Sword of the Philosopher

Anomalous Magic

After the proclamation, the first magic I unleashed was the 'EXBROAD' of Fire Attribute's finest magic.

The heat swells up around the anomaly. It would have caused a huge explosion and scattered scorching heat all over this room, but the arrangement is in place. Adjust the explosion to hold inside and burn down the knight who has become alien.

The flame spreads into the sphere and the roar sounds. I also try to pour all the blast shock waves and so on down to the knight in the sphere... but still bring vibrations and so on indoors.

I thought I could burn it to death - it was sweet. Eventually, when the magic was confirmed to be interrupted, the armor was heavily scattered, but the pitch black still possessed magic.

Besides, did you even offset the heat...... a lot less enthusiasm to stand indoors.

'That's a lot of defense. All this magic... even if it's a god spirit, it's already got a battle on it'

Garc mentions. I spill my voice as I think about my next hand.

"This guy is a made being...? What technology can you use to produce something like this?"

"Ancient civilization may also be interesting to look into."

I don't have all the doubts... but now I'm focused on the attack.

Sometimes my black arms come at me. I wanted to avoid direct hitting in many ways, so I play it with my sword and deal with it. Regardless, take care not to hit the Sofias in the rear - they're defending themselves with Resbail, but this is all the power. Just in case.

I start the next magic. Release 'Snow Yug Drasil' again. A foreign form that freezes at once after a fire. But after not so much restraint due to ice, the crack began to enter.

Make a new chant in the meantime. Next thing you know - when I think about it, my alien arm takes off the restraint and presses me.

It was a pretty magical blow, but I bounced it off with my sword. Endurance is horrible, but slightly monotonous to turn to offense. Has this area been reinforced with defensive surfaces to escort something sleeping in the back?

Ice breaks. Shortly afterwards, I came forward before my arm set me up.

"Then next time -"

Pour magic into your body. In a moment, the pitch black suddenly condenses the darkness and tries to shape and confront me as a knight trying to pack up the intermission.

In the case of melee, I roll out my moves, wondering if I thought I should go back to being a knight - intelligent.

What I unleashed was the finest move in the long sword alongside The Ignorant Sleep Lotus - named Rain Fantasia. It belongs to a series of attacks, the most powerful series of attacks on the game, except for unique moves.

The first sword trident, the knight prevents with darkness imitating the long sword. It was only once that I was able to avoid it, though. You can't squeeze a sword trident that you let go on standing, and you get knocked in one after the other.

"You can see the magic is diminishing."

Gark says. If so - I went further on offense.

Immediately after the streak ends, gain more momentum and roll out the sword. When I decided on the exact same 'Rain Fantasia', I finally started to root up the anomaly as well.

"- Ooh, ooh!"

roar. It just doesn't look like its voice is powerful and void.

Then the magic released externally swelled. Let's just smash us in this room with magic runs, and so on. But I stayed superior, and now I decided on a one-shot "Ignorant Sleep Lotus" on the opponent's chest.

I didn't blow it up, but there's a big crack in that body. But even more magic swelled, and the darkness moved to swallow me - I chose to retreat here and see how it went.

"... Lord Luon is unforgiving."

Gark shrugged to even sigh.

'Whatever, the magic was greatly cut in the current offense. You don't seem so far from settled. "

"I hope so."

Reassemble the sword. The deformity once again changes shape greatly, and now begins to expand to the point of reaching the ceiling.

"Damn, it would be easier if you were in the same shape"

"I don't think you can listen to this one."

Gark sarcastically says. I smile bitterly and now I launch 'Ragnarek' in an attempt to make it a magical attack.

It was then - the tip of the anomaly changed to a shape like Lance.

The alien itself becomes one weapon and comes under attack. I unleashed Ragnarek sooner than I defended myself, and I responded.

The moment the sword of light touched the pitch black, the light and the roar filled the room. This one explores the signs as he retreats further. The light converged into the anomaly - eventually when the light went out, I confirmed that I had made a wind hole in the big figure.

There should be a lot of damage so far...... the alien movement starts to dull as if it represents it.

"Looks like it worked just fine."

Whimpering and roaring again. timing as if to defy my words.

I'm going to boost my magic all at once to stab Todome.

"Lord Luon, what do we do next?

"I'm sure I'll give it my all, but I don't know if I can take it down with that."

It's true that it's time to end it - but here comes another change in alienation. It's like pitch black solidifies like a single organism, forming a human form that goes round my upper back. Yet the right arm, unnaturally huge.

"I mean, with what idea is this guy changing? Doesn't sound like he imitated a demon."

"I'm sure it's an indefinite demon, but I don't know if I can find out any other details."

"... you don't seem to be able to verify more than destroy it here"

The alien is attacking me. Stretch out your gigantic arms as if you were going to crush me.

As opposed to that, I activated my second 'Torhammer'. Thunderlight bounced right in front of me and gold wrapped my alien body in an instant.

It feels like magic is lost all at once. But as if it were gushing from the depths, the pitch blacks roar again.

"It looks limitless..."

"It's definitely weakening. Keep pushing it off. '

"Copy that."

Even more magical - the alien apparently plays it using magic to rebuild its formation, but does that feel like it's the best you can do?

Most importantly, this is the result of a series of the finest magic and moves, so it wouldn't be possible for a normal person to try to do the same. Whether Sophia and the others in the rear will do well… and there will be another variation while thinking about it.

Suddenly, that pitch-black began to condense. I tried to shoot more magic at new changes... but now the change is fast and I decided not to attack and watch.

The pitch black will be as big as the armor it was wearing. As usual, it exudes an unusual amount of magic, but does this change make sense?

"Hmm, I'm finally getting cramped"


To Gark's whining, I frown.

"The amount of magic hasn't changed, though."

"On the surface, yeah. The magic inside is definitely consumed '

"Is the end visible?

"I don't think it's that long."

The pitch black, which changed to the size of a human being, suddenly suppressed magic here. Intimidation has been lost, and it also seems as if we have returned to the very beginning.

Then, knead your right hand and produce a long sword. There, gradually converge the magic.

"... sounds like you're learning"

"Is it your decision that you should muster your strength on one point to counter Lord Luon?"

Well, it seems a little late to do it in a situation where magic is diminishing...

Then I'll do the same.

This one also pours magic into itself - you probably can't simply unite your powers. Well, then...

"Let's try it here"

"Try it? What?

I answered Gark's question after I was breathing.

"It's the Trump Card's" Innovation. "It's possible that Dragon Demon Stone's weapon won't satisfy you... but still, I think we should develop it. How far can you go in the way I've been thinking... here and now, don't you think?"