Sword of the Philosopher

A journey to the truth

"Wow, big guy"

And Yuno whines in his nostalgia. This time I'm going to contact the side of the kingdom of Barks via her, which means she's sitting in my pocket. As far as I'm concerned, "So you got no problem with that?," she questioned, "but at the time she said," What? "and he seems to ask back plainly. He doesn't give a shit about this treatment.

Well, if we don't have a problem... we were coming to the west end of the kingdom of Barks. The harbour town there...... will be sailing from here to the continent of Lisfana.

The season is springing and grasshoppers are starting to bud around. Although still white on the mountains and such, the cold is also starting to calm down a lot and make it a pleasant climate to spend. Visits at this time are roughly on schedule.

It's about the key members... in addition to me and Sophia, Reese is also in the same shape... Reese's joining this trip has been a bit of a bend... well, let's try to keep our mouths shut. So, the Knights, including Eina, as their escort. Fili and Silvi as representatives of organizational members, first and foremost as warriors. Plus Lady and Kati refrain as wizards.

On the basis of the candidacy, Kati and Radi were chosen to be able to work on this side if any analysis was needed. Fili and Silvi hired as personnel to move lightly if the situation became that knights, starting with Eina, could not move. There is also a certain meaning of escort… basically it has a great significance as a personnel when implementing the measures devised.

Other reasons for choosing were the person who could respond ad hoc when facing each other with the side of the Holy King Rebait. I tested a lot around here when I ran the candidate, but it was the four people I picked this time that I was in good hands. Silvi or something seemed unexpected, but he said, "I don't hate talking to great people" in person.

The remaining members leave a message...... It also seems that there are few people across the continent, but the Knights are at the centre, and the members of the organization kept it to a minimum. It just seems odd to have too many non-knights manned, and I've decided that this is the right number of people.

So we board the ship. There are several members of the organization to drop off. I set sail waving at it and finally began my journey to the truth.

"I hope nothing happens on the way out."

Silvi squeaks as she sees the land moving away.

"Don't tell me you're not even close..."

"It's not weird that there's obstruction from the star gods, is it?

"For once, I'm taking measures...... for now I'm doing the meeting in advance, and will I ever talk on a special ship? Tell me as soon as you get seasick or something."

It will be a long journey and I wonder if we will be relaxing here on board...... and Sofia is looking out at the sea. I came close to it,

"Sophia, do you have anything?

"No, I was just looking out at the ocean...... Dear Luon, may I ask you one thing?

"I don't mind."

"This is a situation where we can finally approach the identity of the star god and so on... Among them, I wonder what you think of yourself."

"About me?

- Stargod and I are apparently not irrelevant. Because of the quality of magic, etc., it is gradually being discovered.

I analyzed it in more detail during my candidacy, but I came to the conclusion that I had something to do with Star God... well, that's not why I'm talking about family. Based on the battle with the apostle of the star god, there is no way that an attack will not work, and I don't think it will be a problem when fighting.

"Sophia wants to know what I think?

"It's not about what I'm going to do when I hear that. Just wondering what you think."

... um, you mean as a girlfriend you have concerns? Somehow the point was made when I thought about it.

First of all, it has to do with Star God, and I know that sooner or later this being will make the world unscrupulous. So myself, I think it's my job to discuss the Star God.

It must be fulfilled... or else the world will be ruined. So in some cases, you risk your life... and Sophia cares.

"Uh, yeah... I'm an unusual situation as a reincarnated person. Some people have come to this world in a similar way... about Alan, but we have to save him too"


"I myself think that what I do with Star God is the greatest purpose I've been reincarnated with, and I don't know what role I have to play again... I still have the biggest mystery of why I reincarnated, but I might be able to guess about it at the end of this journey, and it's not the kind of stage we're going to discuss yet"

"You think you can get information about your reincarnation?

"I'm only talking about possibilities. If you can learn more about Star God, you may know something about me that might be related to him... but I don't expect much."

"As for Master Luon, do you think it was an accident that he was reincarnated? Or do you think it was deliberate?

"That's a tough question... assuming it's deliberate, why did you choose me?"

It's just not like there's nothing unfounded about it.

"I think that my coming to this world... is somehow close to the edge"


"Game this world...... I knew it on the story. That's why I could come to this world... I'm sure of that. Even Alan knew it as a story. However, if you could have come just to know, it's not strange to have more reincarnated people. So I think there are some other conditions... the question is, are you doing it as someone else's work, or is it a by-product of the activities of the star god... accidental?"

"If it's the former, who did it?"

"It will be repeated there, but it may be revealed on this journey... in a way this journey is also a journey to find out about myself. So definitely, if we don't get some information."

"So is that a priority?"

"I am, but in front of the building, we're ahead of the country's interactions. First, we stand around trying not to be certified as enemies. It's a battle when you dive into their nostalgia... Sophia, please"

She snorts firmly at my words. Once again, she seemed to have re-energized herself to make this journey a success.