Sword of the Philosopher

The Depths of Two

Yuska's verification is over, so I was going to Katra...

"... Mr. Luon?"

Abel's voice. If you look at him, he walks from the hallway to the garden. The outfit is pretty much the same as the Yusukas, but don't look much like him when he wears it.

"What are we doing here?

"Trying to reassert Yuska and the others' strengths... how are things over there?

"Oh, thanks to the Marquis"

Abel shrugging her shoulders.

"Rather, so much so that I feel too well and anxious"

... I guess that means Nehmeisa hasn't interfered much about him either.

"Fine then. We're going to need Mr. Abel in this fight, so keep up the good work."

"Oh, I know"

And here he sent his gaze to the Yusukas.

"How about you two?

"I've only verified Yusuka, but it's too much power."


And he looked me in the eye,

"If you want, can I join you?

"I don't mind. By the way, where's your workout?

"I'm not lazy. When I find time, I'm waving my sword."

- On the surface, Abel is the situation at the center. That's understandably why you don't need to work out so you can't lose. There will also be a desire to ascertain its achievements.

"Abel, you don't have the next job."

Exon put a cross spear in here.

"You can't even let him get hurt at this stage...... Mr. Luon, would you mind just having him judge his power, not a meeting?

"I'm fine... but why judge me?

"Abel, it's your creativity."

- "Last Ocean", the creative depths I also decided to Exon. You mean it's something that can be exposed to tsunami-like magic, but it's improving its power?

"Okay. Mr. Abel."


Him pulling out the sword. And when you confront me, you quietly pour magic into yourself.

Abel was getting stronger at the time I met her than the Yuskas were. If it had been more fortified than before, instead of an elite knight, it might be able to counter more enemies than that.

Okay, let's go.

Abel proclaims - lay down his sword. His move is that a wave of magic strikes straight at him, somewhat wider in scope. That's just the garden, so you'd narrow the offensive range somewhat, but you could do it on a scale that I wouldn't give you room to dodge.

Or condense the range to make it more powerful......? Shortly after thinking that far, Abel moved. Raise your sword and hit the ground with momentum.

Immediately after I thought - blue magic pressed me to swallow. The appearance has changed little from before, but the magic that is strong is no worse than it was before it was unleashed in the whole body... that is, the total amount of magic has increased, and what was previously unleashed with all its strength can now be handled with leeway.

I'll put my left hand around him again. We built a walled magic barrier ahead of it - both sides clashed.

The blue waves go wild in front of me. On the left hand of the razor, the weight passes, and the blue tries to destroy the wall.

Then the waves moved so as to avoid the barrier - hey, can you possibly control the movement?

"- I've always thought it was powerful enough"

Exon speaks up then.

"But just releasing a wave of magic does damage to my people too... that's why I got the art of controlling it"

The blue wave pressed to surround me - I held my sword strong.

For a moment, the blue waves explode. He instantly magically cast his magic into the sword of his right hand, through which he launched a slash to counter the waves.

As a result, the waves lost a lot of momentum. More knocking in the sword trident loses power...... eventually the effect disappears.

"... I see, this surprised me"

And I squeal. Abel, on the other hand, was sending her gaze when she said "what to say while keeping it completely offset" but... anyway,

"Marquis, you said you had your next job."

"Oh... is there something there for you?

"I thought I'd look at Katra's abilities and tell her how to fight an elite knight..."

"Hmm, I see... Mr. Abel, what do we do?

"I guess I can postpone my future work just a little bit, and I think I should do it."

"Fine. Then please, Katra."

Eyes on Exon. She nodded and confronted me.

She stays, but should be more physically capable than the other two than hosting a dragon elf named Shasta. And Chuang Ma Yi... If you are mastering, will you use your high abilities to fill and slaughter your time at once? Or...

Katra runs. As I expected, the movement was agile, and I can tell by working with dragon elite that it is considerably more powerful.

- I was worried about her initially.

I can hear Exon. What is troubled about the policy of how to work out?

"Based on the fact that we are still in the process of developing our skills, Yuska, we worked out just like you, and it was either in time or subtle by the showdown"

Me and Katra's sword staggered. It's impending and Katra tries to push me back.

"The power of the dragon elite and her skill… this is the result of considering it"

I pulled my sword deliberately. I don't know what kind of attack she's going to make - because I want to see it.

In the next moment, Katra emitted her magic - a dark light emerged from her fullness, which moreover takes shape.

It looked familiar to me. This is her creative prowess - what I saw as I approached close was a bird with wings spread... you can imagine an eagle because the move-name is' Crimson Hawk '.

It's just that its size is huge like a peacock coming out of a story or something rather than an eagle...... it was quite powerful to loom at close range.

I take it with my sword. Shortly afterwards, the shock came to me.

Momentum could have blown up if it wasn't in good shape - and at the same time I guessed Exon's idea.

I can play eagle. The power that bursts in my front creates a massive magical runoff, and it pours into me as a shockwave. Whether this one has zero damage or not, it released enough power that temporary vision would no longer work... this is also quite powerful.

Eventually the magic disappears completely, Exon asks.

"How was that one?

I don't answer questions. I look at Katra. Nothing like my breath is rising, and I still look like I can afford it.

Description of the Marquis I just went to. And based on her abilities......

"Confirmation, is she a point specialist?

"That's right. I learned Innovation and worked it out. I also do swordsmanship, but I can't deny I'm behind you, Yuska, and I thought it would be difficult to complete it by the showdown... but with the help of dragon elite, I can follow up on my skills with that ability."

I see.

"Okay. That was helpful."

"So what do we do about it?

- Yusuka is likely to possess two creative depths and be able to handle them on some ad hoc basis. Abel has been able to manipulate the depths freely. And Katra's abilities were enhanced by working with dragon elites.

Think of the elite knight. With the ability of each groundwater fire wind, the last one manipulates the shadows.

... I've been simulating how they move and so on, but the showdown strikes me at the same time. So what we're gonna do...

"... there are five elite knights. Plus, they work together to hold us back."

"If it's my move, I think I can break it off."

Abel says. And I keep snorting.

"Oh, it's more important than not to let them work together. Individual abilities are certainly high, but it is also possible that Yuska and the others could collapse if they did all they could. In this case, the key is what to do with the playback capability."

That's what I said... I turned my gaze to the Yusukas,

"Let's have a little discussion - to defeat the elite knights"