Sword God

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1267


The breathtaking breathlessness suddenly erupted from the sitting figure, as if the millennium volcano had erupted. It was breathtakingly breathtaking, but it was extremely chilly, and like a tarsal maggot, it made people feel chilly and terrible. .

Whimpering, weeping, and endless ears, ghosts shrouded Chen Zong, illusions.

The pale, twisted, and greasy faces appeared one by one in front of the eyes. In the dark place, a pale whitish dry ghost claw with a dark blue clawed out silently, and quickly grabbed Chen Zong's chest with lightning, seeming to wear Entering the heart, the heart of Chen Zong burst in one fell swoop.

The super-sensation made Chen Zong aware in a moment. Those ghost faces are illusory, but the ghost claw is real.

The palm of his left hand lifted up and suddenly burst out.


The scorching fierce mountain dragon force condenses on the palm, and the power of Ziyun Heixingyan is mobilized and bombarded.

For such powers, the fiery qi and blood originally had the restraint effect, plus the power of the fiery dragon power and the purple cloud black star inflammation, it instantly exploded that ghost claw.

"Good." The sitting figure was more excited, because he felt the breath of the strange fire of the ground fluctuate.

In the beginning, he asked Yang Lin to find someone to come in, the purpose was to devour the soul and flesh and restore himself, but because he was too different from the heyday, he was also limited to not being too high, too low, so he was limited to the extraordinary. At this level of extremes, it can be easily dealt with, and after absorption, it can restore some of its own strength.

After all, I don’t have much power left, I can consume as much as possible, and everything is mainly to restore myself steadily.

After a part of your strength is restored, you can gradually introduce more powerful cultivators and devour and absorb further.

Finally, it is even possible to open the Yinhu Ancient Tomb and let some weaker saints enter it, engulfing their flesh and soul and absorbing them until they are fully recovered.

This is what the plan is. Step by step, it will be perfect. When you fully recover, it will be vast.

Unexpectedly, the first step of the plan has just been implemented, and one of the ten extraordinary realms brought by the servant is so special.

Not only does it have the most powerful blood, but also has a strong soul, and it also has a strange fire.

This is a big tonic for myself.

Since it is a big supplement, it can only consume more power to suppress it, and then refining and absorbing it, its own strength can be restored to at least 10%.

This recovery of strength, but the second step and even the third step in his own plan.

An increasingly tyrannical breath broke out, intending to suppress Chen Zong in one fell swoop, so as not to consume too much power, and to lose the gain.

The skinny claws swelled up suddenly, grabbed in the air, and grabbed Chen Zong like a moon in the water, the surrounding space instantly solidified, and the terrible pressure came from all directions. may not.

This kind of pressure was even stronger than the high-level half-sacred Void Demon Dragonman encountered in the Ice King Hall demon fantasy war.


Qi blood burst!

Lieshan Dragon Power broke out!

Super spiritual power burst!

The triple power erupted, as if the ancient volcano exploded, releasing the terrible extreme power, and also bursting the power of the bondage in an instant.

The heavy dragon sword returned to the sheath, and a larger and heavier sword appeared in Chen Zong's hands. As soon as it appeared, it released an amazing sword pressure and suppressed all directions.

Sword Yue Yue!

The power of the Sword Yueyue is far superior to the heavy dragon sword, which makes Chen Zong more powerful.

Heart Sword Domain!

Four meters square, all in your own grasp.

Ten shadows and ten blades to kill!

The body disappeared under that claw, and turned into a sword light rushing out, approaching the sitting person, the majestic and sharp sword light broke into the air.


The sky is falling apart.

The power of this sword erupted was terrible, as if it had reached the level of a high-order half-sacred level, and the sitting figure was horrified.

Unexpectedly, this person's strength was so terrible.

"Damn, you actually have such strength, so that the deity has to explode more power." The thin man's shadow was badly corrupted.

Originally, the power of the high-level half-sacred level broke out, which was already a lot of consumption, but now, the strength displayed by the other party has reached the high-level half-sacred level. Can only come up with more strength.


This time, all the power was erupted directly, reaching a level of entering the Holy Land.

Although it is the lowest level in the sanctified territory, there is a clear gap from the semi-sanct level.

The indomitable breath of repression made Chen Zong almost suffocate, and that amazing power bound every part of the body up and down.

The ghosts, the ghosts, the ghosts, and the weeping desolateness are the constant interference and impact on Chen Zong’s soul, shaking Chen Zong’s blood and disorder Chen Chen’s power.

The nine people piled up in the corner of the wall were completely paralyzed, like a snake with a spine removed, unable to move and fearful.

They never imagined that once a secret place, the imagination should be to get all the benefits and resources in the secret territory to make themselves more powerful, but on the contrary, it is a big conspiracy, containing unimaginable danger.

