Sword God

Question 2324

The ultimate sword light, a sword is shot in the sky, penetrating and tearing everything, unparalleled.

The fierce punch of the evil god corpse is like a meteorite skyfall, directly shot down, violently unmatched, destroying everything, in the dark, the air is exploded and turned into a vacuum, and countless airflows swept from all directions. A vortex of storms was formed, and the roaring screams caused the whole cave to shake.

This punch was in contact with Chen Zong's sword. At a moment, the sword light was broken, but the punch was also penetrated.

Chen Zong flashed his body, folded a near-perfect arc, and walked behind the corpse of the evil god, and a sword was cut out in the sky. Neck.

When the blade touched the neck of the evil corpse puppet, Chen Zong's expression slightly changed.


The film of the evil god corpse has an indescribable toughness, the ultimate toughness, even if it is the sharp characteristics of the first sword Yuangong, it is difficult to tear it in a blink of an eye, but the amazing characteristics of the first sword Yuangong's strength still let Chen Zong's sword tore the defense of the evil puppet.

However, instead of severing one of the swords, it was blocked by about one-fifth, and there was a force that was extremely strong and contracted. The sword of Chen Zong was stuck, and at the same time, the evil god The corpse's evil god's arm twisted strangely, and suddenly slain to the sky.

The several-meter-long Claw of the Evil God is extremely sharp, enough to tear all the hardness and make Chen Zong's hairs stand upright. Once caught, Rao is strong in his own body and his defense is amazing.

Five fingers clasped, big ribs like dragons, and power burst, then the wrist shook gently, the sword body trembled, and the force clamped around the neck of the evil corpse pup was shaken a little with the force of vibration, and the sword was pulled away.

With a flash of figure, Chen Zong rolled up a sword light directly, but instead of going backward, he deceived himself and flew past the neck of the evil god corpse puppet.

The Claw of the Evil God is several meters long, and Chen Zong approaches, so that the offensive of the Evil God Claw cannot be fully demonstrated.

The sword light passed by, which happened to be the wound on the neck of the evil corpse puppet, and the wound was deepened again.


The response speed of the evil corpse puppet was amazing. Between dozens of scarlet eyes, Chen Zong quickly locked, and the arm of the evil god lifted up and fell suddenly, as if suppressed by a mountain. The terrible fist pressure directly caused the ground to collapse.

Under strong wind pressure, Chen Zong felt that it was difficult to open his eyes.

However, Chen Zong's body style is very flexible, bypassing a circle, not only avoiding the violent blow of the arm of the evil spirit, but again cutting out the sword.

The evil god corpse's power is very arrogant, the reaction is very fast, the speed is also very fast, the defense is extremely amazing, it can be called a terrible monster, but after several battles, Chen Zong still found his weakness.

That is not mellow enough, although the movement is fast, but a little stiff, no one is so smart.

Moreover, the body of the evil god corpse is huge and bloated, far better than Chen Zong. If the evil god corpse is likened to an elephant, then Chen Zong is as cheetah-like as healthy. Tactical, and will not arbitrarily produce a sword, but once a sword is made, it will inevitably attack the weaknesses of the evil god corpse puppet.

Such as the neck, such as joints, etc.

If one sword doesn't work, then two swords, if two swords doesn't work, then three swords.

With his incomparable flexibility, Chen Zong quickly walked close to himself, playing with the evil god corpse puppet.

A celestial arrogance of an eternal battle fort broke into the branch road, and the war intentions skyrocketed and continued to advance.

Very abrupt, with a subtle and dense voice coming, getting closer and closer, making the scalp tingling and looking intently, the arrogance of this eternal battle fort suddenly changed greatly.

It was a black tide-like thing, which was approaching frantically at an alarming speed. Look carefully, it was not a tide, but a black beetle bug with the size of a fist. The body was shiny black, and the claws seemed to be very Sharp, long shark-like fine serrations full of mouth.

"Dead!" Tianjiao of the eternal battle fort only felt that his scalp was tingling and his face was very dignified, but he did not retreat. The fighting intention broke out, gathered in his hands, and slammed out.

The palm prints broke through the air, and the bombardment arrived. It directly bombarded the black beetle wave, and immediately knocked it back, hit the fly, and killed.

But he was shocked to find that the attack of his ten-star power, the black beetles killed were very limited, but only the first dozens, but these dozens were relative to the black wave-like beetle flow, But it's just a trivial part, like a bowl of water in a pond.


A palm followed by a continuous bombardment, palms connected, as if the rivers and waves were endless, the roaring sound continued to sound, as if the waves were surging.

Batches of beetles were bombarded, and every time dozens of beetles died, but the dead beetles were instantly overwhelmed by the beetles that they caught up later.


