Sword of the Philosopher

Consideration with peers

I was curious about what Ami had said that morning, and the work did not proceed as late. So cut up early and stroll around town. After finishing a look below at the inn she gave me, I joined my people at lunch and told them what was spoken about.

"... Hmm, can I think of it as real"

Shortly after I got my explanation, Reese squeaked like that.

"In addition to the fact that Luon is a man from outside the continent, I was looking into the ruins further... and I don't think I can do too much to provide information from it."

"... we followed the prophecy and began to look into the star gods on this continent"

I sort things out in my head and open my mouth.

"Maybe that meant dating Ami's Lord...... when she suggested what the story was about. There are many questions, but given that we were guided by prophecy, there is nothing strange about having the ability to be close to it."

"But the second day we met... isn't it doubtful that people would disclose the information lightly in a situation they don't even know what it is?

"On day one, I think a woman named Amy contacted the Lord about me when she asked about me. So I asked him to decide if we should talk, and he ended up talking."

"Hmm, then will the muscles go through..."

"Master Luon."

Sophia breaks in from the side.

"What do you think about this one?

"... I believe that there is a supernatural ability like prophecy. As things stand, that's the only reason I see you talking to us."

"We were human beings on the Shelzian continent, and at the same time we were looking into the star gods… in addition to those two, there was some criterion for judgment"

"That's right. Even if it's not a paranormal ability, for example, if you were collecting information from outside the continent and you knew about us... the name of Luon-Maddin is not known on this continent, but in other continents it's been raised... if you were collecting information on different continents, you might get my name too"

However, the question remains that I made it so. If the goal is to meet us, you don't have to wait in a place like this, you just have to go and meet us in person. Even if Ami's husband can't move for any reason, Ami herself can, and there must be a means to get out of this continent.

So well, the possibility that you reacted to the name Luon is probably not. As for Ami's husband, the people who came to this continent to find out about the star god... find it and think we fit in better. Even so, I just doubt it, but this is probably something you can understand if you meet Ami's husband.

"What do we do in conclusion?

Kati asks while eating bread. Sophia and Liese also waited for words, and Fili swallowed her twat with some nervous face.

"... there's no way I don't see my husband any more than I could possibly have core information. But in that case, one problem remains."

"Continue the current investigation or not,"

I nodded deeply at Sophia's point.

The biggest question is whether to throw out the current investigation and go there. I'm just wondering what to do more than not know how long I'll be able to get back here.

If Ami's husband had the information he wanted, there's no need for an investigation here. So I don't have a problem going with all my buddies... but if it was a hassle, I would miss the investigation period. That could be deadly time for us if we suck.

"What do you mean, share?

"... I thought about that for a moment too, but if it were to be the core information of Star God, it would be Kati and Sofia who should be accompanied. We can't just leave it to Phili or Reese to investigate."


"I don't know."

Liese and Fili successively made representations. Yeah, either way, the investigation's gonna be suspended. There's nothing else.

"... the question is where Ami's husband is. If we're close to this Torbas, it won't be a big deal, so we can all go."

"Why don't we just ask around?

The opinion of the most decent Liese. Yeah, well,

"Sophia, Kati. The investigation will be suspended in the afternoon, and we'll have to date a woman named Amy."


"Well, that's easy."

"She won't be going into the details, so it'll be our decision... but it could be a powerful clue. There's no way I'm gonna miss this."

That's why we decided to head to Ami's hotel as soon as we finish our meals.

"Speaking of which, I didn't check during the meal, Liese. No change in the situation?

"Exactly in a day or two there will be no change... what about Princess Emena?

"You're almost there... if you're bad, it might reveal everything when the story starts"

"It would be an ideal development if that happened."

"Right...... I just don't know how the story will fall, and I need to keep an eye on it"

If you can focus your consciousness on Princess Emena's journey, you've never crossed it... well, we don't intervene directly.

What bothered me here was whether Ami and her husband were characters in the story. If this episode is to be the core story about Star God, it's not surprising to be the characters. Then we intervene... No, but based on the fact that Ami's husband was looking for people from other continents, we don't know if her husband and Princess Emena are related. It also seems rather irrelevant.

We won't be able to figure it out just yet... but with all our concerns in mind, we finally made it to Ami's waiting room.