Sword of the Philosopher

enemy speculation

Go outside, use the valley and check with the demon. The impact of fighting underground is apparently not out.

"Let's go back to town and rendezvous with the Sofias. Speaking of which, I'm gonna have to talk to the alts."

How far does Sophia explain the situation...... so I decide to go back.

I leave the woods without hesitation and go out into the streets. In the meantime, I've been discussing Anverate.

"Lord Luon, is he an angel by word and deed?

"Probably. Just not a normal angel... that's the real fallen angel with the traits that were told in the story"

The Battle of the Game - It was twenty years ago now, but did you become a fallen angel then, or before that... Either way, if the other is an angel, it would still be from an angel to get information.

"Even if my guess was wrong, it's a creature of advanced class demons. I don't think an angel has noticed such a presence, and it definitely interferes... I think"

"By defeating that enemy, you'd go up on the bulletin board, too,"

Oh, guess what, Garc? Expectations are high.

Nevertheless, the ranking of the bulletin boards was updated today, so can you tell the results or a little,? Depending on how many numbers you get, let's figure out how to stand around a lot.

I came to that conclusion, and I went back to town. Sometimes it feels like before the evening. First we head to the inn.

Go to the inn where Richard is staying. Then there's what he looks like in the lobby.

"Ah, Mr. Luon. Were you all right?

"Oh, no problem. What about Sophia and Romilda?

"Romilda is resting in the inn. Mr. Sophia goes to the tavern with Mr. Alto and the others."

"To talk... you know where?


I walk over there when I hear the name of the store from him. The place in question was found immediately, and there was a bunch of noise when we went inside that it was before the evening - the appearance of the alts.

"Mm-hmm! You're back!

Alto waves at me. I mean, you can do it.

"No, but. Thank you so much. Thank you, Luon."

"You're welcome."

"Master Luon, are you hurt?

Then Sophia's questioning. This one responded, "It's okay," and she looked relieved.

"Thank you for your safety."

"I'm sorry I was worried... so the enemy who was underground took him down. Sophia, how much did you tell the alts?

"This time I went here to meet an angel, and that I have other enemies to fight against in the future."

I didn't even hear the details of the enemy.

Mentioned by Caln with his cheek cane attached. She seems to be drinking too, but she doesn't look too drunk.

"I didn't tell you too much detail, because I don't want to get involved?

"About that...... uh, before we get into the conversation, what about the rest of us?

I don't have Ignos and my client Rona......

"Oh, Ignos is in the inn. I don't drink. So, Rona is going to see her inside to fulfill Luon's favor. He says he lives not far from town, so we can hook him up tomorrow."

Oh, come on... I appreciate this. Let's try to get information from Lorna's associates and find out why my moves and magic are hard to work with high-ranking demons.

"Okay. So is Sophia drinking?

"No, I had to tell you what happened."

"I'm afraid I can't help but drink."

And Alto laughs as he says.

"So, Luon. We've been struggling with dragons. What do we say... if you don't mind?

"Thank you. It's just that this time the enemy has so many mysteries. We're in the middle of an investigation right now."

"But you came to this continent with angels to deal with him, didn't you? I can imagine how much it is."

Here Alto opened the glass.

"... If Luon is the kind of person you think he's having a hard time with, he might not have our turn. But I've put it together in the past. As far as I'm concerned, you can't leave me alone."

"Well...... can you give me a second thought on what to do? Truth be told, there's going to be a lot of trouble at this feast."

"Does that have anything to do with that dragon or the enemies that apparently were underground?

"Oh, yeah"

The presence of Anvelate could also be an opportunity to find out what an even deeper presence in the basement we fought earlier... Yeah, gathering information here is important after all.

"Sophia, I'd like to call an ops meeting."

"Okay. Mr. Alto, Mr. Caln, if you'll excuse me."


"Not again."

We responded to both waves and left the tavern behind.

"Let's talk about Richard... oh, let me confirm the medal I earned before that. And Sophia, by the way?

"I did it. Let me refer to the figures on the current bulletin board, and I was wondering if I could eat into the top twenty or so places."

Oh, that's amazing.

"It's a distributed form with Romilda, but it's quite effective... I just don't know if Master Luon got it the same way..."

"In the Battle of the Dragon, I only defend myself. Now that we've defeated the enemies that existed underground, I think they'll add up for that."

"What kind of person were you?

"That'll be later"

That's why I went to the liaison office. And as a result of this battle, I won a medal.

"... this is"

The lady at the reception shrugged small. I leaned my neck,

"Is there something wrong?

"No... Um, was the enemy you fought this time human?

Have you been in good touch with him about his existence? When this one nodded, the woman replied, "Okay,"

"As for the demon we fought this time, we've been informed to contact Operations once we detect this."

Operations HQ - - Maybe I'll see an angel.

"Really? I'll never mind."

"Thank you. I will now report you."

"Please," she told the woman who gave her the courtesy, leaving the liaison office.

"Perhaps you can meet an angel soon after the tour."

This is what Sophia said. I snorted,

"I guess that's all you meant to be a mighty opponent... I guess you recognize that there are more enemies to the operation than even contacting the lady at the reception"

"Are you waiting for results after"

"Right. So, it takes time to get stuck on the bulletin board... should we hunt demons in the meantime, or should we solve the problem of my moves and magic being hard to work with?"

"Let's talk about that too."


So, back to the inn with Richard...... one of the men's rooms. Sophia and Romilda sat in a chair and me and Richard sat down on the bed,

"First of all, with regard to the enemies encountered..."

Let's get down to business. Expressing my guess from there, Richard gave his opinion.

"Fallen Angel...... with Mr. Luon's interpretation, you're probably right. So, the main office is empty"

"Is there a spot in the sky that will be dull, or is it hidden by magic or something... I don't feel like the latter. I don't know."

"So, starting tomorrow, you're going to look into the home of that fallen angel?

I answered Sophia's words with my head open.

"First and foremost, too little information. Since in the present situation I can only state it by reasoning...... I just want to gather information first. I'd like to combine this with looking into my abilities."

That's it, I shrugged my shoulder.

"There is no doubt that the operator will take any action against us... and we will find out who the enemy is."

"Then we should look into Master Luon's magic."

I snorted at Sophia's inquiry.

"Right. As for fallen angels, let's see how they react from the operational side before we decide."

The policy is decided. It's just my magic... can you figure it out? In doubt, I decided to take a break for today.