The black wave-like beetles approached the arrogance of the eternal battle fort, the speed was so fast, it was sensational, and it was too late even if they wanted to retreat. They were directly surrounded and crawled all over their bodies.

Fists, fingers, feet, etc. are all turned into weapons, carrying a force of extreme strength, killed by crazy bombardment, killing wave after wave of black beetles.

Then, there was a terrible howling noise, when the black beetle wave spread quickly, just like a locust crossing, the Tianjiao of the eternal battle fort had died, leaving only a withered bone that had been eaten into a bad shape. , Even the Yuanshen did not escape.

While the sword light was shining, the punch from the corpse puppet of the evil god was suddenly taken off. The forearm connected to the huge fist was also cut off in an instant, fell directly, and smashed the ground, making an amazing sound.

At the next breath, Jianguang divided into two, two into four, four into eight...

In a flash, a sword was divided into hundreds or even thousands of sword lights, each of which was extremely sharp, as if condensed into a sublime weapon blade, and fell on the huge and bloated body of the evil god corpse.

Thousands of swords are extremely dazzling, like the fireworks in the night sky.

The sword light has not yet dissipated, but Chen Zong has already received the sword and returned to the sheath. His figure fell gently to the ground with his toes a little, and there is no sound. Passed by the corpse of the evil god wrapped in thousands of swords.

The sword light dissipated, and the evil corpse puppet remained motionless as if it had been immobilized. At the next breath, a series of cracks appeared on the neck, limbs, and joints of the evil corpse puppet, spreading out one after another.


In the previous attack, Chen Zong focused on the neck and various joints of the evil god corpse, cutting in from every angle. The last sword turned into a thousand swords, more like a straw that crushed the camel, and all the neck and all joints Cut off.

Dozens of red eyes were also broken by Jian Qi, and the pupils inside were also broken.

This evil god corpse was directly abolished by Chen Zong.

"Good swordsmanship." The look of the evil priest flashed a little dignified.

The corpse of the evil god was created by his own hands, and he is very clear about the combat strength.

But now, with the power prevailing, the other side was dismembered by the superb swordsmanship. Such swordsmanship is indeed very delicate and superb.

As a result, let the evil priest high priest know the weakness of the evil corpse puppet, which is convenient for future improvement.

However, the evil god high priest is more interested in Chen Zong itself. If this person can be seized and transformed, it may become an excellent help.

Chen Zong first recovered his strength, then moved on, and stepped into a new fork, still a relatively narrow fork.

When Chen Zong moved about halfway, his sharp ears heard the sound of small sounds, like the sound of the legs and feet of small insects crossing the land. In an instant, the dense numbness became a piece, making the scalp numb.

Chen Zong's eyes were extremely sharp, and when he gazed, he saw that a black wave swept over and over, faster than himself.

It wasn't water, but a black beetle the size of a fist. The amazing eyesight made Chen Zong see the black beetle clearly.

Scarlet eyes, a single horn, fine teeth like jagged teeth, sharp six-legged.

With a strong sense of crisis, Chen Zong was horrified. Without hesitation, he immediately withdrew and backed away.

However, the speed of the black beetle is much faster than that of Chen Zong. Chen Zong was too late to withdraw from the fork.


The sword light flashed and was directly killed, falling on the front black beetle. The sharp sword suddenly tore and killed the black beetle's amazing carapace.

It's just that Chen Zong frowned slightly, and the black beetle killed by this sword was only a hundred, less than expected, indicating that the black beetle's defense is stronger than he thought.

Cut down!

Only in a flash, countless sword lights came out, and every sword light could kill hundreds of beetles. The dense sword lights continued to kill the beetles.

The beetle's speed is extremely fast, and it is approaching fast. It is not afraid of death, and Chen Zong wields his sword very fast. The sword is light and violent, like a violent wind like a rainstorm. .

The number of black beetles is extremely large, at least hundreds of thousands of giants. Even so, in the end, no black beetle can really touch Chen Zong's body. The nearest one is two meters apart, which is just a sword. range.

Click to kill!

The last beetle was killed under Chen Zong's sword.

At first glance, the densely packed black beetle corpses exude an indescribable sour and smelly smell that overflows the entire branch road and is disgusting.

Wielding a sword, splitting a beetle corpse passage, Chen Zong's body rolled into a sword light, passing by quickly.

All this scene fell under the observation of the high priest of the evil god, but His Royal Highness did not see it, because he had already stared at Yuan Chongshan.

In his view, Yuan Chongshan is qualified to be his real opponent. After all, Yuan Chongshan's cultivation base is higher than that of Chen Zong, and his combat power must still be better than Chen Zong.

With a force of extreme strength, Yuan Chongshan broke through numerous obstacles. Eventually, he stepped out of the fork and walked into the deepest part of the underground cave, which is also the place where His Evil God and the High Priest are located.