Sword of the Philosopher

Signs of Fallen Angels

Nell, the angel, comes forward and begins the battle - angels have a lot of magical power and so on compared to humans, and they can also unleash powerful magic without chanting. However, we expect that Fallen Angels will undoubtedly do something against angels in this battle... which means that angels may not be able to show their true worth in the battle against Fallen Angels.

A large demon approaches. It looks like the Tyrannosaurus that Eina and the others fought for, and it's coming straight at us.

Then Nell moved as he continued his magical convergence. Spread your hands to the left and right, creating light in their hands.

Demons that can be captured with the naked eye. Still in the middle of the mountain, demons storm up the hill...

"I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Nell tells. I switched the switch or it was different from the atmosphere I had shown so far.

Immediately afterwards, a number of thin yarn-like things extend from the light of your hand - like laser rays. It was unleashed on the demons countless times - the moment it touched them, it exploded.


Unexpectedly groaning. The laser is a hell of a number, so that's all the explosion winds up...... sounds a lot in this mountain range. It's a flashy attack.

But the demons also endure...... even in the battle with the Serga and the others, but these guys are pretty durable. If this has a scouting role, does it feel like you're checking to see how capable we are of attack?

And the demons that pour out light and explode... because that's what happens constantly, the demons can't come any closer.

A little, Nell's attack is over. Smoke is rising from the demons, and the movement is much slower.

"Hmm, you've hurt me enough."

"... If you had all this power, couldn't you even fight a fallen angel?

Sophia's question, Nell shook his head left and right.

"No matter how powerful a means of attack you have, it wouldn't make sense if it didn't work, would it?

"I mean, are you assuming the fallen angels have the ability to play angel attacks?

"That's the thing... the power of fallen angels and the power of sleeping in the basement that Mr. Luon says... I don't think that if we put these two together, we can do anything about angels."

Talking that far, Nell shrugged his shoulders.

"Originally, angels are defensive abilities. Even Fallen Angels have those powers, so I don't think it's that hard to deal with this attack."

Demons bark while talking. Looks like he's still willing to fight... but Nell put his right hand up here.

"Let's end this"

Light at the tip of your hand. She waved it down - enough light bullets to cover her palms, unleashed against the demons.

A small light if you try it as a demon - but the moment it struck directly, a loud roar echoed through the mountains.

At the same time, the firepillar rises. Besides, it's momentum as if it caused a flaming storm, destroying demons with a lot of giants for sure. The flame of judgment...... it looked that way to me.

Eventually the flames broke and the demon figure disappeared. That's angel, something like that.

"Well, do you have any other demons?

Nell grunts as he looks forward. Probably using demons to explore the area.

I'll look into it again, just like her. But there are no demons coming at us... while Serga and the others are dealing with multiple demons.

But it seemed okay. The first thing to look out for is the battle of Quoto.

"Sora! Blow it up!

Quoto waving his sword with screams. When the blade of the wind hits the demon, it bursts, causing a great deal of stiffness.

Sounds like you're giving priority to frightening them over power... and the rest of us, but you're stopping the demons Dietzsche and Caln storm.


Mood flashed. The blade of flame had touched the demon and had completely stopped the movement from stitching. Eina and the others seem surprised that even multiple opponents have not changed their methods of warfare if they are alone.

Caln is in the cover again. The 'Wing Cannon', a long-distance move, does not give a gap to the demon with Dietzsche.

- There, the swords of Alto and Eina pierce the demons.


Raise your voice. When Alto decides to 'Rising Sun', Eina sets up the 'Sky Law Sword'. The two apparently set their aim in unison, and the demon who devoured the attack falls to the ground without withstanding the impact.

And Serga stabs Todome. In earlier battles it was a form of releasing magic forward, but because Quoto is playing or exercising magic in such a way as to raise a fire column from the ground. The white light rather than flame...... stretched out into the sky and I could recognize it as a tremendous magic even from afar.

The demon eats the attack as it continues to stand and raises a similar voice to the scream. You're under a lot of aggression. If this isn't the Giant Beast class, the battle is on.

Eventually the whole thing would disappear...... the number was already half, and it was going to be over soon.

It's okay over there.

Nell speaks. Then turn your body the opposite of where they are,

"Let's check the perimeter... it looks like there are no demons, but don't be alarmed"

"Oh, I know"

We start to move on. Even so, there's no way I have a destination, so I'm just following Nell forward.

But as for the fallen angel side, if you observe it here, it's pretty much defeated and lost... I don't know if you think of it as a power reconnaissance, but it shouldn't be weird if there's anything more to it than Nell roaming the territory -

That's what I thought, arrow tip, I felt signs of zombiness only for a moment. Apparently Nell also noticed, stopping and beginning to look around.

"Sure, it looks like you're watching this one."

Fallen Angel... I'm anxious about my offensive side, but do I have to?

"You think I'm gonna set you up?

"What do you think? But I think we're going to take some action by the time we get home."

Immediately after she mentioned it, further signs. Sophia and Romilda also frown and look around.

"... are you even in tow over here?

"Well, what shall we do?"

Nell starts to come up with ideas.

"Looks like you're worried about this one, but as someone, you don't want to show up yet?

"... Mr. Nell, do you know where they are from here?

"What about Mr. Luon like that?

I... Hmm,

"What do you say, Garc?

"I am currently exploring it, but there is a lot of temper and difficulty in the mountains. It's gonna take a while. '

Um, right...... Some hands use Resvail, but if you do that, one end of my power will be known. You'll be extra vigilant.

"Mr. Nell, you won't be able to do it right away."

"Yes... it may be possible to use it and explore where it is because the other person is interfering in the demonic nest... but it may be a trap."

This is how you're interfering with us to lure us into a trap, and there's a hell of a number of demons if we turn... there's no chance at all. Well, we'd be able to handle it, but in return, an extra fallen angel would pull into the back.

Then all we can do... and still think about it, the user demon reports. Serga and the others have finished defeating the demons.

- And I thought about it here for a second. We believe that the Fallen Angel's aim is the Angel Nell... but what if he is not a participant in a feast like the Serga and the others?

With such a hunch arrowhead, Zua - I felt more clearly magic than earlier.

"What do you want to do?

Sophia asks. I put my gaze on Nell,

"Mr. Nell, if we're gonna fight, we're gonna hang out..."

"Even if I were you, if I could defeat you..."

In a moment, a tremendous magic was born from the corner of the mountain skin. Signs of tingling and puncturing the skin even though there is distance. Definitely. This is...

- Serga and the others have noticed.

With my whining, Eina and the others will be in a hurry... day one into this demonic nest, but it was going to be an early engagement with fallen angels.