"... Romilda, can I ask you another question?

She nodded at my words.


"It was just me and Romilda confronting Nehmeisa, okay?

She shakes her head vertically again. Then,

"So, before we move, what did Nehmeisa do?

"... I think"

Subtle expression. Can't you tell what happened from her without any magical knowledge?

"What's the situation?

"The light broke out suddenly... and if you think something magical had swirled, Nehmeisa was gone and your brother Luon was down"


From the content, it doesn't seem magical to involve the surrounding area.

"What happened to me after the fight?

Silent her. Do you recall that time?

"Talk to me."

"... well, it didn't look any different."

"I didn't do anything while Richard was crashing the material?

"Things around there, me too..."

Shake your head left or right. You didn't tell her, did you?

"Was there something wrong?

Sophia tilts her neck. I can only imagine what's going to happen because I just don't want to experience it.

"First of all, light must be a ten or eighty-nine trap."

"Trap, is it"

"Oh. And when I heard about Romilda, I thought again... he wouldn't fully appreciate my abilities,"

"But can you put up a trap that can stop Master Luon?

"I don't think there's anything we can do with the dragon demon stones there if we can just keep Mr. Luon down."

Says Richard following Sophia. Is it appreciated or do you think I'm too out of standard...... let's not ask.

"There are two candidates that come to mind"

"What's that?

I'm gonna ask Sophia back, and I'm gonna open up for a little while.

"One seals the power. Nehmeisa seems to have the means to escape, but it's not strange to seal that power if you're testing my abilities. Or… on the contrary, force the force into"

"Influx, is it?

"If a lot of magic is poured into your body, your memory may blow up. If my appearance doesn't usually mention the battle, this could be more likely."

"I have my doubts about that"

And, Richard opens his mouth.

"When it becomes so magical that it causes memory problems, even ordinary human opponents require so much magic. The other guy is Mr. Leon. How do you twist it out?

I asked him back,

"Possible is the magic that stretched the city"

"Once Master Luon infiltrated, you were able to analyze the magic underground."

"Oh... if this was built to seal my abilities... I kind of thought,"

Sealing each person, stretching power all over the city, etc., is impotent.

"That would be exactly what I would deny, but could it be Mr. Luon?"

Richard speaks with a shrugged shoulder.

"Romilda once said that the magic convergence had begun before Mr. Luon and the others headed to Nehmeisa, but what if they were ready for it?

"It's also possible that you changed your target to me in an attempt to do something else… I agree with the way you're going to go to Nehmeisa once and for all before you're ready, as documented."

Having said that, I will cut the words once and give my views further.

"I should have used the demon to crush my people's situation... but the fact that I don't know about Sophia should be considered that measures were in place to block that information. Something happened to Sophia under that circumstance, and it affected me in some way. Is this where the information we have now tells us?"

"Then what else should we do is take action around it?

"Right -"

"Lord Luon."

Shortly after he replied, Gark appeared on his right shoulder and suddenly spoke.

"Good news. I found out more about magic. '

"Oh, well."

'I think there are some things that differ from the magic used by Nehmeisa - it is probably the same in nature and should be of great help'

Talking that far, Garc suddenly dropped the tone of his voice.

'... this magic, it's a very risky magic'


"I don't know how much magic Nehmeisa uses, but based on the events we've encountered on this continent so far,"

Gark tells us what to say.

"- If we don't stop him, it could be outrageous."

As soon as I told Anastasia I found out about the magic details, a place was created for discussion. In addition to me and Anastasia, the members are Sophia, Richard, and Romilda.

"Okay, let's talk"

Garc says - we have to listen more than the divine Spirit says "outrageous".

'First, let's conclude. This magic is not the magic of turning back time'

...... hmm?

"What? What do you mean?

When asked back, Garc roared once,

"There is no such thing as interference in space-time in magic itself."

"Wait a minute, I'm using that magic to turn the clock around again and again."

Richard's opinion. Actually, you're right, and Nehmeisa is doing that again.

'Let's talk about it from how we got the information. My body first examined the origins of this magic. We knew it was of demonic origin, so we had a lot to look into. "

- The Demon Nation and others disappeared from the continent as a result of the battle against the Demon King. Nevertheless, there are still cases of castles, etc. they left behind, and I guess they unearthed various materials from such places.

'Well I didn't think it would be that easy to find. In fact, there was no such thing as crushing and parsing the magic of turning back time'

"But there was something to hint at."

Gark agreed to my mention.

'That's right. Research materials left by the Demons...... Apparently, even while invading the continent, they were investigating things around it at the behest of the Demon King. Found Research Materials'

"So, he said he came to a conclusion"

"Um, as I said earlier, magic doesn't have the effect of turning time back on itself"

"... then on what grounds?

"Combined with the information in my possession, which is identical, I concluded... Lord Luon, you met someone in the basement."

"With his help, are you using magic?

"Is the answer half right or something... the magical content is probably something that speaks to that being"


'Talking about wanting time to roll back...... thereby actually rolling back'

"Wait, that's just it?

Surprising Richard...... or just talking and time rolls back, etc. and it's not normally possible - if it's normal.

"What are the beings we met underground?

Anastasia asks the lid. Speaking of which, did you talk to her a lot before you met her?

When I tell him about the area, the Marquis groans with interest.

"God... don't let the scale of the story get bigger. So, Lord Gark, is it okay that the magic used by Nehmeisa is the same as that?

"Oh, I'm sure of it"

"Should we do something about that god first?

'No, the first thing you need to do is stop Nehmeisa's murder. That's what we're talking about. "

Gark, who said so, coughed once...... plus, he continued.