Sword of the Philosopher

The King's Sword

The magic that activated it - the light attribute magic 'Durandal'. He crossed the sword of light produced in his left hand, and the long sword held in his right hand, to his weakened right fist, and slapped him.


Barren finally speaks up. He seemed to understand my aim, but the response was completely delayed.

In a moment, the magic that resided in the Fist of the Demon Clan was extinguished... successfully offset.

Barren instantly converges his magic powers and releases his fists to all resistance. But that's an easy level for me to offset - again by the sword trident I released.

For a moment - I screamed.


I called my first name. Then I move on to fighting back. It converged its power to the point where magic was revealed - the "Durandal" gripping in his left hand to Barren's body.

"There is -!"

Groaning Barren. At that moment, now Sophia and Canaan slipped through my side and stepped forward.

- Thunder! Take my enemies!

Sophia unleashes' Lightning '. It takes the form of a complete punch through the void, with thunderlights piercing Barren's abdomen.

thereby stopping the movement altogether, Balen. In a moment, Canaan shook up the treasure sword - its magic spread all around him at once.

The power of exorcism...... I'm amazed too. Barren at the time pulled his face, cursing himself defenseless and unable to cope, or moved his mouth.

"You -!"

Sword is waved down. From the throne of the treasure sword, light overflows, and he enters the devil clan.

Its power is too powerful to argue for Barren - Barren's body was blown away by the sword of speciality, and its body, which fell into it, finally began to vanish.

"... over"

Sophia zeroes - so Canaan fulfilled his awakening, and the long battle of the kingdom of Alastin came to an end.

"... Reconstruction is going to take a while"

Walking around town, I whine one thing. The battle is over, and now we're just checking the situation in town with Sofia.

"I'm glad the inn was safe... and at this rate, don't even feel invited to the castle"

"If you know anything about me, you should keep it only for generals and Canaans, so you should say no even if it comes to you"

Says Sophia. I nodded small... and looked out at the town.

Most places were undamaged by the building, except for the central square, which has become a battlefield. What's more, there are claw marks of war on the outside through the castle gate as well... it will take some time for it to recover.

I started Boslo and was safe about Attire and Sherk. Sylvie and Kuuza are safe. Apparently, Barren, who was raiding Canaan, was the real deal, and as a result of his defeat with the treasure sword, his split seemed to disappear as well. Now we rendezvous once, and Silvi and the others are back at the inn.

"I just have more to do than reveal about Sophia this way"

"For once, I think we should discuss it"

Following my words, Sophia says.

"Canaan is young, but he has the qualities to be the savior of this continent more than he holds a treasure sword. Perhaps Canaan thinks the same way."

"Savior, huh?"

What she's saying is correct. And I talked to him about the situation, and I also discussed it with Raifin before the battle that we should have him move in preparation for the southern invasion.

And to Sophia and the others - thinking, she opened her mouth.

"... to Master Luon, what I have to tell you"

"What's up?

"I met with Canaan, and there was just a few things I thought to myself. Do you need me?"

Is it about Raifin's stated concerns?

"But look back at this battle - the last thing Canaan told me"

"After that fight?

"Yes. He said he was glad he was alive. And when I saw my power, I thought I couldn't beat myself."

- Sophia herself, maybe less conscious, but it's true that she's gaining considerable experience and getting stronger. You mean when you saw what that girlfriend looked like, Canaan made up his mind to move again?

The biggest reason for fulfilling Canaan's awakening event would no doubt have been the existence of Sofia.

"I am grateful to Lord Luon for making me so strong. But until I got here, I was thinking about what I should do in the future."

"Now, you're saying you've made a decision?

To inquire, Sophia nodded deeply.

"At least, I have the power to save people… I don't know how far I can go, but I'm going to do whatever I can"

"- Even if you're going to challenge the Demon King, huh?

The question that came out with my mouth somewhat. Then Sophia smiled,

"When Master Luon says, I kind of feel like that's really possible."

"I'm not making it up."

"Excuse me...... even if we were to fight the Demon King"

It was a firm resolve. Take that word, and I say, "Okay."

"I understand Sophia's will"

"Yes...... so, no change in future policy?

"You have to fulfill your covenant with the Spirit. Just one thing, I heard what you just said, and I made up my mind."


"When I talked to the king, there was something I was going to say"

Sophia looks me in the eye and waits silently for words.

"... To tell you the truth, I was worried about the neighborhood, too"

"Does it have anything to do with what we talked about when we fought the general?

"Oh. And it's got something to do with Raifin, too"

"... you've been waiting for my resolve. Raifin must have stopped talking."

"Everything looks promising."

Squeeze your shoulders. In contrast, Sophia smiled again.

"Okay. Dear Luon, thank you for your continued support."


However, the atmosphere seems to take quite some time for the castle side to finish the post-processing. Fortunately, we don't have much time to talk about the main characters of the game yet.

"Well, let's go back to the inn."


Sophia nodded and we headed our way to the inn.

And then for a few days, watching the town get back to normal, we even waited.

Since a messenger from the castle came and said to me, "I want you to wait because I want to talk to you," the way Silvi and Khuza wait until the time of the discussion, without asking me about the details.

Talk to Raifin and Gark too... Eventually, an opportunity was created to talk to the king.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting."

We were equally surprised because the reception was bossy.

"You guys have done all you can for this country. Especially Lord Luon... your cooperation is greater than anything else."

Is that why the General himself welcomes you? I don't know if it's reasonable to consider the merits of the war... well, I don't feel bad.

Leave the inn and head to the castle. On the road Boslo explained to me about the future.

"His Majesty himself made the power of the treasure sword ours in the war ahead. From now on, we're going to hit it outside."

"To defeat the Demon King?

Sylvie asks. Boslo nodded instantly.

"I'm also concerned about the situation in town...... I decided it wasn't a good idea to just wait. The power of the treasure sword seems to be a threat to the Demons as well. Plus, if you take it on the human side, it's a light of hope. His Majesty himself insisted we should fight."

- The game never made it clear in detail why you would fight aggressively, but perhaps some of you disagreed within your subordinates. Still, Canaan chose the path to fight...... determination would be considerable.

Arrive at the castle while we have a conversation. Inside, the general begins to walk in a different direction, not between the thrones. This is...

"Is this the general's room?

"Oh, yeah"

Agree lightly. You mean you chose a place to talk... for me I eventually reached in front of the General's private room, looking down the road I had once passed.