Sword of the Philosopher

Discussion with the Spirit

Because I'm here, or show signs that Raifin has unlocked the magic. Sophia at the time sat back trying to hide in the bushes.


Come closer and I'll speak up. She was so grumpy, she eventually focused on me.

"... Dear Luon"

"Are you all right?

Sophia leaned down as she seemed unharmed... but silenced.


"... sorry, me too"

"No, my control was poor for the biggest reason... and I'll be more careful than I am today from now on"

Raifin showed up on the verge of saying, "Let's go to town," while I was trying to be careful in the future. Speaking of which, she was exercising her magic, but are you guessing the battle between me and Garc?

"Raifin, what about you?

"I'm fine."

"What have you been doing since Sophia broke into the woods?

"... in rambling the magic, I assimilated the winds and signs around me. result. For once, we were never attacked by demons."

Raefin speaks, sighing small.

"And because Sophia was running out of magic herself, for one thing, I was going to maintain my magic and restore my health... and when some magic returned, I was going to start acting."

... That's what Sophia mentions before she's here, but I guess she was actually waiting for me to come. I'm supposed to be doing something about it, and it hurries me up... and I'm in a situation where I can fight the Garc even more without preparation. I'll ask you later if she notices any kind of engagement with Gark.

Sophia gets up. I ask her because she seemed weak somewhere.

"Can you walk?

"Yes, for once"

"Caln must be arranging the inn for me. Let's get to town."

"... sorry, the itinerary has gone a lot crazy too"

I don't mind.

So we got to get out of the woods. I'm pretty sure it was a pretty nasty commotion... but still, well, I've gotten connections with the god spirit, and it turned out good...?

When I got back to town, Caln welcomed me and I was supposed to stay in this town today. After a peaceful apology from both sides, Caln and Sophia came to the conclusion that we should be careful after tomorrow.

I go into my room, I sit in my chair, I stick my cheeks on, and I think about my plans for the future. I'm not on the itinerary anymore, but I think if we hurry a little tomorrow, we'll get there on schedule, so this neighborhood is fine. The problem concerns the Garc.

I stabbed the nail, so you wouldn't intervene unless you told me to. In other words, a situation in which the power of the divine Spirit is needed would be when the continent is also in a state of considerable danger… Seeing the trends of the protagonists, if it is becoming a dangerous state, decide to ask for cooperation?

For one thing, act as planned... when I was thinking about that, I heard a knock on the window.

I understand who that is and I open the window. From the outside, Raifin slips into the room.

"What's up?

I need to talk to you for a second.

My face is slightly stiff...... I guess that means I was feeling the fight against Garc. I sit in the chair again, Raefin hips down at the table and looks up at me.

Before we get down to business... I'll ask Rayfin one thing.

"How are things with Sophia and Caln?

"I don't know about this one either. At first we both seemed sorry... but now we're cracking it down"

"Right. Good."

"At that rate, it seems like it would be nice to add Mr. Callan to your team."

"Sometimes it's about Sophia's qualities... but I think there's going to be a need to add people in the future, and maybe we need to think about the area from now on"

If it's Caln, it seems like there's no problem mentioning Sophia... but no, we'll still have to come to a conclusion.

"After finishing her contract with Norm, I don't know how she moves... and now I can't say anything"

"Okay. Well, let me tell you something."

Finally... waiting for the word, Raefin said.

"I was feeling your battle in a situation where I was exercising magic"

"If you do all that flashy, you'll naturally notice... Speaking of which, are you okay outside the sanctuary? If the magic had leaked..."

"It didn't seem to have leaked outside the sanctuary. With all that magic, the outside wind had no effect whatsoever... and we'll be fine around there."

Then there's no chance of exposing it to the Demons so far... thinking about it, Raefin opened his mouth.

"So, I didn't imagine I could defeat Master Garc myself..."

"Well, I guess so"

"The first time we talked about it, I was kidding, but you still seem to have the ability to fight the Demon King."

... I just have to answer more than lies don't work for her.

"Sure, if it's just the ability, we'll be able to counter the Demon King."

"But you can't defeat Master Luon because you have connections"

"That's the thing...... so I finally talked to Garc and got this"

Show ribbons wrapped around your arms.

"Oh, by the way, it looks like Raefin found out he was visiting the woods."

Her face distorted just a little...... but she immediately sent her gaze to the ribbon and inquired.

"What's that?

"According to Gark, it's a tool to detect the magic that you use to reveal."

Then I explain everything to her. Raefin hammered my words one by one and convinced me that it would be enough to finish the explanation.

"Master Gark gave you a good one, too."

"Sounds like it. As an immediate goal, I'm going to use this to train magic not to be exposed to the Demons in my executive class."

"Really... I'm giving you some kind of rushing vibe, do you have any idea what you're going to encounter?

Speaking of which, you still didn't mention anything about the event you wanted to avoid. I was wondering if it would be okay after I signed with Norm, but how much would I explain here?

"… a certain unpleasant event occurs about after signing with Norm"


"Oh. It's an event that one of the protagonists of the story encounters... the place involves Demonic executives. I never met the Demons directly in the story, but maybe I'm monitoring them."

Therefore, it is easier to hide your powers during that event.

"It hasn't been that long, so I'm going to test how much magic leaks in individual magic, so I think it's best."

"Okay. Follow Mr. Leon's policy."

... somehow, but I also feel Raifin is living in the right place for the fact that he beat Gark.

"Uh, Raifin. You don't have to worry about it, do you?

"I know..."

Clouding the words. That sounds kind of hard to do.

Well, I'll be back in a while... and I'll tell her.

"For one thing, I'm going to try some magic now. Attack magic is dangerous, so it's mostly defensive magic."

"Okay. I'll be with you."

- So me and Raifin were to verify it until late at night.

From the next day on, we resumed our journey. Sophia and Caln continued their 'Bird Soar' training, but I can see that they are being rather cautious. It didn't end up at a level that was perfectly usable by the time we reached our destination, but it still became somewhat.

I have a lot of trials and errors with Raifin. As a result, we found that defensive magic releases less magic than attack magic.

Consolidating that information and figuring out how to get around... we made a smooth itinerary after the disturbance, and we arrived at Nome's address.