Sword God

494 No fixed platform (on)

The sky is blue and the sky is clear.

The blazing sun hangs above the sky, and it sprinkles light and enthusiasm wantonly.

Large crowds of people poured out of Jinghong City like flowing water, and they all went in the same direction. That is the direction of Feihong Mountain.

Today is the day when Wushuang Sword Fight begins.

Among the turbulent flow of people, Chen Zong traveled by shuttle, extremely fast. There are many others like him, but most people can only expand their body and follow the crowd.

Feihong Mountain is located 500 meters away from Jinghong City, 800 meters high, but it covers an active and wide area, with a radius of hundreds of miles. The whole mountain is surrounded by a circle. There is no vegetation in the mountain, and the bare one is like a stone. mountain.

The peak of Feihong Mountain is 800 meters high, but not the top.

When Chen Zong arrived at a glance, he was surprised.

He heard about the peculiarity of Feihongshan before he came, but after all, hearing his eyes was a matter of sight.

The top of the 800-meter mountain is a mountain peak. In terms of area, it is at least dozens of square meters in diameter, but it is recessed into the inside. It seems to have been deliberately dug out, reaching hundreds of meters in depth, like a huge sky pit.

Above the center of the tiankeng, a piece of land about twenty miles away seems to be standing in the air, about two hundred meters above the edge of the top of Feihong Mountain.

At first glance, I really thought that the land was suspended above the sky pit, but after careful identification, you can find that under the land, there is a huge pillar that seems to be connected by mud and stone. Up and down, prop up the twenty-mile radius of land, firmly above the sky pit.

And around the round twenty-mile radius of land, there are black chains connecting the edge of the top of Feihong Mountain, firmly fixed.

Each chain is up to several thousand meters long, with a strong and thin waist, cold and hard, which looks extremely visually striking and shocking.

"It turns out that this is a fixed platform, so big."

"Feihongshan has no fixed platform, Feihong has no fixed, but this is unique to us."

The martial arts of the terrifying man were proud.

There is no such spectacle in Tianjiang.

Feihong is uncertain!

"If it were made by manpower, how much time should be spent."

"You don't understand this, Feihong Mountain has no fixed platform, but it was done by the powerful players of the Earth Spirit Realm many years ago in just a few days."

There is a lot of talk.

"Go, there is no fixed platform."

As soon as the voice fell, some people spread out, climbed up the slope along the iron rope, and went straight to the indefinite platform.

"Hum, watch me leap directly." After a snort, a warrior jumped up, intending to cross the distance of thousands of kilometers with his body, but unexpectedly he just flew out of the sky, but his body fell quickly, as if by an invisible hand In general, some of them were embarrassed and fell on the chain.

Many people saw this scene, which caused a burst of laughter.

"The ignorant are fearless, and almost fell."

"Yeah, it is estimated that many people don't know the mystery of this indefinite platform, but here is the means laid down by the extraordinary powers. They can't leap out of thin air and can only advance along the iron rope."

Even if it falls, it will not be fatal, it is very embarrassing.

When Chen Zong jumped up and flew out of the sky, he really felt that an invisible force fell on his body, making people unable to resist. He could only stand when the sky fell and stood firmly on the iron rope. That force disappeared, Chen Zong Bin stepped forward with his feet and followed the chain.

When the figure jumped slightly and the distance from the iron rope was high, that invisible force appeared again, causing Chen Zong to fall.

After some temptation, Chen Zong unfolded his body with peace of mind and hurriedly ran over the iron rope, quickly leaping across the thousands of kilometers of iron rope, and set foot on the indefinite platform.

There are at least hundreds of iron ropes, but there are more warriors coming from all directions, and there are at least dozens of people on each rope.

There is no flat on the table.

As more and more people stepped on the indefinite platform, it appeared denser, but the indefinite platform underwent such a huge weight, but it remained still.

Suddenly, the Wuding platform swayed, and the flat terrain began to change drastically. The rounded ring-shaped platforms were raised and distributed around the Wuding platform. There were ten in total, and then, one by one. Pillars with thick waists broke out of the ground, and each pillar had a height of five meters.

Immediately, at the center of the indefinite platform, ten pillars rose and stopped after reaching a height of 20 meters. Then, ten bodies broke into the sky from different directions and landed on the ten pillars one after another. At the moment, three thicker pillars were raised, and each of them rose to a height of thirty meters before stopping.

Between the two figures flashing, they appeared on the huge pillars on the left and right sides, but the pillar in the middle was empty.

These two men, an old man in a green robe carrying a long sword, are surrounded by a breath of fierce fierceness, and each one is like a peerless sword, capable of cutting the earth and tearing the sky. His eyes are bright, one glance across the sky It seemed to be cut and burst into tears.

I saw a wave of his hand, and a brown seat appeared out of nowhere. After taking off his long sword, he rested gently on his knees and sat down naturally.

