Me and Sophia even go down the contact corridor, breaking up the demons that are coming at us. With the most demons coming out of the central building, the situation should lean at once if we destroy the enemies in that building.

In no time, we went through the contact passage and went indoors. There are demons and demons there too, but there are no demon-like beings.

"There's a staircase. Up or down..."

"Let's head up first"

Follow Sophia's words and go upstairs. So I realized that magic was lingering. Is this a big win?

The expectation is neutral. Up the stairs and through the main door, there is a hall with magic formations painted on it. In addition, there were about five demons in the center.

Four people are forming to surround one, and there is clearly magic coming from the demonic tribe in the center.

"That demon tribe is generating demons......!

"I'll knock you down!

When I screamed, Sophia and I ran at the same time. Naturally, the demons step forward in an attempt to respond.

At the same time, we enchanted the sword at the exact same time. In a moment, there is a crack in the faces of the demons.

Apparently, I understand - that I'll never win.

"- Shit!"

The demon clan that was in the center speaks out, and the magic breaks. You're going to interrupt the demon generation and run away!

He turned his heel back to the opposite side of the entrance. Beyond that there was a window... Jun Min and he jumped into that window before engaging the four Demons.

Along with the sound of broken glass, the Demons jump out of the building... that's a lot of lame escape!

"Master Luon!

"Oh! I'll clean it up all at once!

Engagement begins. Nevertheless, we have already decided to win or lose. So how soon can we defeat our enemies?

Clash with the first demon clan. My opponent also grabbed the sword again and paired the blade with me first.

- At that moment, I will further increase my magic. A demon tribe that opens its eyes as soon as possible. Immediately afterwards, this sword trident bursts with no resistance whatsoever - flashing with each sword. Demons are extinguished.

Sophia waved down and the Demons seemed to guard, but it made no sense at all. Her sword sank the Demons' bodies from top to bottom. As a result, this one disappears - and we continue to destroy the two remaining men with a machete. I was able to process it without difficulty.

The person who was just creating the demon... looked down close to the window and

"... Croix!

He was about to boost his magic and stab Todome in the demon clan he was trying to escape. Croix's sword shoots through the Demon Clan accurately, and the opponent perishes, without even screaming.

Then, the demons' movements began to dull rapidly. Apparently, he was the commander who managed the fortress, and the creator of demons and demons again.

"... the ability to make demons and demons everywhere in addition to robust fortresses. Well, it would have been pretty hard to fight a siege."


Sophia agrees with me. Croix noticed this way as she looked down under her eyes and waved gently.

Then, along with the other demons, he begins to dominate the other buildings. Me and Sophia watched it for a while and then turned our feet toward the stairs to get back to the ground.

Me and Sophia destroyed the gate, which ended in a surprisingly short time about the fortress offense. As damage, demons and demons have been hit, but there is not much need to consider them because they are creatable beings. There is zero damage to the Demons... and the result is good.

"I'd like to rest in a fortress if possible, but I can't say that either"

Croix takes a glimpse of the fort that has finished its reign and tells the demons.

"The faces I gave you earlier will remain, give birth to demons and start preparing for defense. According to Mr. Luon's reports, there is a magic formation in the central building... which probably increases the speed of generation. Use it to fully defend your fortress and secure your exit."

The demons, who were instructed, nodded and immediately began to prepare. And Croix continued to tell.

"We need to rendezvous with the Amels as soon as possible. Yet we must prepare our enemies from Bizel's stronghold… I suppose it would be desirable to send troops there to intercept them in order to rendezvous with Amel, but just as the enemy would attack us, who have also broken into our territory. We have to be responsive to that."

That said, the explanations will be moved to the rendezvous point designated as Amel, where attitude is first made. The place is a plain, with no fortifications around it or any other form of ambush from the enemy.

"If Amel seems to be struggling, we'll discuss separately what to do... then we'll move on"

The demons begin to move according to the decree. Demons and demons moved to follow them, and we followed them to the tail.

"For one thing, the first stage is success."

Sophia says. I nodded honestly but her expression was harsh.

The battle of the fortress is only an outpost. It doesn't make sense to be floating here.

"And then Amel will defeat the enemy and rendezvous."

If she doesn't make it, do I or Sophia have to go cover for her?

"Sophia, if Aamel asks for reinforcements, we'll have to move."

"Perhaps. In that case, are we both going?

"I guess I'll just have to think about it according to the circumstances..."

One of them goes to the rescue, the other escorts the croissants...... is that easy?

"So if that happens, we need to think about it."

"How should we move?"

I snort - though, it depends on Bizel's trends. I hope they break through the fortress and get upset, just don't they?

All this can do is fly the demon and observe the situation in detail... and Croix is closing in on us.

"Thanks, both of you. We owe it to the two of us to deal with the fortress attack in a short time."

"It's too early to thank you. So, do you have any thoughts on rendezvous with Amel?

"First, we'll go through the valley, make an enemy and explore the situation on Bizell's side. If the army is approaching, we must be ready to fight soon."

... Depends on the enemy's movements, but you mean you can't afford to leave Amel alone?

"Morale has also risen about Aamel, and as of now he continues to break into the territory and defeat his enemies. At this rate, we have a formula that we need to cover."

"I hope so... then we just need to focus on this side"

"At the moment"

"Then I'll use the demon to explore the situation."

"I appreciate it. It just helps to have more eyes for observation"

- That way we'll go through the fortress and move on. I'll explore the situation around the valley with the demon of use, but I don't see any anomalies. Was it all because the enemies who were in the mountainous areas were around the fortress?

Well, even if Bizell has the most troops in the West, it doesn't seem possible to monitor the entire mountain range just as well, and we don't need soldiers for surveillance beyond the possibility of breaking in from it... which is convenient. We're not going to have to fight until we get through the valley.

Alert did not fail to proceed...... through the valley. Later is the shape of the plain being extended. Once something street exists from the valley, but if you follow this, you'll get to town, and you can ignore it.

"The path is northwest!

Croix screams. The demons raise their voices as they respond, and the great movement begins.

For one thing it looks like there are no enemies through the valley...... I don't know when or when they will come close though. I walk as I widen the scope of the demon's enemies.

There will be a new battle in not so far away... but what kind of battle will that be? What about Amel in addition? In the presence of uncertainty, we continued to travel with Croix through Bizell's territory.