Sword of the Philosopher

Mastermind Conversation

"How much time do we need from here to completion?

Nephmeiza and the researcher use magic to go pale conversations near me to hide. Feels like I saw it. After work, I came to check on the situation in the basement, something like that.

"Yes, at least... I thought it would take months to six months"

"Can we shorten it if we increase the number of people?

"Increase, is it?"

"Why don't we double the personnel?

- That's a lot steeper.

"Double, is it?

"Isn't it something like simply doubling the number of people would shorten it in half?

"Ah, no...... the part of the work that is particularly necessary is over, and later the infusion of magic to be mounted takes up a lot of work. I'm sure it would be more efficient to have a number of people."

"In that case, how long?

To inquire, researchers thought about

"Doubling it... I was wondering if I could do it in half."

"Then triple it. Finish it in February."

The words, to the researchers, seemed watery in their sleeping ears.

"Huh, February?!?"

"His Majesty is in a hurry to complete this weapon. Six months, etc., what kind of treatment awaits"

The researcher's face catches on. The dragon's weapon seems to be in the form of instructions from the emperor. Is it natural here?

"Wow, I get it. If you increase the number of people, the work itself will be shortened, and in two months…"


The researcher praises the words and walks away from this place. But Nehmeisa doesn't move.

I'm looking at weapons and thinking about something. What the hell...

"For one thing, it looks like you can reveal yourself in the fight."

There's a voice from somewhere with a weapon. That sounds just like Nehmeisa.

Surprisingly, I look down so I don't make a sound. That's where I was.

"It's troublesome when the researchers see you. Be careful."

"I know."

- Another neph-meiza. Aside from wearing a white robe, she has the same physique and face.

But there is one very different point. Obviously Nehmeisa downstairs is older.

Here I stared at him. The original age of Nehmeisa is around forty. The hidden Nehmeisa, who was down there in it, is clearly getting older.

In other words, that would mean that we are exercising space-time magic as much as we are getting older.

- Speaking of which, Richard said I showed up after weeks of overlapping. If Nehmeisa is repeating herself, how long has it been since I showed up...? The mystery only deepens, but I have to ask Nehmeisa directly about this, so is it impossible to figure it out?

"Apparently, you've rewinded quite a few times."

He thought the same thing. Gark shrugs. I snort small and listen to the conversation.

"I follow your instructions...... but I am the real deal in this world. I'm not giving up my position."

"I know that. My purpose is only one. If we do that, we don't need anything else."

- If you observe closely, the lower Nephmeiza is clearly more magical than the upper Nephmeiza. That would mean that the lower one is taking in the power of the Dragon Demon Stone.

Probably the result of compensating for the reduced magic...... sure will be more times you can roll back time. And the duration of the 'Eden of Dragons' battle in the game should have been about a few months. When it comes to repeating that on a yearly basis… how many times have you been through it?

"More than expected, you mean a nasty enemy..."

"Then I shall return. Be careful."

Nehmeisa above leaves when told unilaterally. And the other Nehmeisa, who was left behind, disappeared into the room after muttering "Oh, boy".

"What do we do next?

Gark asks. I'd like to observe Nephmeiza using a little space-time magic... can't you get the information just right?

No, wait. If this is how you are hiding, will that be the end of it if you defeat Nehmeisa, who uses magic? The original Nehmeisa should have nothing more to do with defeating him than to be in the castle.

Defeating the original Him in this world is not good because the Empire is confused. But if he's going to rewind when he's not being made public, is there a problem in knocking him down?

Or destroy the artificial dragon in front of me... thinking a lot, I tried to head downstairs. But...

"Wait, Lord Luon."

Gark called it off.

'I know roughly what you're going to do, but that's going to be hard.'

"Difficult? Why?

'There will be a room where Nehmeisa went in. Feel the magic of dragon demon stone through its doors'

... Is that what you mean? Are you saying that maybe I can't even destroy the door right now?

'It would be possible to come out if you did it most flashly. What do we do?'

- Running rampant here won't have any effect on my people. Or Exon flies the anti-flag in the first place.

"... no, is there a risk too"

Assuming you are unscrupulous here, the expected castle judgment would be something like "terrorist activity by insurgent groups". It's not hard for Nehmeisa to make up how vicious and outrageous she has accomplished... Few may be convinced of this way, even though how much the people have devoted their love to the Emperor.

First, its target is the institute - that is, Nehmeisa, which has a lot of supporters. Is it possible that Abel and the others won't be able to support us if we're bad?

"Even in the game, we should discuss it with Nehmeisa, the emperor's sidekick, because what was said... is it bad that he was targeted"

'Then you think you're leaving here without doing anything?

"I've got the information, and should it be this much today...?

There is a risk in itself in shaping Nehmeisa in such a way that... we must only go with the "trying to defeat the Emperor" stance. Thinking about Abel and the others, should we avoid them now? Besides...

"... it's possible that Nephmeiza is taking care of it."

"Sure, you are"

Gark nodded at my words.

"If space-time magic can't be used for any reason, you'll have about the means of escape. If you feel in danger, you can see that you are prepared to survive. Even more so if you understand the power of Lord Luon."

"... if you magically make the room unscrupulous, Nehmeisa will run away at that point"

I don't want to let him get away...

"But I guess I should just jam it."

If only enough to take the material away appropriately - that was then.

Reports from user demons. Girl - I finally found someone who looks like Romilda.

"Garc, I found Romilda"

"Is that true?

"It's a demon report. Yeah, but can't you say something definitive? There's a possibility of a mistake... but we better hurry and make sure."

Abandon material grabbing and leave the laboratory. The gate was still open, so it goes straight through.

"If you find him, protect him and go to the Marquis?

"I intend to. But if I don't convince you, you're not going to accompany me quietly."

I don't know what to do...... finally get close to the girl while I think about it.


- Hey, wait a minute.

I shrugged unexpectedly. More reports from user demons. A knight is approaching her.

"You found him... no, could he have been catching him?

Either way, it's not good if you don't help.

I'll walk further and reach the alley. It's dark and very hard to see, but there was definitely Romilda.

Back length is my chest and small. Is red hair semi-long and habitual or somewhat cohesive? Is the age something like thirteen or four?

And two knights confronting her. I don't know who he is because he's showing his back in my eyes...

"I've come to protect you. I don't want you to resist."

Male voice. I continue to hide the signs while sliding around beside them - capturing the person.

Stunned at the same time. Is this a roundabout - one of the knights was Yuska, the main character in the game?