Continue your journey as you explore the magic of the Dragonman. Eventually a place like a rip in the rocks entered my sight and I felt clear signs from it. Will the dragon demon stone you are looking for be there?


I approach the entrance to the rift and look inside. I'll try the magic of the light, but there's a bend a little ahead and I don't know what's going on in the back from the outside.

"I can feel the magic, so I'm pretty sure I got in here."

"I don't care if I step in... what should I do"

Sophia says. Here I opened my mouth after I had a little idea.

"Let's split into two hands"


"I'll infiltrate the cave. Sophia asks for watch at the entrance."

"Okay. That speed is just phenomenal. Take care."


After nodding, step out. A cave made up of all rocks. I don't know if it's the main road or the maze... but I'm pretty sure the time for the showdown is close.

As I proceeded to the corner, I heard the dragonman roar. Is the Dragon Demon Stone activating and elevating your powers, or did you start to realize my presence and be alert?

Pointing nerves, looking for dragon men. It's the main road, but it's crooked and I can't catch him.

Proceed with vigilance - eventually plugging into the end. Clear signs. And clearly more magical than earlier, dragon man.

Turning one corner, I saw a dragon man directly in front of me. Not only that, but it exists near the Dragon Man so that a thin red radiant dragon demon stone is embedded in the rock.

"Here's the end point...... no, you're not"

If you look closely, there are further paths in the back. Exon said he would escape if he approached himself, but is it the way to escape to the ground?

I'd prefer to stay here if possible... but the Dragon Man is on guard. If you step any further, you'll have the Dragon Demon Stone in your hand and you'll likely escape to the rear.

"How it works..."

I'm confident I can catch up even if I run away. There's just something about Sophia at the entrance, and if possible, I want it to end in a short showdown.

Get your breathing ready and start getting ready to step in. I don't know what kind of behavior the dragon man will take. Assume every situation in your head - and

To the Dragon Man, I ran.

How do you react... Shortly afterwards, the dragonman echoed in the cave and turned to me.

He's going to turn to counterattack. Even if I were you, I think I could settle for this, and I would snipe my sword. It was an attack by an unfamiliar sword, but still should have been powerful enough to defeat the Dragonman.

But the next moment, something unexpected happens.

No, to be more precise, the power flooded out of the dragonman. That was the anomaly.

Obviously not like Dragon Demon Stone's. power I have felt, though. It was encountered in the battle against the Demon King...

"This, is...!?"

For a moment, even Gark was distracted by the amazing magic. The slaughter itself should not have changed its speed, but its actions had an impact on the battle.

The sword easily bounced off the dragonman's claws and definitively decided on himself, but it was not enough for a single blow. Were there less magic on the weapon, or was it due to the specs of the sword - for whatever reason, defeating it was not appropriate.

But the damage should be profound for the Dragon Man. As soon as I got back, I also barked. It was like trying to catch my temper for a moment, but this one packs the time without being cowardly.

It wasn't a blow, but now there's a battle - soon after I thought, the Dragonman inflates his magic again. It's like a momentum that magically crushes the cave.

That magic caused it - the dragonman backed off at once and started moving to the back aisle with the dragon demon stone in his hand.


Calling it off has no effect. In an instant, the dragon man disappears.

Follow - right after you chant in your heart, run. Full physical strengthening is used to walk through the cave.

And the back of the dragon man I saw. But the next moment, it also disappeared from sight. Through a hole big enough for a person to stand and pass through.

What lies ahead? Trying to step in there.

"- Hey!"

Brake on the brink. At the end of the road, it was the bottom of Naruto.

More precisely, vast underground spaces. Is it the top of the rock wall or something that I'm looking at?

In such pitch black, capture the figure of the dragon man - in this case, the thin red of the dragon demon stone is clearly visible in pitch black?

"... if you keep popping up, you won't know the exit and you won't be able to go home"

When I squealed, I shined a light on my sheath. Then the light clumps around the cutting edge of the sword, and eventually the sword itself begins to emit light.

The magical lights drifting in the air will disappear after a while, but if you attach them to things like this, they will last awhile. Keep it visible even when this road goes down...... let yourself leap into darkness.

Next, exercise the magic of light and illuminate the surroundings. And use the magic of movement and follow the dragon man. The goal is a bright, thin red color in the dark. Because you are exercising the magic of movement, or gradually the light increases.

At once - I thought so. Shortly after the light approached, I saw the ground. Immediately on his feet, the dragonman also stopped moving again.

"Exactly, didn't you think we'd get this far?

I ask, thinking it makes no sense to say it. The dragonman reacts only with signs. As for the magic that can be felt, does it feel like it is unshakable and frustrating?

"Let's settle this. Bet that dragon demon stone."

Shortly after I told him, the roar wrapped around him. High up. That echoes in the space. From the sound flow, we can see that this place is uninterrupted and vast.

I set up my sword to see what the ground felt like - shortly afterwards, the dragonman jumped in. Similar to the first battle, we pack the time in one step. Speed is a lot, but it doesn't make sense to me to be able to react.

Play your nails with your sword and fight back. When this one went on offense, the dragonman began to retreat whether he could not cut the judgment.

I won't let anything like that happen earlier - I went further forward with that in mind.

The dragonman couldn't react. Avoidance must have been delayed because it was an event at the moment of an attempt to attack at a speed that lasted.

The sword firmly enters the Dragon Man. At the same time as I felt it in my arm, I swung it out at once.

The dragonman is slashed, blown away, and falls. And at the same time as it emitted something like a fine squeal, the dragon demon stone spilled off the dragon man's body.

Nor does it emit such amazing magic as it did earlier. You did it twice and it was a stop? I don't know why, but the crusade is done anyway.


Pick up the dragon demon stone. The dragon man seemed to react and wander slightly, but eventually lost his strength and was out of breath. Seeing the sight, I sigh.

"... everywhere, you mean possessed by Dragon Demon Stone"

"Whatever, you're done."

Gark says. I nod and look up.

It was a huge space, but the path I entered was confirmed by the lights. Good, we can go back.

"Sophia worries if we don't hurry. Let's just go home."

"Um, but I didn't know there was these spaces in the mountains"

"It's too big to know what it is."

It would be different from artificially created spaces. Natural caves...... considerable in size. Were you fleeing here when the Marquis arrived?

"The mountains are a little calmer than the troublemakers in the mountains have disappeared."

I've gotten dragon demon stones before, but it's also big that I helped people... right after I thought so.


Gark raised his voice. I thought something was wrong, Arrow Tip, my consciousness was pointed behind my back.

There are signs.

"... such an idiot"

There can't be people in a place like this. Even the Dragon Man was defeated. So, what the hell...

The moment I whined in my heart that it was impossible, I even began to hear the sound of my shoes. I immediately looked back and stared...... Eventually, the other person appeared out of the dark.