Sword of the Philosopher

Last confirmation

On my way to my destination town, I'm going to train Sylvie. We'll train you off the streets at the right time.


I release the Tiger Clan to Sylvie. Silvi takes it directly from the front and groans.

"Come on!"

"Naturally it's hard to avoid. But if we don't prevent this first, we won't talk."

I chase even more as I speak. Set up a series of "Tiger Clan Cannons" on Silvi.

A blue and white light mimicking a tiger heads straight for Silvi. She prevents the first attack, but is greatly deflected by the second impact that continues to occur.

If you manage to contain it, further shock - the three-stage move is less powerful than a single shot for intermediate moves, but takes the form of compensating for it by multi-stage hits.

As things stand, Sylvie can't completely zero damage with the magic barrier she makes up. That is why we need a means of evasion.

The attack is over. Silvi managed to gather magic on the sword to prevent it, but was slightly injured as the shock wave seemed to have slipped out.

I cure my injuries with instant healing magic. Then I speak out again.

"You've been attacked twice, three times, and you figured it out, but it's a tough move until you get used to it, isn't it?

"... do you think the enemy would unleash an attack like Luon would unleash?

"I'm only making basic moves. There should also be a habit to suit the user, so if you don't take it, you won't know."


Silvi restarts his sword once he takes a deep breath.

"Go on."

"Okay...... let's go"

Release the moves - thus, the training of me and Silvi continued.

I don't know if the event really occurs - I don't know if I'm going to visit town about it... but at least in the game, I was able to generate the event anytime until the southern invasion started.

Given the current situation on the continent, I think if we act on the game we will meet...... Sylvie's expression will also harden as we approach the town.

Eventually, at the end of the training, we reach the town. If it's true, I can think a little more carefully... but I received reports that the main characters in the game are moving a lot and Sylvie herself indicated her intention to fight quickly.

Now, what happens...... there is no wind that either Sophia or Kuza are particularly concerned about on the surface, but there will be some anxiety on the inside. While I have some anxiety about a situation where I don't know how the battle will fall myself... I arrived in the town of Braak, my destination. A town that exists for this event and is not normally visited in games.

"So... Luon, where are you?

Silvi asks shortly after entering town.

"Calm down a little..."

I walk with my people while I control the deviant Silvi. This is also one of the relay destinations heading north, and the effects of the demonic invasion are very small and present. But there are a lot of knights and soldiers in the country's policy of protecting them, because there is more or less damage on the human side when this place is cut off.

The public is there, and we walk in conversation. The conditions for achieving the event and the mechanism by which the event would occur if Sylvie were to join her, just walking down the street. I mean, just walking with people like this, we're gonna be able to run into events.

When I looked to the side, Silvi looked a lot more rugged. I gently poked her in the head with the intention of relaxing it.

"Don't look scared."

"I know. But there's nothing I can do."

"I can understand that, but under the circumstances, you won't have it."

"Dear Luon, at what time do you encounter it?

Sophia asks. I shrugged my shoulders,

"I wonder if it feels so much different than encountering. If it's true, if you're walking like this, it's natural."

It was then. From the crowd, one man catches his eye.

A swordsman-style man weaving a blue cape. The sword is twisted in a cylindrical white bag like a bamboo knife bag, walking with it in his left hand.

The face has slightly narrower eyes and is not very distinctive. Dark-haired, dark-eyed, from the side, he's just a mercenary. It is difficult to understand because it weaves a cape, but it should have been shoulder to shoulder with information on the configuration dataset or something.

Look to the side. Silvi's face is stretched hard through the perilous. I look back without saying anything. A man was about to pass me by. And just like that... nothing, we're different.

"... there you are"

Silvi nods small at my words. Then Kuuza asks the question.

"Earlier, the man with the blue cape?

"Oh. It must have been someone moving around on the continent fascinated by the magic of the sword. Sylvie's hometown was the result of his outburst."

"You had a lot of quiet signs,"

Sophia says. Is it because you perceived the strength of your enemies to be equivalent that you whine in awe somewhere?

"Silvi, from here on out, we can even get the story going all at once"

I'll start talking to her.

"In the story, Sylvie herself notices and conducts an investigation. As a result, we know that we are now working around this town, and we go into the store where he is and we talk."

"So that's how you're going to do the duel"

Kuuza's remarks. I nod and speak to Sylvie.

"But sometimes we turn back here once. The other person doesn't recognize Sylvie. I mean, there's nothing wrong with dispersing without doing anything here."

"... is he staying here all the time?

"In the story, so far, it feels like we're based here. But when the southern invasion begins, we won't be able to meet here, so we can interpret it as leaving town during a massive battle."

"Okay...... what am I supposed to do?

"If you want Silvi, I'll buy you a part to lure you to the dueling place."

Silvi is silent on these words. Sofia and Khuza show their watchful stance...... Eventually,

"... please"


"Leon, there's no help."

I don't know how many times. Mindfulness. I nodded - I thought if I were in a crisis situation, my body would move on its own.

Even Sylvie should expect that much - and here she opens her mouth to me.

"One thing, I want to ask Luon"

"Oh, what's up?

"Yeah, I just did it wrong and it's there enough to show that I have a lot of power. But that doesn't mean you're comparable to the Demon King, does it?

"That's well, sure"

"You can't beat a vengeful opponent...... sure he will be strong. But they're human. I can't beat those opponents. Is it helpful to be with the Luons?

... I know what you're trying to say. As far as I'm concerned, it's a story I can kick "I guess I just didn't level enough yet," but I don't think she'll be convinced to say that.

"As far as I'm concerned, I want you to fight with me no matter what the outcome"

It was Sophia who opened her mouth here.

"I know what you're saying. But I myself, the people in this room, have a big part to play in the fight... and I have a feeling about that."

"If Sophia says so, it's kind of a realistic story"

Silvi speaks as she shrugs her shoulders.

"Fair enough. I move like I want to."

"I get it. Then I'll be ready."

I admit, I tried to move - but I have to tell you something before I do.

Silvi, it's a place for a duel.

"I know. To tell you the truth, there's an understanding of the geography around here. I know where to put the duel."

"Just in case, can I ask?

To the question of confirmation, Silvi answered with a deep grin.

"It's a little south of here... it's called The Warrior's Hill, isn't it?