I can clearly see that the White Knight's movements are fortuitous and the soul and gall to use the power of the wise to put a piece on at once.

I don't know what kind of instructions you're getting from the Demon King... but I'll send instructions to the people around me.

"An enemy may appear with the power of a wise man in the same way. Everybody on alert!

At the same time as the words intercept the impending White Knight. I took the blow of the White Knight straight from the front.

From the looks of it, it's not a strange situation for me to be blown away - pushing back.

Then shower the slaughter on both arms. The White Knight never had anything like removing the Great Sword, but still blunted the movement greatly.


With words, Oldia and Eina come forward from my left and right. The White Knight can't get out of the rigidity caused by my slashing and eats two swords decently.

No matter how much I attack, there will be no scratches on the armor. But you can't defeat it with a single blow. Continue to roll out the sword on both sides.

Collaboration - would it be a little different? Can I just say that they both pinch the White Knight from left to right and do whatever they want?

The White Knight undoubtedly has the power of the wise from the Demon King, but it makes no sense at all before the two swords that are gaining power from the blood muscles of the wise and from the five great demons - as a result, the armor was heavily damaged and the White Knight was forced to retreat.

"Master Luon!

There, Sophia's voice from the rear. Feel magic and tilt your body before you turn your gaze.

In a moment, a thunderbolt was fired straight into the White Knight. It's Sophia's Lightning.

Magic takes the form of pursuing the White Knight, further damaging the armor.

"Princess Sophia......"

"You can't have zero backup."

Sophia says to Eina's words.

"Besides, he's the one who possesses the power of a wise man. This one has to make the right move."

"Okay. Then Sophia will magically cover you."

As I speak, the White Knight moves. It is undoubtedly quite damaging and gives the hunch that the end of this battle is not so far away.

The White Knight has been damaged - but I don't mind daring to storm again. Come here, I have my doubts.

A demon king who can plot a plot such as planting traitors on spirits and dragons used the power of a wise man to create a demon - his movements are even assaults, and he can't see the kind of thoughts other demons show.

Seeing Oldia and Eina's response doesn't change the operation...... what role is this White Knight in for the Demon King?

As questions arise, I launch Durandal. Against a white knight who runs selflessly obsessed, he goes out in front of the Ordians and sees the sword.

Like earlier, swords collide with each other. I have no more power than I did earlier because my armor is damaged. Out at once - so sure I put my strength into it.

As a result of the pushback, a large glaring white knight. There, again, from left to right, Oldia and Eina.

Plus, Sophia's magic from the rear - as I escaped the side, the swords of Eina and the others entered first.

Slashing easily claws the armor and stops the movement from stitching heavily. Sophia's "Lightning" went in there - as a result, the White Knight finally collapses.

At that moment, the armor suddenly emitted light.


Surprisingly, I bounce off my doomed armor with a sword of light. I wondered if I would even bomb myself, but as a result the armor disappeared after producing light.

"... now, what?

Doubts leak from Oldia. The next thing I said was the gark that appeared on my shoulder.

'Seems like you were emitting some kind of magic... harmless'

"Did you end up underdeveloped, trying to use magic on the verge of doom?

Gark answers my question, 'I don't know'.

"Perhaps I could look into it once."

"This is over,"

Fili's voice from the rear. If you turn your eyes away, your people will be finished destroying the demons.

Sounds like you're okay.

"Yes. Do you want to move on?

"Oh...... but I'm concerned about the light just now. You better make sure your body's okay."

After the suggestion, Kuza and Allete move out to confirm. Meanwhile, I - I thought about what I was after, but I never got an answer.

In the end, I found no anomalies in my people… I decided to move on.

The structure of the Demon King's castle was certainly more complicated than it was during the game, but he relies on my memory to go the right way. Along the way, we are held back by demons more than once, but all of them are destroyed by me and my people.

Continuing fighting in the castle has also increased each facet's ability. I'm glad to say that no demon existed that could stop us at the earliest, and all that remained was a showdown with the Demon King.

"... Okay, that's it"

I look at the demons that unleashed and destroyed Gungnir. It's a big hall, and the doomed opponent is inherently the middle boss in this castle. It's not that hard to destroy, though, if you take it from me.

"Is the end point close?

Alto asks a question to the lid. I nodded instantly,

"The fact that this guy showed up isn't that far from the hall where the Demon King waits. You want a break?

"I don't have any physical problems. Instead, you're pretty much knocking them out."

Shoulder shrugging alt. It's a look that other faces can still fight, and I'm relieved of it.

"... about the abilities of the Demon King"

Here, Sophia started talking.

"I know the traits from Master Luon's material... is there any chance he might attack you otherwise?

"There's not a zero chance you're gonna hit something else than I am."

- Up to this point, there are no elements different from the game besides the white knights who granted the power of the wise, and there are no traps. It could be a good place to clap it out from arreate or kuuza. As a demon king, did you choose to leave a little power in case of a direct confrontation rather than spending it on that?

"The demon earlier was probably to see what moves Princess Sophia would use. But it ended in failure."

Eina says. I agreed with her and nodded.

"Maybe so...... I haven't shown Sophia her full strength. I think this is pretty big."

A sword that unites the powers of the four Spirits and yet infuses the magic of the Divine Spirits. And more importantly, as a result of Sophia's training...... the best trump card against the Demon King was born.

I don't know if I can settle with one knife, but it's definitely the strongest blow to attract victory.

After we take a short break, we head through the hall. Every time we go behind the castle, the number of demons is slightly lower. The closer you got to the entrance, the more demons you put in place... and guess what, we're still moving on. And...

"... here we are"

As I squeal, all my friends squeeze their faces together.

Heavy pitch-black doors similar to the entrance to the castle. I clearly remembered that it was the place connected to the demon king's waiting hall.

"... if you've come this far, it feels like now."

I squeal one and then put my hands on the door. I didn't put much effort into it, but slowly the door opened.

I can see the hall. Behind it...

"We've been waiting."

The voice of the demon king. Faces, except me and Garc, are the first to see each other, and everyone shows vigilance.

"What made it so difficult for you to get here?"

I don't know where the Devil King's gaze is pointing, but I can guess enough that the line ahead would have emanated while looking at me.

I lead Sophia and the others indoors. The Demon King on the other hand does not move. It's not strange that I've taken measures to break it up with demons and such, but it doesn't either.

"That's a lot to spare."

I speak up. The Demon King responded after leaving for a short while.

"Why can you afford it, if you fight it, you'll see"

"... you still mean you have measures in place? Referring to the demon that instilled the power of the wise man, did you come up with anything?


Or a demon king who answers easily. It doesn't seem like it's a good idea.

"Dear Luon,"

"Don't worry, Sophia"

I answer Sophia's voice in my ear as she confronts the Demon King.

"Just think about using that move with all your might."

Then I give instructions to the rear.

"I'll stop the demon king. All of you, protect Sophia."

'You think you can handle this on your own?

The Demon King asks. In contrast, I smiled,

"Oh, I'm going to"

'... Fair enough. With as much power as you have, there's certainly as much to do.'

"Sounds like you appreciate me a lot"

"I guess so."

There was room for somewhere in the voice of the Talking Demon King... No, would it be a little different? It's like we're looking forward to seeing how surprised we are by the measures we're about to unleash.

"Shall I start?"

Says the Demon King. With that, I lay down my sword.

- The last battle with the Demon King. That's what started now.