"I tried to suppress the existence of a star god by entering the star god. But the result is more of a failure than an unscented…"

Sophia still keeps reading the letters. The content was painful even for the wise.

"Even though I told the demon king I would stop the star god, in the end I couldn't be. As a result, the Demon King waged war. This also has to do with my immorality"

"... Exactly, I guess I can't help that reasoning"

And I'll share my thoughts. I just don't know what Sage says or understands.

If he had been able to change the future, the Demon King would not have been resurrected and attacked. But in fact, it would have been impossible to suppress the immense existence of the star god with only the wise man. In fact, from me, who has been in contact with Star God, I can clearly see that.

In desperate circumstances, the wise man himself talked about a level he didn't know how far he could go in fulfilling...... yet he tried to do his part without running away.

"... eventually, I myself was to produce a variety of measures. Being one with the star god allowed me to use all sorts of power to do it too. In doing so, I found that I needed a few conditions to change my future"

Changing the future... The more the absolute future, the more difficult it seems, and it doesn't seem like a big deal.

"Firstly, that the presence of prophetic abilities directly affects I have already lost my prophetic ability by becoming one with the Star God, but there was also a future that was changed by my actions. Nevertheless, the end result will not have changed, the threat of the star god is absolute and at the same time too unreasonable to change in the hands of man"

The wise man succeeded in changing the future on his own...... but he could not change what he really wanted.

"Star God is an enlarged being by sitting at the center of the stars and feeding on the magic that exists on the earth. As long as the concept of magic exists in this world, its power will continue to grow... and that is the great reason why we cannot stop the destruction by the star gods"

"... assuming you've wiped out all the magic"

And, Reese opens her mouth.

"Even if that were possible, we wouldn't be able to stop the star gods of today."

"Perhaps it doesn't make sense that we've prevented an influx of magic from now on, beyond being correspondingly hypertrophic. Besides, unless such measures stop the very motivation of the star god to bring about ruin, eventually doom will arise"

Reese nodded deeply at my words. And Sophia goes on to read the letter.

"And the only beings who possess prophetic abilities are me and the Demon King... there may be beings in the wider world who possess those powers, but the future cannot be changed more than they could do nothing to interfere with the Star God himself. Therefore, action under this condition is pointless. Then the second thing... we have to change the assumptions of the future."

Premise...... somehow speculated on its content.

"This is an extremely simple story. If the star god is going to bring doom, you just have to destroy the star god itself...... it's easy to say by mouth, but now is the time because you couldn't do it. So I decided to wait for a being with that much power. Nevertheless, just waiting doesn't change the future. So it was necessary to bring down to this world a presence that could change the future… that is the existence of the other world"

I mean, you mean me.

"Prophecy is only spinning by those who exist within this world. If you summoned the otherworlds in an action by me that had the ability to prophesy, there are twelve possibilities that could change the future… The power of the star God could also interfere with the otherworlds. Using that power, I scattered information about this world to the other world. I planted this world thing in the minds of various people. It would have been a story, or a legacy, in some world."

Has gotten hard. I mean, if you say it in my world, game. If it's Alan, the same reincarnator, it's a story.

"If my thought is to spread this world thing in some way, I can get along with this world. The beings so called upon will have the power of change in this world… so many qualities"

"Is this you, Luon?"

Forna tells. I snorted silently,

"In a previous life, this world thing was published to the public as a story. By dealing with it deeply, I was born and reincarnated..."

I died in an accident, but I got to this world because I died when I was deeply on edge... I doubt I was reincarnated as a luon... well, I put my shoulder in a luon in my previous life. Maybe the area has something to do with it.

And at the same time, one thing is clear. Through the medium of gaming, I knew about this world, and I used it to become strong and fight demon kings and so on. That is one of the various futures I saw in the prophecy of the wise man. I knew every single one of the countless branched paths through the game. That's why I was able to use a lot of knowledge to be strong, and to come up with the best solution. If it's from a wise man... everything is convincing.

"I mean, my quality of magic, etc., is special because I was called by a wise man via the power of the star god."

Speaking up, Sophia also agrees "it seems so". So I saw me as a chiller... do you mean if I have any thoughts?

"I myself was originally dead in my previous life... and as a result, I came here... so I don't have to mourn or be angry at you for being unreasonable about the sage way."

Besides - there have been many miseries, but in this world I have gained strength and become a hero. Considering that I accomplished things that could not have been in my previous life... I might say I was very blessed.

Best of all, will it really be decided when you have prevented the future that Star God brings? It is only by fulfilling it that the existence of me can be proven in this world...

I understand my role. Then let's move on to that...... Sophia went on to read the text of the letter further when she was determined in her heart.