Sword of the Philosopher

Coverage for the Knight

In watching Attire and the demon move, I make one guess. The Commander's demon is probably made strong to defeat the Commander on the side of the Kingdom of Alastin. From the plain recirculation of Attire's spear earlier, no doubt about it.

I don't know how much that enhancement is. But you won't simply have to enhance the skill aspect - I thought.

That's why I create a magic alternative to 'Durandal' - it's the same light attribute intermediate magic 'Holly Lance'.

Attire waves a spear from the horse and moves to inflict a Special Strike. From what I've done, I presumably assume it's a 'cyclone spear' of generic intermediate moves. It was an explanation for a high-speed spike that even generates airflow on the game, but in his case it brings the real wind together, with some arrangement.

Meanwhile, the Commander's demon stands up to finish Attire on horseback with a great sword. Seeing that move, it's probably a stomach buildup that's ready to damage and attack Attire.

Attire is in an offensive posture, even if she knows it. You probably can't stop it - the next moment, both attacks were unleashed, and I also created a spear of light.

A blue and white light emits straight towards the demon. It's an instant, shooting through where I'm going.

From speculation, there is no doubt that the ability is being enhanced. That's true of demonic physical abilities, but perhaps armor too - and after thinking about it, I made my magic aim a different place from my body.

It's the hand of a demon holding a great sword.

Shortly after the sword was about to fall, the spear of light landed on his arm. At the same time, blue and white light diffuses and shock waves swallow arms.

There was also a method of using 'Durandal' to target the arms, but he looked at the demonic arms covered in small hands, taking into account the concern that they could not do damage with added or subtracted, and the possibility that slaughter alone would not alter the trajectory. Thus, we chose a spear of light that could alter the orbit of the sword due to impact even if the attack did not work.

A spear of light shocks the demon's arm. As you can see, the sword's orbit turns into a gutter, stalling well in front of it reaching Attire. Shortly after, Attire's spike entered the demon's head.

A big glanced demon, but quickly regained his posture. Despite being pierced through the head, the demon movement has not slowed down - no, on the contrary, it emits magic for intimidation towards Attire.

Cobolt and other species should have their heads and hearts steep, but were they fortified so that it was okay to take a blow by the hands of the Demons - I'd just start chanting 'Durandal'. Attire moves to inflict the blow of the chase, and the demon tries to erect a sword again to counter it.

At the same time, I completed my magic and created the Sword of Light, relentlessly swinging it down to the Commander.

Plus Attire's penetration is added - the demon tried to play those two, but is forced to retreat to the spikes and slaughters that are released as they continue to stand.

Damage has been inflicted… Immediately thereafter, several knights who were dealing with the surrounding demons point their spears at the Commander. The demon tried to move to turn back, but I and Attire also set up a chase, so I stopped moving, wondering what to do.

For a moment, the attack is unleashed simultaneously. The demon prevented my light sword, but showered the spikes of the knights all over my body... at last, trembling heavily.

"- Now."

Attire squeaks. The spear tip has considerable magic on it.

"It's over!

Numerous spikes have also slowed demonic movements. The blow of the spear unleashed in them re-entered the demon's head and blew it away.

The top disappears from his neck, and it is at that moment that the demon falls and falls, and his body disappears again. At the same time, Attire screamed.

"Commander destroyed! We're leaving once!

As Attire screams, the knights around her move out onto the path on the right where they broke in. I followed it too - along with it, I found that the demon movement was dull.

Because I can no longer receive instructions, or because I can no longer make rational moves. So when we left, the demons attacked less, and in full the knights destroyed the demons.

Eventually we succeeded in leaving. Some damage was seen, but Attire, the commander on his side, is safe. Yet we defeated the enemy commander - glad to say it was a great result.

Thank you, Lord Luon.

Attire speaks to me.

"The demon was stronger than I expected. If I kept hitting him like that, he'd be defeated."

I assure you, Attire - that's when the user demon report comes up from the east side.

Soldiers and knights struggle and horseback squadrons storm the enemy as they push back demons. That also includes Sherk's other appearances of Sylvie and Khuza...... encountered the Commander. So Kuuza stops moving due to intermittent inferior magic, Silvi and Sherk strike intermittently and destroy. He also succeeded in leaving.

Looks like we've been fought back, but we haven't been able to evade and get hurt... Now we can see that the survival of Attire and Sherk, our primary purpose, has been achieved. I'll check the western side of the battle when I get back. The demons are slowly starting to collapse and the soldiers are pushing it back all at once. When this happens, the demon side also seems to have difficulty turning to counterattack, and is slowly starting to retreat.

There, the few horseback rides that were left behind approach. It would be a report.

"This is a report from Findings. As a result of destroying the Commander, the demons began to disrupt the line and disrupt it."

"Right. Do you have any idea what's going on with the other war situations?

"The east side is also a good place to fight. And in the south, you can't see the demons."

"Ok...... the number of demons is still high though. Let's go."

Raising his voice, Attire tells the knights. In doing so, he shifted his gaze to me.

"Lord Luon, what will you do?

"... me?

"I hear from the General that you have a special role. You can say that the battle between the West Gate and the East Gate has already decided to win or lose. Destroying demons that have lost control is a lot, but not so hard."

That's what he says, once he sees the war.

"After checking again to see if there are any demons around, the horseback squad and the reserves waiting in the rear will leave here and move to the north where the fighting will continue"

His judgment is in line with the scenario because he was right in the game as well.

"Lord Luon doesn't mean he's under the command of the Knights, and I don't mind if you leave here"

- I felt like they were telling me to "go cover General Boslo first" on the way around. It's not strange that there's a rebellion of the knights around us the way Attire said it, but the knights don't say a word about whether they were talking beforehand.

I was wondering what the general had told me about us... and I said, "Okay."

"Then here I go to the North Gate. Knight Attire. Take care."

"Yes, I'll be on my way later too"

As I tell him, he runs out with the other knights. All that's left is me and the commander's knight.

First, I'll get off the horse and entrust it to the knights.


"If it's just about moving, magic is faster"

You can't use it because it could involve allies in a riot, and yet you won't be able to use any other magic... chant, I'll start traveling fast.

Leave the knights and I'll head to the North Gate alone. Collect more information in the meantime. Silvi and Khuza are still fighting on the east side, but the demon is the earliest total collapse and it seems to take a long time to destroy. As for the south gate, as reported by the knight, there are no demons coming, and since there are no demons around, there will be no problems.

And the North Gate. Perhaps a report came that a settlement had been reached on the battle between East and West - the General was finally about to move.