Sword of the Philosopher

Meet Together

- At night, before midnight, I start acting. I understand Lilitscha's trends using the user demon. Definitely she's trying to move.

Therefore, we began to act accordingly... but walked out of the inn and out into the night darkness.

Arrived near the church in no time. I still don't see Lilitha... oh, she's out.

I put a sword on my hips, saw Lirisha in a fully armed state with her chest and legs, and I thought about what I would do. If you keep bowling or something...... you'll be standing there, and I don't know what will happen. Do we go after him secretly here and see how he goes?

Observe her first. There are some magical street lights in town... and the look on your face is extremely harsh and looks like you have a sense of purpose. Because I'm worried about the situation in this town, but knowing what happens when I head to the castle, it makes me feel complicated.

Talk to me at the right time I tried to leave town...? When I was thinking that way, I heard footsteps emitted by other than Lilitha from her direction of travel. And there's also a mixture of metallic sounds like feet... and this is...


The voice is Balzard. Plus Eina. Looking at the two knights, Lirisha looked surprised.

"What are you guys... why are you here?

I was of the opinion. Eina and the others aren't supposed to intervene in her movements...?

"Oh, my God, I'm just guessing."

Balzard responds.

"It is obvious that you are more worried about things than you have responded to us with a considerable sword screen. In addition, after talking to the traveler, after consulting him… we came to the conclusion that we were thinking of boarding the Castle of the Count because we were here."

... maybe this conversation with me triggered this kind of result? I didn't interfere so deeply... but for Eina and the others, it seemed important.

Me watching you talk from the shadows. If we get it right, we might get a time to jump out.

"... isn't that traveler around here, too?

Whoa, they'll also prepare the timing for it to appear from the other side. This is convenient.

"Travelers too?

Eina listens back. Apparently it's just Balzard's guess...... I think I'm the only one now and show up.

"Did you have any reason for me to come?

"Oh, you showed up."

Balzard laughs. Lirisha and Eina against are astonished.

"What, it's about you that seems to have an edge on this place. I just thought it was more than likely you were here to see how things were going."

... rather than being sharp. Think of it as a knight, something like that? Speaking of which, Balzard had some time to get to the heart of the matter with his sharpness of perspective.

I shrugged my shoulders against him and then opened my mouth.

"That's what I'm talking about... I was just watching because even when I got out in front of Mr. Lilitha, I could have been judged to be the Count's spinner and cut off."

"You were willing to stop me when I was about to get out of town?

"For once. Just sort of."

And I see Lilitha.

"I didn't think this guy would stop with persuasion."

"... so much so that you know what to do, I thought to myself"

Lirisha says. He looked at the knight and me and breathed small.

"I see, I get your point... but it doesn't change my mind"

"Then let's hang out"

Balzad speaks. Along with that, Eina also speaks out.

"I agree, too. It would be dangerous to act alone… at any cost."

To the word, Lirisha silences. There was an atmosphere in which no outsider could be accompanied - but here I spoke.

"Probably, but I think you'll follow me even if I keep my mouth shut. It means you were unlucky when they found you."


Eina agrees. Then she turned to me,

"You too?

"... I'm going out with you more than I've ever been involved in. I've beaten the Demon Clan once... but I'm a supporter."

"Few people have crusade experience. As a professor, I'd like to ask you a favor."

Balzard says. After I laugh back, I tell Lirisha.

"Mr. Lirisha, the three of us are going to follow suit. You think it's dangerous for you to act alone, and yet you're not willing to stop, are you? As far as we're concerned, we can't let it go any more than we've come... and if we're going to fight, how about together?

"... So, are you sure?

Eina and Balzad are instantly in the lead. I went on to agree - Lirisha seemed to have stepped down there.

"Okay... if that's what you say"

- This is the real battle from here. Why, because I have no idea what's going on at the Castle of the Count where she got on single.

The game follows her and the protagonists step into the castle as well, but demons involving the Demons appear and suffer... which means it is a complete dungeon. The structure itself is complex, and even all the dungeons present in the game are easy enough to get into three fingers.

It just wouldn't be the same when Lilitha visited. Because, in the game, the protagonists had no other way around because there was a bond between the doors that led to the sight in the middle of the castle. However, if Count Arzac's aim is Lilitha himself, it is possible to pass it as it were.

But with me and Eina, I don't know what's going to happen around there... and the part about how I killed Lirisha has never been told in the game either. I'm assuming you're probably setting a trap during the sight...

I also doubt what the trap is like. But I should be able to avoid it. Paralysis and other status anomalies can be prevented by a talisman. In the case of magic restraint, Arzac's own magic power determines the success rate and magic duration. His abilities are in my head, but I'm definitely stronger, it doesn't work.

Beyond this form, we all need to return it safely, including Lirisha. And yet you will need to settle with Count Arzac by going with Lilitha here and now. To that end, do you want to take some measures?

"Can you give me a minute?"

I raise my voice to the Lirisha and the others who are about to start moving.

"I don't really know what a person is, Count, but you should be careful. A little prep won't punish you."

"Ready? But the store is closed."

I shake my left hand against Lilitha's words.

"I can summon to this occasion a container with various accessories in the application of summoning magic... it's not strange to have one or two traps. You may have items that prevent sleeping magic and paralysis."

You should take action on the status...... so I'll give everyone an item to prevent those status anomalies.

"I'm sorry, for everything."

Lirisha says. After I say "I'm fine," I turn my gaze to Eina and the others.

"The Count is probably a troublesome opponent... are you okay over there?

"It's this line. If you think it's dangerous, I'll ask you to turn around."

"I know... let's go then"

If I noticed, the four of us...... decided to throw a party to exorcise the Count.

Just one question here. Lirisha is not a companion, but how strong is she... I think she possesses more than a name - if it's a battle, you can observe the area.

The four of us are leaving town. The road to the Castle of the Count is quiet and there is no sign of demons at all. But whenever and whenever it appeared, the atmosphere was not strange, and in the tense air, he headed to the castle.