Sword of the Philosopher

I saw the name.

"When you are wearing a tool, the magic that the tool emits is granted to a weapon or something. Please note that if you do not wear it, no magic will be granted and defeating the demon will not count."

I mean, do you absolutely mean wear a badge?

"Also, it doesn't mean that demonic crusades must never take place alone. Sometimes I think it means defeating a big demon with multiple people. In that case, the medals you get when you defeat the demon will be split. Depending on the magic granted by the tool, the medal will be distributed."

... I wonder if it's close to the concept of experience in games. If you fight alone, you can share your experience, but if you are more than one person, you will be divided equally.

"If the demon quality is high, you will also get many medals. Please note that if you feel that an injustice has been committed, you will not be allowed to participate in the feast in the future. It also basically forbids fighting between humans. This is not the case if the person who runs the business is in the intermediary, so please let us know if you need anything."

... I feel like I can't be deluded because it's a tool created by angels, even to be wrongful. Even the adventurers will be less likely to think they can fool angel tools. The part called angels may lead to certain fraud prevention.

"Ultimately, those with more martial arts medals will be the best of this feast. There is also a kind of hazard sensing system for this tool."

Hazard sensing? Tilt her neck, the receptionist continued.

"There are types of light that tools emit. A white light would be fine, but if it turns out to be a red light, it is likely that the demon is more than your power. Also, in the case of more dangerous demons, sensing proximity produces a small warning sound in addition to red. Danger perception will be judged by the quality of the demons you defeated by then, so you can add your strength and fight."

So the woman glances at us.

"Note that entering the fight with the red light on will not add up to the martial arts medal"

... So you have the aim of preventing adventurers from recklessly challenging powerful enemies?

There will also be dissatisfaction with the strong because defeating a strong enemy doesn't earn a martial arts medal, etc. It also feels like you can't get a Giant Killing, etc.... It is easier for people with more strength to go up there because there is no such thing as defeating such demons by chance and getting a martial arts medal, etc.

However, this rule seems to make it difficult to fight powerful demons in one flight. Well, then what can I do?

"That will be all the explanations. Any questions?

"Uh, do these places exist in every town?

The woman nodded at my question.

"Yes, there are bulletin boards and these facilities in large towns that publish rankings, etc. If you stop by, we can give you information other than the calculation of the martial arts medal, so be sure to use it"


That's why I'm going outside. Me, Sophia and Romilda put on the badge and we're all set.

"To meet a superior angel, the medal would naturally have to be superior too"

I look at the bulletin board in the square. I can't read the letters at a distance, but I somehow know it has people's names on it.

"I'd like to take first place, if I could."

"Mr. Leon and the others will be able to do it."

said Richard shrugging his shoulders.

"According to the rules, we can't fight strong enemies all of a sudden... but Mr. Leon and the others will be able to fight strong enemies in no time."

"Well... let's just see what's going on on on the bulletin board"

We approach the bulletin boards where people wander. There are two numbers. One is an object with a map of this continent, and the other has a person's name written on it.

The continent is noted as being somewhat snoring but circular, with a large and prominent place with many country names and demons.

"... there are many places where demons can occur."

Richard's words. I look at the map and I respond.

"On our continent, the spirits have the influence of living, and the magic is spreading all over the continent. But this continent is focused on places… in this case, the demons that are born are a little special."


"The demonic nest itself is massive in the first place, because it can form a herd. That's why there can be some pretty powerful ones in the demons. So, some of the demons are intimately linked to the luxurious magic and can't get away from the assembly point. It's too special a harm."

"I see... the map shows that some of the points where there are demons are quite large."

"Oh. Demons constantly appear from places like that, and they attack people, so the country also strikes a variety of measures. The demons fighting at this banquet are also supposed to emerge from places like that."

... The only way for us to win the culmination of the feast is to go to those places.

"So, the other one..."

Just looking at people's names honestly doesn't come with a pin. Nevertheless, should I remember the name of the superior human being?

"Would you also like to keep a note?

"Well, yeah."

I answered Sophia's question, and I was looking at her name.

"... hey"

"Mm, Mr. Luon, what's up?

"... ah"

Sophia also noticed. The names written on the bulletin boards total one hundred people. Regardless, it would mean the top 100 people on here.

Among them, there is one familiar name.

"... it says Eina-Forkd."

Besides, it says "Shergia Continental Invitational Knight" on the side.

"I don't know why you're in this..."

"It's an invitation, so you took part publicly."

Sophia is not surprised yet.

"We also have national traffic with the Sherzia continent. It's no surprise you're in."

"Does that mean you might encounter one of these days... If you look closely, you might be joining Alto"

And I didn't know you were among the hundreds. I don't know how many people participate, but it's amazing that they're still at the top of the list.

"So, who's first..."

A name I don't know. I don't remember summing up my game knowledge. So, the medal earned represents a number, but that number is nearly double that of second place.

"Wow, the number one guy. Dantotsu."

"You seem to want to see an angel."

Richard jokes.

"So, I don't know how many demons this number is the result of defeating."

"We'll find out about that tomorrow by defeating the demons."

"What will you do today? Do you want to rest here?

Ask as Sofia looks around the port town.

"It seems like it would be nice to move to another town so we can fight a little faster."

"There's no big difference. Looks like the end of the feast is still ahead of us, and shall we rest here for now? Maybe I'm tired of a long journey."

So we started looking for an inn... and we thought in the meantime.

The battle on this continent is apparently going to be a simple thing called demonic exorcism... and through this I had one thing in mind.

In the first piece of the story, the protagonist obtained a variety of weapons. I use them with my friends to fight Lasbos... but with this theory, I have to decide who uses the weapons that angels might give me this time.

It's a shield I got from the angels in the story... but if we're gonna get what's right, maybe we can handle it too. Nevertheless, the possibility cannot be denied that in some cases others will use the shield - etc.

This feast is not hard to identify… there are many challenges, including whether or not to make it the most truly companion.

"Anyway, we just have to do what we can."

So whine - we've decided to get ready for tomorrow and rest.