Sword of the Philosopher

Sharpening Power

I was planting something on my sword and it seems to have activated... and Yusuka rebuilt it here.


This one also looks at Yusuka and enters the interception posture...... confused face why Yusuka at the time. In it,

"Um, Duke"


"My body moves on its own..."

"Right. I'm in charge."

... Oh, I mean, were you planting a 'marionette' effect? So that I can manipulate it and show off my strength if I have to...... yeah, it's impotent.

"Hey, Anastasia. Isn't that pathetic for just about anything?

"Say what. Isn't this what you need?

Somehow, the reason is getting impotent too...

"Shall we start again?"

"... Yusuka, are you okay?

"Yes, I can manage"

I put up my sword with a bitter smile... but even if Anastasia maneuvers...

"Anastasia, one thing bothers me... does Yusuka work the way you want it to?

"Oh, if I manipulate it, it'll be bad with a technical connotation, right? Don't worry about it. I only give instructions. That makes Yusuka do what she wants."

"... if it was just a big order, wouldn't it be the same as earlier?

Anastasia grinned deeply at this scratch.

"Then - do you want to taste it?

In a moment, Yusuka moved. He himself seemed bewildered, but nevertheless emits magic and is set up under the direction of Anastasia.

This one got a flashing sword trident first...... soon afterwards, light arises around him again. Earlier it was somewhat of a shock. But this time, apparently, it tastes different.

The magic of the unfolded light rises explosively. Along with that, Yusuka's sword has magic too - wait a minute!

"Hey, if you do any more..."

"I don't mind! Do it!"

Proclamation from ruthless anastasia. Yusuka followed suit because she was being manipulated and released her sword to me.

A blow all over me - plus the light pushing from the perimeter was enormous and emitted light to surround me. Now I just can't get away with it......


With a slight hanging, I waved my sword in a slight mood. It hits the sword Yusuka can grip - soon after, the light explodes. My vision turned white.

Shortly after this sword trident was decided, Yusuka and I took a distance. Even so, I didn't move, I guess Anastasia let him pull when she saw it fit.

So, it's Yusuka of the day.

"... you okay?

"As you can see..."

My face was stained with fatigue. Then slowly fall to the floor.

"It's the limit…"

"Well, that's why I was forced to release magic."

He forcibly pulled out his magic to activate what would otherwise require sophistication. An amount was emitted that depleted the magic Yusuka possessed in an instant, and he fell brilliantly of things.

"... Shouldn't we be softening your hands a little bit?

And I probably won't be able to persuade you - while mentioning Anastasia. Then,

"No, no, now I have good data"

"Are you..."

"If I hadn't seen the case for the full output once, I wouldn't have been able to see if this weapon was a good one. Thank you, Lord Luon."

... Somehow, I think again, it is a ruinous duke.

"Earlier attacks, how did you prevent them?

The referee Sophia asks. By the way, you don't mention winning or losing, but that would be the end of it because it's a situation you can see and understand.

"Uh, it's a simple story. We also hit the magic to offset it. Defending to the detours would have risked breaking through the barrier... and I'm sure the destruction would be just as severe to account for my abilities."

Yeah, yeah, and Eina and Kati are snorting. However,

"But I didn't think the Duke would end up simply raising his output..."

"You're right. Exactly. You couldn't have destroyed Lord Luon's magic barrier without skin. But I might have been able to break it if it was about part of it. If it was a normal direct hit."

"Any tricks on the light attack?

"A magic barrier is not a wall, so to speak. You can't do damage to the flesh unless you put it through... there are several approaches to breaking it. Earlier, the Devil's side showed you a technique that applied gravitational magic? That's another answer to the Apostle, but in the case of the Dragon Nation... well, cut it with more rigid magic, something like that."


"Yes. For example, when scraping metal, would you use a stronger material? Earlier attacks made the quality of magic as robust as it was and sharpened the magic barrier. The Dragons possess all sorts of magic skills... but they can also enhance the quality of magic itself."

Somehow I understood. The quality of magic varies from person to species. However, it also varies depending on the workout, so even the magic barrier constructed with the same technique, for example, is not as strong as me or a normal magician.

The Dragon Clan about its strength... or Anastasia laid eyes on it. By improving the quality of their magic, they can't beat each other in a clash of magic.

"This can also be applied to Romilda's weapons. There's a lot of skill and magic around the Dragon Clan. Thus, with the Demons, we add the properties of demonic destruction… If this is possible, we may be able to penetrate deeply the vast body of the Apostle"

I see... it's not just about attacking the magic of the race as one. Do you mean to use the characteristics of each species to improve the power of the magic and moves that come together?

"Just that, does it work?

"Mm-hmm? Isn't it up to the upcoming tests to create synergies between the races?

"No, it's not... will the effect persist even if you let me converge?

"It's up to Mr. Leon to bind it well."

and mentioned while Devals came forward.

"This battle contains a lot of implications like that"

"Really, you pack everything"

"Naturally. I don't have time for this. Well, is this the end of the dragon clan? Then... shall the angels deal with them?"