Sword of the Philosopher

The future of the world

"The Wise Men were discussing that even though the Demon King himself had predictive powers, that would be fragmentary information"

Forna goes on to talk to us.

"If the Demon King had seen the future crushed, the battle would have leaned to the Demon King's side... for no reason to be sealed. So I didn't know about the end of the battle with the wise. It seemed that the demon king was in a world that would be ruined by the star god, the future of the far side."

"Saw it with the predictive ability that the wise man also got,"

To my words Forna replied, "It seems so."

"So what is the future that the wise man was seeing... if you like, it's the way to go. The future of the world means that there are many paths and branches. For example, right... in the battle between mankind and the Demon King on the continent of Sherzia, whether mankind wins or the Demon King wins... from such a grand picture, to whether a knight takes on a crusade for a demon or a mercenary... to such a fine one. There are countless roads, and we choose one of them through our sales, and we are moving on… However, it seems that there are always one or two things that make the big difference."

Um... in this case, would it be easy to understand if you think about it in the game? Fighting the Demon King... One of the five protagonists moves with the goal of defeating the Demon King, but no matter how the protagonists move, they eventually defeat or lose the Demon King... the way is connected to those two.

"And once one big conclusion is reached, the road will be divided again countless times… so that we can reach another big conclusion, by the repetition of the cycle we are moving on to the future. But at the end of it… after countless great choices, there was always one conclusion to arrive at"

"That's the collapse of the world by star gods"

I whine in advance. As soon as I did, the air in the room became heavier.

"Exactly. The End of the Future Seen by the Demon King... and the Destination of the Future Seen by the Sage... That is the End of the World by the Star God. Besides, it's not that far away from now."

"... Apparently, what?

"Currently, integration with Star God has rendered the wise man incapable of doing so. He carries out a variety of activities, based on the future he has seen in the past. Visiting me is one of them. Thus, his actions may have changed the future… but as things stand, the end of the world will remain the same."

... I see, roughly. The structure the wise man is looking at.

Probably, but if he likes games, he figured out important events and interfered with Forna. This story...... For "Disorder Crown," which falls under the sixth book of the game, it captures its conclusion and the general flow of the story. So, Princess Emena definitely visits here... but with that in mind, the wise man gave Forna the information.

The question just remains. Then what do we do with our existence...

"In it, I was entrusted with this box… this is not to be opened with a complicated procedure. There are no keys, so it's unclear how we can check inside."

"What you left us... So, that's okay, right?

"Probably more than just being the sage's designated person"

Then... I reach for the box. It's a lot lighter when I hold it. It weighs enough to be held by the sides, so naturally.

It looks like a wooden box, but magic does exist. It might be possible to force it to break because it's a pale one... but the contents could just break, and we'll decide to open it in a straight way.

"Nevertheless, there's nothing to take"

"Give it to me."

Kati says. She looks at the box when I give it to her.

"I'm pretty sure magic exists... Hmm, maybe the type that unlocks magic when it runs"

"You know what I mean?

"Approximately because of the properties of magic."

"Tell you what, it was pointless to flush my magic."

Forna says. Or did you try... well, what you want to see is what's inside is a human being?

When I get the box from Kati again, I'll let the magic flow. Then there was a reaction. Something magical hangs around your hand holding the box... you mean you're deciding if you should open the box with magic?

Does it feel close to fingerprint authentication where I said it in my previous life... Well, the result is-

"... you're not responding"

"Does that mean you're not a luon opponent?

Hey, come this far......

"But I am proud to have chosen the right person."

Forna says. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's a person who applies to the terms.

"If you are a man who knows so much about the star god in the first place, you will undoubtedly be the one the wise man seeks"

"I think so... um, when this happens -"

"Um, Master Luon"

Sophia raised her hand here... and I realize it too.

"Oh well. Sophia."

To be more specific, sage's blood muscles...... yeah, it certainly makes sense to make sage's blood muscles the object of unlocking them, not me with no itching of edges whatsoever.

Pass to Sophia, she sheds her magic. For a moment, there was a reaction. Pakin, and one dry sound went up. Then the magic that existed on the surface layer of the box disappears.

"Now you've opened it"

"From the face of the occasion, the leader would be you"

And Forna points and says about me.

"But the target audience is another person...... what do you mean?

When I talk about this, I have to talk about Sofia's identity or something... and I send my gaze to Sofia to see what I can do.

"Wouldn't that be good"

"Well, I've come this far, and I don't care if you're a sage associate"

So briefly explain to Forna. Then she slapped her hand,

"I see. Sage's blood... I can convince you what kind of person the Sage locked up against. And the faces in this room are just heroes... I never expected them to be like that."

"Please don't say anything else."

"I know... now I can finally see what the wise man has entrusted to me."

I throw my gaze at Sophia. She nods and opens the box. The contents of it - when I turned my gaze to peek in, an unexpected object existed in the box.