As for the day off to the heavens, we made a short decision. It's only a few days after the fierce fight with the Villagers.

"That's why I'm coming"

"Oh... but to tell the truth, I'd like to take a peek into the world of angels"

The alto of drop-off spills. Only me and Sophia, Romilda and Richard are going to heaven with Nell this time. For a moment I wondered if Eina would accompany me, but she chose the path to train in the tunnel.

"We'll need a human to monitor the demonic nest where the villagers are"

Yes, she insisted, and Nell decided to leave it to her - Nell and the angels also began to be alert when the battle against fallen angels broke out, and many angels were dispatched inside the demonic nest. If you work with them, there's no problem - that seems to be the conclusion.

Quoto and Dietzsche will also fight in that battle. I just don't take part in Serga, I do research... I have to train him on the techniques he taught me too.

Alto and the others will also participate in it - in Nell's view, the fallen angel will not show up for a while. As a villager, we should analyze this battle force to some extent and work to combat it. Even from the fact that many more angels were dispatched, he said he would never face from the ground up.

I can't say for sure because some parts of Villaiser are unclear about what he thinks... but it's not good to just be afraid. Watch his trends in some cases as he defeats the demons created by Villaiser and sharpens his power… that's what's best for the moment.

"First of all, Eina and the others are handing over the protective equipment the reinforcements brought."

Yes Nell says... in fact, there's a metal bracelet on Alto's left arm in front of him that he didn't wear.

"It's a hurry, not a formal one. But I brought it in to take into account Villeser's abilities, so he's defensive enough."

"If you have the ability, wouldn't this be the right thing to do?

When Alto asked as he touched his bracelet, Nell shook his head.

"That just protects the wearer himself. If you continue to be attacked by polar villagers, you will soon be defenseless and defeated... I mean, things like emergency evasion gear to wait for reinforcements. What we're supposed to offer is a tool for the whole offense, where your powers are fully unleashed and Villeser's attacks are well prevented."

Nell, who spoke, continues looking to the alts.

"Viraiser has the ability to metastasize, but he can't metastasize involving others. If I could, Mr. Leon would be running it when he was alone and raided. I mean, even if you're isolated, if you buy time, help will come... but this is only a last resort. Act as many people as possible, and make sure you can handle them even if they attack you."

"I know... good luck with that one"

Waving alto. I wonder what to do...... questionably we were dropped off and traveled.

"To get to heaven, we have to go through the gates that we create, but the place is limited."

I'll show you as I say, Nell... but here's one question.

"Is that, or is it hidden?

"For once, we take care not to be witnessed transferring sights, but we're not hiding them. Besides, when you come here from heaven, you're free to move around, so it's not stupid to be ambushed."

"Someone used it by mistake..."

"Of course not, so don't worry. Fallen angels cannot be used in the same way, and building gates will only allow us to pass through who our angels have authorized."

I see. Do you do it in such a way that there is no problem finding out?

Looks like it's not that far from town about where Nell is going to show you. I guess it exists nearby to keep in touch with the heavenly realm because of the vast nest of demons. In fact, the angel was dispatched immediately, probably because Nell reported immediately.

"When we went to heaven, we talked..."

Sophia talks. Besides, Nell smiled bitterly.

"That's right. You don't have to invest in your shoulders. Maybe you're nervous about being an angel, but don't take it so seriously."

"Is that angel your boss from Mr. Nell's point of view?

Somehow I ask, Nell nods.

"Yeah, right. 'Cause that means I was interested because I reported it."

"Oh well... the content is that you defeated the Demon King, or something?

"That sounds like it too... I've only heard so much that I want to talk to you, too. He told me to bring him in lightly, so I don't think it's serious."

Hmmm...... sounds like you won't know the details until you meet an angel.

Eventually we missed the streets and went into the woods. I didn't see any kind of demon, and I arrived at my destination without anything happening.

"Right here."

In front of you is a slight gap in the trees. There's nothing but a few broken trees down.

"Is there a reason I set up a transfer location here?

"I wonder if this is where the most magical points were outside the demonic nest. Okay, just stay away."

We'll stand down when we're instructed. Nell joined hands with the bread and something started to say.

Magic chant or... Then her front, that space began to distort.

What you see behind it... is the meadow? We got a glimpse of a different view from the forest, and eventually Nell finished the chant.

"That's it," he said. Well, shall we go? "


The angel invites us to walk. And the view in front of me - changed.

It is the meadow that spreads in front of you. There is a white monochromatic palace in the distance, and mountain ranges exist with white tops to surround the meadows further.

"This is... the heavens?

Sophia squeaks that followed from the rear. More Richard looked around,

"That's a lot different than I expected"

"For example, land is floating, and particles of light are drifting... or something?

Nell asks. Richard shrugged his shoulder whether he had been told.

"In the world of novels, for example, that might be the expression... but well, there were places like that before the war rolled up in heaven. Beyond the amount of magic that the atmosphere can hold, it particulates and shines in gold, or something."

I wanted to see that kind of sight for once.

"And it's true that land is floating. This place is huge and I just can't see the edge of the land."

"Oh really... and there's an angel who wants to talk to that castle?

Asking pointing his finger, Nell agreed.

"Right. I haven't even heard the story, so I need to check directly."

"... by the way, am I the only one talking about that?

"No, you look like everyone here. I think I want to see my companion."

... Wouldn't it solve my problem or something? As much as I live in a castle like that, it would be great there.

The angels of this world are formed not as the use of God as they were in previous life, but as an independent race called angels. So, for example, the head of an angel or something is like the king of the real heavens, and that was the expression that was made up in the game.

By coming to heaven with Nell this time, I will meet with the great man... If that's how you get to meet the head of an angel or something, it could be a starting point for solving the problem.

Well, first I talked to the angel who wanted to see me... and then I went to the palace with Sophia and the others.