who is called a peeker and who is called a peeker, said not to call him a peeker on a regular basis.

Pais understood the feeling twelve times now.

I feel like I'm going to get lost. Is it a warm and cute family that heals it?


Rejuvenated, Pee-suk licked Pais's face.