I had discussed beforehand who I would work with and how I would move... I wasn't originally going to set up an operation to act alone, except for me or Sophia, and at least I was giving instructions to fight in pairs, and I could move smoothly.

Two of them, Alto and Kaln, set up earlier on the Golem. a combination of a great sword and a dagger, but its methods of warfare are:


First, Caln dives into Golem's nostalgia. At the same time, the onslaught begins. The "Phalanx" of advanced dagger moves, but its power was also polished to stop the golem from moving.

The damage at heart, but it creates quite a bit of scratch - if it's as hard as the giant I fought for, it could have done no damage at all, but it's not. If he had those defensive abilities, Caln wouldn't have stormed either. Terra's men magically attacked her first, which damaged her more or less... so she decided she could.

However, there are Lizardmans around...... Alto accordingly. I set up from the side to thwart Callan, who resolutely attacks the Golem, but Alto kicks it over.

Lizardman's body blows away the moment the sword is swept away. There were other individuals approaching, but alto overtook all of them. However, instead of doing everything in its power, it estimates enemy forces, abilities, and so on, and adjusts them to as much output as it can defeat.

And about the key golem, Caln's onslaught had rendered him impotent. Every blow becomes powerful after a battle with fallen angels, in such a way that they are overwhelmed by force.

Though the momentum is likely to prevail even when it comes to the retainer, Caln suddenly pulled back when he stopped the dagger because his aim is different. The Lizardmans who tried to attack this also stop moving.

"Did you give up?

Lizardman to ask Caln. But she doesn't answer...... right after that.

Bikun, and the golem tremble once. With it, its body gradually began to collapse.

"What have you... done...!?"

"Come on?"

Caln restarts his dagger as he tilts his neck...... the golem is unable to recover at the earliest. It looks like it could have been defeated without difficulty, but the properties of her dagger would also be the result of her effective work. Does Caln also understand that, looking to his enemies without alarm?

- Her dagger contains some magic. As one of them, the dagger imparts a shocking effect on the inside of the target when it hits. This is based on a defensive disregard for the "dragon pulse" technique, which can be granted directly to the weapon as a result of trial and error.

Sounds like it was pretty tough until I could turn that effect on and off... Anyway, the hardness of the small golem proved it was possible to impact the inside. Compared to the golem I fought for, it seems to be down in version, but the harder Terra's handouts are, the more capable the most advanced classes are in the golem.

But if you're a member of the organization, you can deal with it… at this rate, can you push it off?

"Shit! Go on with me!

So Lizardman gave the instructions and gave the assault order. I know it feels like you don't see it, but that choice is just bad.

In addition to the fact that the surrounding golems were engaged with other members of the organization, they may have stepped on the conclusion that if they pushed Callan forcefully, they could defeat him... this assault would probably be a development that they also wanted as alts.


Alto waves a great sword with a hanging voice. A shock wave from the tip of the blade appeared in front of the Lizardmans who were still about to strike.


Looks like someone tried to raise their voice, but it was too late. The next moment, the blade blew up and swallowed up the Lizardmans.

The direct front of the alts is covered with dust and roar... where the wind creates and flies the earth smoke over the sky. This is Ignos' cover. In addition to him, those dealing with magic such as Kati and Romilda are in a position to cover them at any time in the rear guard.

The next thing I saw were the falling Lizardmans. However, the number is much lower, and some of them seem to have been swallowed up and disappeared by the shockwave.

Then I wondered what kind of hands the enemy would strike... but the Lizardmans gave each other a look that made it difficult to lay down their swords. So we set aside once and confront each other.

"Do you want to fight slowly? Well, still, this way is fine."

Alto smiled invincibly and confronted the Lizardmans. Next to it, Kaln also moves, making him feel fierce.

On the enemy's side, we may want the support of the wolf, who is under the command of the golem and the phantom beast Lug, but unfortunately we are starting to break out, so it seems that we have been distracted elsewhere and have not been able to set up with the altos.

I magically move my gaze as I shoot through a wolf approaching me. The next thing I saw was the looks of Fili and Coli.

The protagonist of the game, who was reincarnated, essentially started and met, and his people. Pairing two people with each other from the battle against the Demon King is the ultimate natural flow, and that combination makes you feel skilled.

Fili was balanced about his swordsmanship abilities, and Coli began to show him how to fight like an alto heavy a blow while his weapon was long sword. And this time...... there is currently a golem, but how far can it go to fulfill it?

"I'm here!

It was Coli who shouted that way. The signs of drifting seem to be heightened by unexpected and powerful enemies.

Probably wanting to try and wuss at how far my skill will work for the enemy in front of me. The magic put in with that feeling - that was comparable to Alto's moves if only momentum.

The golem naturally reacts, releasing his fist and planting it on Koli, who tried to see the sword trident. But it was Fili who held it back. He takes the offered fist first and flushes it. Successfully derailed.

That was only a slight change, but even a moment of slowing down succeeded in creating the margin that Coli could avoid and as many gaps as he could fight back. And the blow of her whole body bursts -!!


Swinging down from the big upper section. Will the name of the move be "Grand Impact" of advanced moves? Slashing with large exposures to gaps but intense shock waves, the long sword held by Coli... combined with a weapon made of tissue, causes considerable damage.

The blade enters the body of the golem. The sword ran through the torso at once - its body, clearly engraved with scars.