Sword of Glutton Princess

Lesson Twenty-nine, Gumdon Deaths.

"Look, our aim is to replace Marty's cunt, the Magic Commander, and smash all the gray denominational idiots into this city!

I was alongside Edda and listening to Gumdon's speech.

Next to Gumdon, a skinny, filthy little man stood and watched the audience wandering.

Somewhere, he reminded me of a rat.

Slightly spotted on the face. Are you in your forties?

The little man doesn't fail to make our observation as he snorts at Gamdon's story from time to time.

"... he's Childick, a pretty fightable guy among environmentalist nearby demon conductors. I often assist Gumdon. He's creepy, but he's capable. He said the story was rapidly gathered because Childick moved quickly."

Heydall slapped me.

Environmentalists are a generic term for the use of the subtle magic "Matter" to purify the Labyrinth.

I heard that the subtle magic "Matter" itself is not suitable for attack, so it is often thoroughly aided by allies in combat, but Childick seems to be the type of environmentalist who can fight.

... Heydall's rating says Childick gets a lot of head turning, but it's something that's often on Gumdon.

No, maybe he's standing around using simple gumdons well.

"Nice! That Romane's largest chamber of commerce, the Largin Chamber of Commerce, is also helping us with this matter! They provide direct financial assistance to our activities, while at the same time collecting more support money than some of the victims to help them flow to us!

Gumdon has been talking about money for a long time.

It does matter. But I want you to move on.

It's a crisis in the city of Romane.

"Though I would have been worried about the financial aspects! The money will come out! Besides, the Ragin Chamber of Commerce has an expedition of the Demonic Labyrinth gathered by adventurers. He won't be facing the expedition this time, but if he sells his face well, he can rub it off with both the hardware!

"Gumdon's husband...... it's time to tell the next story? You knew the money would come out."

"Mm-hmm? Or so it is."

When Childick said blur, Gumdon finally separated the story.

That strong, short-tempered gumdon honestly follows Childick.

"There was a message left on the wall that the Grey Church hit the army, but you already know that all the scumbags in the army subcontractor erased it, right? I already know what it is."

An adventurer's guild, I did hear rumors like that.

An Alliance official spilled strange blood graffiti.

That seemed to be the biggest factor that was rough in the guild in the first place.

He said he went early in the morning, but even that army couldn't seem to prevent the content from being leaked altogether.

"The Grey Church had declared that they would bring twenty-four hostages to the basement four levels of the Romaburg Underground Ruins, and they were calling on Marty by name! If you don't see room for negotiation, you are declaring that you will kill all the hostages and repeat the same thing!

I'm breathtaking.

The army is desperately trying to hide it.

No matter how much they try to ignore the Grey Church, if this turns out to be taboo, they just can't ignore voices from residents.

I would have summoned Sergeant Marti Magic to bring him the example Magic Instructor, the Trapezohedron of Kurohui.

But I honestly don't think Sergeant Marti Magic, who has not taken a decent response to the Grey Church so far, will respond to this negotiation.

The answer would have been to let them erase the statement from them.

"Wait! But if you can make that statement public, can you slap the army's ass?

One of the adventurers speaks up.

Gumdon looks down.

"Are you an idiot! This is my opportunity, no, for us to make it! Are you going to live the rest of your life hunting for the Battle Mouse while you're scared of an accident? I don't give a shit about that!

"Let's talk from me."

Childick took control of Gumdon by hand and shut him up.

"Already, there are rumors flying within the city of Romaburg. Perhaps the army sent it. There are also many fake graffiti, and it takes a long time to get it right now. We don't have time for that."

In contrast to Gumdon's speech close to fury, Childick speaks pale.

... Yes, the lives of the hostages are at stake.

It's not something that can be used as a gathering of adventurers, such as pushing off an intelligence battle against an army opponent.

"Expect clearly from the army! We defend this city of Romaburg! Those who subscribe to this Gumdon and join this Gumdon Death Regiment, gather here again in half a day! There's no time! But don't let the army enlighten you! The traitor will be executed by me in this Rigorous Axe Gigantes!

Gumdon barks with his fist up.

"... it's a fucking name for a livestock pig," Nark. "

Edda squeaks like she throws up.

... Gumdon, anyway, the city Romaburg is going to be really tough as it is.

"That purple head was there, but why shouldn't the army enlighten you? They're gonna wipe their asses, aren't they?

Belzevute asks me strangely.

"... this is clearly an act of pulling a bow on the army. When the military does nothing and the adventurers come together for autonomy, they will crush the face of the Magic Commander"

I don't know what Sergeant Marti Magic is after.

I know you're afraid of the situation where you're going to have to take the option of moving poorly and handing over "Blackhui's Trapezohedron" to them to preserve the peace of the city, but the oddity stands out that you did.

You just shouldn't expect me to keep my mouth shut and the Grey Church will be gone.

But I don't see any movement at all where they hit a decent response.

Besides, on top of the Marti Magic Supervisor, there is the Silvas Magic Supervisor who divides the eastern part of the Kingdom of Ryuz.

I often hear that some tyranny is tolerated above, but Marti Magic Commander's trend is remarkable.

This gathering of adventurers...... If the Gumdon Deathliner achieves results, if it can be carried well, Commander Marti Magic should be in a bad position once and for all within the army.

More importantly, a flying neck is not an impossible story.

In that sense, the incident is arguably a good opportunity to oust Sergeant Martí Magic from the military wing of what is now the city of Romaburg.

However, it is disturbing that this military action is so full of gaps.

After the Gamdon Deaths have achieved results, it will not be easy for Sergeant Marty Magic to reach out to us.

But if you notice this move during the prep phase, you should come up with some kind of sabotage.

Nor would the Largin Chamber of Commerce be offering its full support.

It would be for the city that the Largin Chamber of Commerce is funding me, but they are also not going to be in full conflict with the military again.

It is above all proof that the Ragin Chamber of Commerce will not give you the magic conductor you hold.

He's giving me assistance whenever I can get away with it, that's all.

The anxiety of this gathering is so much that if you raise it, there will be no cutting.

The fact that the head, Gamdon, does not even try to hide his monetary purposes, the opaque power of the Grey Church that would have kept in mind to deal with the army, and the unlikely fact that the army will remain silent and static.

On top of that... the underground four tiers have a lot of intense and dangerous warcraft.

But this gathering is the only way we can save the hostages and protect the city of Romaburg.