Sword of Glutton Princess

Lesson 37 Negotiations and Conditions

"I was looking for Mr. Garlock. They set you up, didn't they?

Garlock wrinkles around his forehead.

The Magic Sword remained untouched.

He still seemed wary of what we were doing here.

"We got hit, too. To be precise, Edda was about to be taken and this is what happened in the stream...... Mani should still be free to walk outside without military soldiers flying by."

Garlock lowered his Magic Sword slightly.

"... you guys, too"

"Have you heard anything about me or Edda? Someone's cooperating, right?

"Chip, does a kid like this find out everything? It's a miracle the army hasn't been able to find it before, even though it's not reconciling well with the people here."

Garlock scratched his hair.

"Neither is he in a position to accidentally go outside. Much marked by the military. Better compared to me, but definitely out if they find us near fucking Marty's side."

Garlock looked behind the ruins.

"That one...?

In Mani's story, Garlock's collaborators talked about a girl.

But apparently Garlock says it in a way that looks up to the girl.

"And... we're not talking badly. Forget it."

He's not just a accomplice.

If you expose yourself to hiding Garlock now, that's not the only thing you know what you'll be treated like by the military.

After all, he seemed to know someone from the beginning.

I looked into Garlock's body.

Dim and hard to see, but bandaged around his chest and feet.

He seemed pretty scratched when he ran away from the army.

I heard the girl was looking for medication, but it was still for Garlock's treatment, apparently.

"To this extent, there is no such thing. I used to hide here to heal my wounds. Now I can move my arms and legs decently. I'm not going back on them anymore.... So, what the hell are you guys doing here? You didn't consign the army to sell me out and make me miss it, did you?

The way you say it is the way you joke about it, but the eyes are tough.

I'm on guard.

He also seemed serious about the possibility that we might have come here on the orders of the military.

Garlock has not yet solved the setup of the Magic Sword.

If you need anything, we'll get you on the attack immediately.

To enter into a cooperative relationship with Garlock, it seemed necessary to clear up any suspicions from him first.

Mani stepped forward.

"If you're in the military, I'm not going around like that when I find out where Mr. Garlock is. Using an external untrustworthy person increases that much risk as well. You don't have to bother using civilians to push Mr. Garlock, whose whereabouts are confirmed."

That's how Mani explained it to Garlock.

Garlock meditated for a few seconds as he thought, and lowered his magical guide sword.

"... right. If they catch me, they'll be surrounded by numbers. He was a little overstretched."

Garlock lifted my guard.

I exhaled in relief.

That's Mani. In a situation of tension with each other, it was a logical and sober point.

"Mr. Garlock, I need a favor. There are also limits to hiding all the time in this slum. Tomorrow... No, I found it today, and it's not a strange situation. But we're not strong enough to escape the city of Romaburg through the current military vigilance. I think that is the same thing for Mr Garlock. Can you help me?

"... cooperation, or"

"Yes. With Mr. Garlock's power, it shouldn't be impossible to break through the city gates. I know it's dangerous, of course. But there's no other way out than to compete here."

Garlock bowed his head and meditated his eyes.

He seemed to be thinking again.

After a little silence, I opened my eyes and raised my face.


"Conditions, is it? That's..."

"I have to get out of here and escort my daughter to the city of Palmgart in exchange for her life. If you want to help me get out of here, I'll have my escort with me."

"Until Palmgard, escort......?

Mani opened his eyes wide and rebelled with Garlock's words in his mouth.

The city of Palmgard is the largest city in the eastern part of this crown kingdom.

It's not that far from the city of Romaburg, but using the high level Demon Horse Aqua should take a week.

It is unfortunately reckless to flee as far as Palmgard while fighting the army chasers.

Moving with purpose also means that your opponent will be stuck in action.

The army will never be able to leave Garlock alone.

If you missed out on the city of Romaburg, you'd throw in all your power and come after me.

"It's a selfish story, but I don't have any other power to rely on. To the army... even for Master Lagor, who was killed by Marti, you can never take it off there"

Garlock mouths as he devours his teeth.

I guess you understand Garlock is saying impotent too.

Mani put his finger on his lips and had a rugged look on his face.

"Is there any assurance that Mr. Garlock's movements will not be read by the military?

Mani asks Garlock.

Garlock couldn't answer.

"Dean, it's not realistic to leave here and head straight to Palmgard."

I hold my head.

If we remain in this city of Romaburg, any day we will surely be found by the army.

But if we leave here with the help of Garlock, we will have a step-in-law who will follow us all the way to the city of Palmgard.

And it's not hard to imagine that the journey will be spectacular.

"Let me hear some more about the situation. Who the hell is your daughter?

Garlock glanced behind his back.

From behind the abandoned house, the girl looked softly.

He was a little girl, deeply dressed in an old robe.

Is he about twelve years old?

From between the robes, my beautiful blonde hair was shaking.

He's staring at us somewhat frightened.

"She was one of the men of the Sylvas Warlock, Lagore's daughter, Celia."

When I heard what Garlock said, I couldn't block my open mouth.

Speaking of Magic Warlords, he is the ruler of one province.

The position within the army is higher than that of Marty, the Magic Commander.

Lagor should have been just the president of the Chamber of Commerce.

I didn't think you had a connection to such a big guy.

"Marty should know that Master Celia is alive, but I guess he's decided to be dead because it's not convenient when survival is largely revealed. If we take Celia back to General Silvas, the ruler of Palmgard, this time we will be able to push Marty."

I'm breathtaking.

"... can you ruin Marty?

Martti has ruled the city of Romaburg and laid down a reign of oppression.

There are so many black rumors I can't count.

My mother's death was also caused by the army's daring to abandon the Warcraft disaster.

I have also heard that Hyodor's extension to the crime was aimed at protecting the orphanage of his origin from the army.

The increase in the number of victims of the Grey Church was due to the fact that the military did not want to enter into negotiations with them.

We worked backwards without moving, using scattered adventurers, and then collectively trying to dispose of them.

Even now that their prospects were revealed, we were unable to do anything to the army.

And soon afterwards, to the robbery of Lagore's Hall, it is a criminal commotion.

There's so much that I can't count my revenge.

Still, I couldn't get my hands on it.

All this time, I thought I was someone I didn't go far with.

Now Marty's neck was coming to a point where if he reached out, he could reach his fingertips.