The other one is a middle-aged man wearing a silver armor with a golden dragon carving on it. The figure is very tall and strong, with a strong and domineering atmosphere. There is a feeling of human overlord. As he sits down, it seems like It is like a hill, and the giant sword behind it is also inserted on the stone pillar, making a shattering symphony of gold and iron, tearing the sky.

"That's the Tianhong ancestor of Jinghong Jianzong."

A set of eyes fell on the old man in the green robe, talking in a low voice.

"Tianhong's ancestor is a peerless swordsman in earthly realm, and he is rumored to be able to cut off mountains that are thousands of kilometers in one sword."

"The warrior in the transcendent realm has been separated from the essence of the mortal, and the earth spirit realm is even more powerful. It can be regarded as nothing to cut off thousands of mountains with a sword."

"The other one is the master of Jinghong Mansion."

"Yes, it's Longjing, the master of our Jinghong Mansion."

Jinghong Jianzong has two ancestors in the spirit realm. Tianhong ancestor is one of them. Compared with another ancestor, Tianhong ancestor appears more often. As for another ancestor, it is said that the cultivation is higher and deeper. More powerful, he has been sitting in the middle of Jinghong Sword Sect for hidden repairs, and even such a grand event as Wushuang Sword Fight can not let him appear.

As for this dragon mirror, it is a clan with direct blood of the royal family, guarding the Jinghong Mansion, and was named the owner of the Jinghong Mansion.

Each of the eight mansions in Longtuyu has a governor seated in the town. These eight mansions can be divided into upper four mansions and lower four mansions. Spiritual powerhouse.

As a powerful top-grade sect, the power of the Longtu royal family is not just as simple as the four earth spirits.

A matchless sword fight can bring two strong ground spirit realms to come, or a high ground spirit realm strong, which shows that Jinghong Sect and the royal family attach importance to the matchless sword fight.

As for the other ten people, there are also very big ones. Seven of them are the elders of Jinghong Jianzong's extreme state, and three of them are the strongest people of Jinghong's extreme state, the confidant of Long Jinghou.

This unparalleled sword fight is going to be carried out under the watchful eyes of ten powerful people in the extreme realm and two strong people in the spiritual realm.

"You talents, let me talk about the rules of Wushuang sword fighting first, please listen carefully." A Jinghong elder from Jingjing Sect opened his mouth, and the slightly old voice came into everyone's ears. Tens of thousands of people all quieted down, and even their breath was undetectable.

"Unparalleled sword fighting is a triennial event in Jinghong Mansion, but only swordsmen who have enough skill in swordsmanship can participate and do their best to show it, maybe you can get unexpected benefits." Elder Ningsheng said : "There are ten rings in the unparalleled sword fight, and each ring will have a ring leader. When you defeat all the challengers to hold the ring, you can get rewards and enter the decisive battle."

To put it this way, the rules are simple, defend the game, defeat all challengers, and enter the final.

"The final decisive battle is conducted among the ten champions, and the rewards will be different according to the ranking."

"Speaking of rewards, now I will briefly talk about it." The old man in extreme situations laughed, and everyone focused more and listened.

"The last ten champions in the first battle will all get a chance of one-on-one pointing by the powerful extreme." The elder Jinghong Jianzong said: "There are ten extremes on the scene. You can choose any one of them. ."

Suddenly, many people breathed quickly.

One-on-one guidance from the strongest person in the extreme world will greatly help your cultivation.

However, there are also a few people who are unimpressed. For them, the guidance of the strongest people is certainly a good thing for them, and there will not be too much difference if they don't.

"It's just the guidance of the strongest person in the extreme, so make them excited like this. If you can always get the guidance of the strongest person in the extreme, wouldn't it be fun to pass by." She was wearing a white robe and carrying a long sword. She was a disciple of Jinghong Jianzong.

"Every group of non-influential swordsman martial arts, where they are qualified to get the guidance of the elders from time to time." A arrogant young man next to him said with a grin.

"Without enough talent, how can I become a disciple of Jianzong, and how can I get the eyes of Master and other elders." The third young man also said, but his calm face contained amazing pride, It's just more restrained.

Wushuang Jiandou does not restrict the disciple of Jinghong Jianzong to participate, and even encourages the disciple of Jinghong Jianzong to participate, because by doing so, the rewards can be kept more within Jinghong Jianzong. People's abilities can serve two purposes.

"In the end, if you perform well enough during the sword fight, you might be chosen as a disciple by a strong man." Elder Jinghong's last sentence made more people excited.

There is no need to get any rankings, as long as you can impress the strong with excellent performance, you may be accepted as a disciple.

What a temptation.

Only a few people can still maintain a calm attitude and perform well enough. It is very good to be accepted as a disciple by the strong. It sounds very good, but how difficult it is to know that the top ten champions do not necessarily have this honor. How should the strongest people be disciples, how can they be outstanding?