Sword of the Philosopher

Should I be involved or not?

After I've secured the means of communication, I'm going to fish for materials about the Lisfana continent. I also discovered the map once, but decided it would be much older and useless.

The names of the massive rivers and mountain ranges are on there, so it's not entirely futile... it's also important to know the geography, but more than that, what we need is to consider where to visit due to Ange's prophecy... that. It's just gonna be hard to guess if you don't go on the ground.

"Hmm, let's have some interaction, it doesn't seem like a detailed dossier..."

If it's not the kingdom of the Barks, but some other country, there might be some details... as well as some deals, so you talk to merchants or something? But don't even feel like you're far from what I'm looking for.

"I'll look into it as much as I can, but I guess it's the real deal when I get there..."

For once geography and all is on my mind...... Imagine a case happening on the continent of Lisfana.

To the best of my knowledge, it just means that the princess of the Rebait Kingdom will be involved in some sort of case. Supporting it is mainly the protagonist...... Apprentice Knight, but there are other characters. It was the Princess's squire that was closing up. This is an elite who serves as a knight at about the same age as the main character.

As for the age, it's not that different from ours... maybe a little younger? So it turns out that a knight with a princess is a fairly powerful man. Well, I think the level is probably about the same as the main character in the game. It's going to be a meta story.

There were other characters... characters who would be companions, or characters who looked like enemies. Well, I didn't completely find out the details, and it's possible that a companion-like character is actually like an enemy, so should I be careful enough if I see someone in my memory?

So, the biggest question is, how far should I be involved in this story? I know the beginning of the story, so it will be easy to interfere. When I say it well and accompany them on their journey for the right reasons... I have to figure out a methodology for what to do to gain their credibility... but I think it's possible. But wouldn't it fall into a development where star gods would wake up if they followed the game street scenario?

The Story of the Continent of Lisfana… This is a complete edition of the trilogy that follows from the fourth and at the same time an episode connected with the first, a distant future. This means that if the story of the latest work goes on as it is, the future of ruin awaits.

But what about interfering with the protagonists' behavior because of that? For example, if the mastermind of the story is trying to revive the star god and the protagonists stop it, there is also a risk that if they interfere poorly, the story will go in a bad direction.

So what exactly do I do...... I shouldn't be frivolous with the protagonists more than I don't know how the story goes. Nevertheless, it seems bad to decide to ignore it. Because the coming of a hero is an event that doesn't exist in the game, so even if the story starts just like the game, does it really go on as is... this is the biggest question.

In other words, what needs to be done is to observe the protagonists' trends while observing the way the Holy Kingdom of Liebait itself moves. Think about what action you should take from there...... a lot to do.

"I guess the top priority is to get information about the star god, In it, you might get a chance to meet the protagonists face to face."

If anything else happens about Star God, given the need to move quickly in some cases, it is a fact that you should still be on the ground. It seems like a struggle because of the many challenges... well, I just didn't have to bother my head until now because I had grasped the scenario, and this is my original adventure or I guess it's a fight.

For one thing, I put it together in my head. Remember exactly what happened to the continent, and if I could appeal to you to look into the continent in a compromise with the country, you'd feel better over there.

Yeah, I guess we're done doing this for one second. I'll keep it in the dossier and distribute it to my companions later.

I visit the dining room at the right time. The time is after noon and people look sparse. Some members of the organization are having a late lunch, while others are doing something like a meeting.

I order tea and calm my back. If you're worried about what you're going to do, there's one person approaching you.

"Luon, do you have a minute?

It was Silvi. Waiting for words to say something, she said,

"I'm currently running for the mainland of Lisjuana..."

"Is Silvi in charge?

"The knight side is Eina. I'm a member of the organization, and I'm in charge of the adventurer ascent."

Somehow, you're feeling like a summarizer... it's part of Alto or something, but this time it's another job?

"So, I'm a key member... how many are there?

"Mm-hmm. You should also be more security than the princess accompanies you. We need to talk to Eina and the castle about this area. I'll tell you later to the castle."

"That helps"

"I wonder if the number of people... can be that high. Because appearances are a face-to-face encounter between nations, knights should take precedence over organizational members."

"I know Sophia's protection means I'll leave it to Eina...... what if around Reese to accompany me?

"I haven't decided on that either, but should we move in view of the possibility of accompanying you...... would you consider both cases for a candidate?

"I have more work to do."

Good luck with that.

Sylvie left the scene after sighing at this sight in my words and answering small "ok".

There's more clerical work for those who held the sword than moving as an organization... well let's just say this is also an experience.

Think about what you'll do next. Is the remaining concern about Reese... even if it means reducing Sylvie's workload, ask her once?

That's why after I finished my tea, I left the dining room to find Reese.