Now, we can only hope for that person, hoping that he can defeat this terrible strongman before he can be saved, otherwise he will die here.

It is not enough to die, it will be swallowed by this terrible strong man to absorb flesh and soul and die, thinking about it will feel horrified and horrified.

Chen Zong exploded in all his strength, and Heart Sword Territory urged him to resist this repressive force as much as possible.

On that day, in the ice emperor's secret territory, Chen Zong used the heart sword territory to resist the aura of red shadow and fire urged by the eclipse king before he got rid of the lock and was able to get away.

But now Chen Zong has found that the momentum of the real powerful saints is even more mysterious and more terrifying. With the heart sword domain, he can only resist a little.

One claw came to tears out of thin air, and there was a gleam of blue flames on the claws, and the tearing vacuum was terrible.

This attack intends to strike Chen Zong seriously, so that it will be better suppressed.

As long as you don't kill, because if you die, the effect will inevitably be greatly reduced when swallowed and absorbed.

Such a large tonic, if the effect is a discount, the loss is not small, so try to keep the other party alive, as long as you live, it does not matter if you are seriously injured and dying.

The breath of this claw is terrifying, as if the claw of the evil spirit came out of hell and brought death.

Chen Zong's face changed abruptly. He cut into Yuejian's income, and his hands were free, making the opponent a little surprised.

Could it give up resistance?

Do not!

No matter what kind of desperate situation he faces, Chen Zong never gave up resistance, and this time, he will not.

The reason why the swords are put away is that now, apart from the hole cards, the swordsmanship is not its strongest strength.

Your strongest strength should be fingering.

Saint-grade top grade Taiyuan Moyun finger!

A year of closed-door cultivation, combined with Taiyuan King's cultivation experience, Chen Zong pointed Taiyuan Moyun's first finger to practice successfully, even if it is only a new entry, and he has not fully mastered it, it can burst out amazing power.

The right hand lifted the index finger and stretched it out. The super-spiritual power of the seventh layer of Taiyuan Moyun Gong quickly gathered into the index finger. , Eventually converging at your fingertips.

Every ripple spreads and spreads on the fingers, which contains great power, which is very amazing.


As if it could crush everything.

Chen Zong felt that his index finger became extremely heavy and extremely tense, and seemed to be crushed by a terrible force.

The gap between Saint-level superior martial arts and Saint-level superior martial arts is at least a hundredfold.

What's more, the match between Taiyuan Moyun Finger and Taiyuan Moyun Gong is a matching, and the power will increase by more than 20% to 30%.

This finger has not yet exerted, that amazing power is already better than using the sword of Yue Yue to show double-edged one.

This finger is also the strongest blow that Chen Zong currently possesses.

Taiyuan Moyun...One finger to Zhenyue!

When the shoulder moves, the arm moves forward, and the finger comes out with a wave. .


The terrifying and powerful momentum, like a void storm rolled up, fell with one finger, it can suppress the ancient mountains.

This finger suddenly collided with each other's ghost claws and stunned each other.

In the next breath, Chen Zong only felt the terrifying power of bombardment, shattered his finger, and bombarded it.


Chen Zong was blasted and hit a wall with a dull sound. Fortunately, his strong body was not hurt, but it was also full of blood.

Taiyuan Moyun pointed out that he was really strong, but the other party was really in the sanctuary. With his current strength, he still couldn't fight it.

This skinny man was even more shocked. Who the hell was, he could actually exhibit such terrible martial arts.

For a time, he even breeds a rich killing opportunity, to kill the other party, even if the effect of swallowing and absorption is greatly reduced.

Chen Zong felt a moment of murderous intent.

"It seems that you can only use the bottom card." Chen Zong said slightly, and secretly said.

It is a pity that although Dragon Power has also transformed into Super Dragon Power, there is still a clear gap between the Super Spiritual Power and the Centering Sword.

"Death!" The skinny figure grabbed it, and the power of this claw broke out. The killing intention was full of extremeness, just to kill Chen Zong, so as not to drag the time longer, and what happened to him would not be good for himself.

As for restoring strength, it can only come slowly, better than an uncontrollable accident.

Facing this murderous blow, Chen Zong looked dignified and raised his hand. A scarlet on the back of his right hand appeared.

Bloody Sword Seal!

This is also the first time Chen Zong has urged the power of the blood-stained sword seal to exhibit the blood-stained sword technique.

According to Chen Zong's estimation, the power of the blood-stained sword seal urged the blood-stained swordsmanship to be displayed, and it should be able to reach the level of entering the sanctuary. As for the level of entering the sanctuary, it is unclear.

If it doesn't work anymore, then it can only use other cards, such as the Liuyun Feijian gift from the Master of Cloud Cloud Dao, the six-strike full blow into the Holy Land, I believe it will be enough to bomb the opponent.