Sword of the Philosopher

Fallen angels attacking.

Me and Sophia start sweeping the demons that have appeared nearby. Even so, there's nothing like a struggle. From us today, it won't be handy unless it's a giant beast class demon.

Exploring the surroundings, the demons also capture other allies and angels who have begun to fight… There is undoubtedly some interference from the villagers that they have begun to fight together.

"Dear Luon, how do we move?

Sophia asks, cutting off a boar-like demon. By the way, Romilda was lumping arrows towards a group of demons somewhat far away, crushing them before coming here.

"Based on the last battle, the Villagers should be on our guard... well let's keep fighting like this for the time being"

(- At the time the head of the heavenly realm shows up, Villaiser should start exploring what he's trying to do)

I respond to Sophia, remembering Devals' voice.

(Sooner or later, the villagers should notice the prospect over here. There is no change on earth, but underground the magical powers of the angels we have planted will be activated. If you know that's a disenchanting magic, you should definitely react)

"... Ms Devals attempts to see if Villaiser can first move demons on earth and destroy the powers planted by angels. If he finds that impossible, he thinks this is how he's going to target Mr. Devals"

I will destroy the approaching blue tiger with a sideburn and tell Sophia.

"I'm definitely putting in a search to see what's going on over here because demons are starting to appear. And then at what time will the villagers show up..."

Let it not be a bad bet of minutes, the possibility is well thought out that no fallen angel will come out. If you have shown vigilance in previous battles, this one should now have enough measures... it is self-evident to think so, and then what does Villeser think when he sees the head of the heavenly realm?

Destroy the demons in the vicinity in no time. He has also grabbed those who entered and exited the demon nest several times and defeated him efficiently. Should we turn to cover elsewhere?

"How are the Einas doing?

Sophia asks. I turn my consciousness to the demon.

"You have no problem at the moment. I'm walking around the woods after I've defeated the demon. Same goes for Serga and the others."

"As far as I've heard in advance, I thought you said the magic prep would be complete in a matter of hours. Until then, I guess you can assume this will continue."

"I guess."

And there's another demon in my sight. Obviously, the demons are getting active when we show up.

"It's still an easy job because it's a demonic phase. Nevertheless, if Villaiser shows up... use the magic he was planting to fight all at once. Don't let the battle end in an instant when you decide. Keep your head tight."


Sophia nodded, re-gripping her sword.

It's still a peaceful time at the moment...... no, it's never peaceful, but an easy situation to deal with. But if nothing happens like this, that means the operation is a failure.

To the lid, I felt that the air and the guillotine had changed. Have you become more temperamental, or have demons appeared - but there are no signs around, and the user demons have not perceived anything.

I still can't confirm what Villaiser looks like. I'm getting ready for Devals steadily... I can't help but rush and it doesn't make sense, but don't get nervous.

Fulfilling...... Gishiri and the air change once again when you think so. Look around instantly, but nothing's wrong.

"Master Luon?

Sophia calls out her name. She doesn't seem to realize...

"Garc, do you feel anything around you?

"No, nothing so far"

Is it my fault...? Speaking of which, it was a while ago when I was the only one who guessed something. That 's--

The arrow tip I tried to think about, Gown - and I heard something exploding from the direction of the mountain. Moving your gaze, the sight of smoke rising from the middle belly of the mountain.

The location is where Devals is.

"You're here...!

"Let's go!

At the same time as Sophia screams, she senses magic from under her feet. The surrounding ground also seemed to emit light for a moment, convinced that the magic of metastatic sealing had been activated.

That's where the user demon captures the situation. There's a pitch-black presence in front of Devals - a villager. But before he set it up, Devals put his hands together and released a light bullet.

Fallen angels who receive it decently - at the same time further explosions and dust spread around them. I think Villaiser probably set up an ambush to keep us from finding out, but Devals had indicated that he would fight flashy if anything happened, so it made no sense no matter how secretly he moved.

and suddenly the darkness starts to swell while the dust doesn't clear. That blows up in one piece and paints the area where Devals stood black!

"Are you okay...?

The sound of the ground trembling with it. Besides, when I saw that I was so distracted that I could feel it coming from here, the Villeser side seemed to take it seriously, too.

Devals - took off from the darkness and distanced himself from the place because he thought there was a villager. You let that body gather more magic, or your body glows for a moment. Magic barrier?

Apparently, he's going to buy some time. So far, as planned. In the meantime, we rush through the woods due to the magic of movement! The rest of us seem to be rushing to where Devals are, moving even through the woods.

And - the first one to arrive was Nell, who was also close.

"Dear Devals!

As she approached her, she stood on one knee and laid her hand on the ground. As soon as possible, magic occurs in the mountainous area where they are, which turns them into magic barriers that isolate the interior and exterior.

"Perform a metastasis seal, use the magic barrier and lock me up... you're doing exactly the same thing"

Eventually, the villager showed up and spoke with some sort of spoken word.

"The difference is that the range of metastasis seals covers the majority of the demonic nest... I see, it wasn't looking for this one that the angel was wandering about, but was the purpose of its preparation"

"You can't run away the same way... Nell, just in case it's real"


"Are you going to win this?

A scornful voice. I can't confirm it from above to the look on my face, but I guess there's a mixture of derogatory things.

"To be honest, I was surprised that the head of the angel would go out in person, but I didn't think he would."

"It's worth it because it's me, if it wasn't me, we'd end up splitting it up, right?

"Definitely, it's real"

Nell says. Then Devals seemed satisfied,

I mean, the operation was a success.

"Discuss it with the people who come from behind."

Take your gaze elsewhere. It felt like he was watching us... and Devals laughed here.

"Is it time for our allies to arrive? Are you sure?

"Oh, I don't mind?

Provocative answers. Rather than being confident...... you can assume that there is some way over there as well.

I don't know what that is... I'm exploring it with a demon or something, but I can't find it... No, wait.

While I think about it, I finally get to where the Devals are. They had been told beforehand that it was possible to enter from the outside, although it was closed by a magic barrier built by Nell.

So I went inside, I went into battle, I went into a fallen angel - but I stopped.

"Master Luon?

Sophia asks. So I moved my gaze to Devals.

Then he narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his neck slightly. That means, perhaps...

In a moment, not from the villagers, but from behind... I felt distracted from where we were going.