Sword of the Philosopher

Dream Continuation

When I opened my eyes, I saw the wooden ceiling, not the ceiling of the mansion.When I got up, it looked like a room in the inn.


After looking around, I realize that I am sleepy.In the meantime, I changed my clothes... and looked for a mirror or something, but it's not in the room.I'd like to check my appearance, but it seems I can't.

"Or are you keeping it from showing?

With all my doubts in mind, I'll leave the room for a moment.It was like a second floor, and when I went down the stairs, the first floor was a tavern.

There was a warrior man in his dream last night, so I came closer.

"Oh, you're up.What do you say we wake up?


Take a seat opposite him while answering.I wonder if time has passed since last night's dream... and he gave me an answer that I thought was in my heart.

"So, what do we do today?You want to play, as we discussed on the way to town yesterday?

Oh, yeah.

I nodded, and he snapped his fingers.

"Well then, let's do it freely today."

"Do you have a plan?

Sort of. What are you gonna do about it?

"I... I'll take a look around town.It's a day of sightseeing. "

He nodded deeply as to whether he was convinced by the words.

"Well, that's the way it is.I'll be out after breakfast. "

--From there, he went out to level the breakfast at an incredible speed.On the other hand, I chew the bread out.In a clear dream, I can move as I want... no, this is just the memory of a wise man.Perhaps this is how you behave.

Anyway, I can move around in my dreams... by the way, it doesn't taste like bread.It seems that we have not been able to reproduce it so far.Well, it's not like my stomach swells because I'm in a dream.After breakfast, I went out. [M]

Outside is the boulevard and there is a lot of traffic... If this is the capital of the Kingdom of Burkes, Philinteres... I look around, but there is no material to tell.

That's quite a few years away from when I was a wise man... is this country now the Kingdom of Burks?Speaking of which, I don't know much about history, so I'm not sure.

I thought I'd check around... and start walking.The way people walk the boulevard is very different from what they look like.The general public doesn't feel so uncomfortable about the slightly different design, but sometimes people who look like adventurers are strange compared to our time... subtle, but they wear armor with a different design.

Is this perhaps related to ancient technology...?It should have been a long time since the ancient times until the time of the wise man, but some kind of armor may have been excavated from the ancient ruins.If so, they will have enough power to be a trump card for the people of this era.

I keep walking around boulevards and shops... Was the wise man walking like this again?If so, what were you thinking?

At the moment, he has not met the Star God, nor has he fought the Demon King in the first place.In other words, it was before the name was known, and it was definitely just an adventurer.What do you want to tell me by showing me like that...?

So, nothing happens at all... do you think you're going to have these dreams every day?That makes the wise man wonder what he wanted to do.

Fei, I felt something.I don't know because I'm in a dream... but it's probably magic.The adventurer who noticed something just like me sees it in the corner of his vision.These people were looking uniformly at the entrance of the town... towards the castle gate on the wall.

There is a distance from where I stand to the castle gate... a large and robust gate that is now open and crowded.There will be soldiers near the gate and they will be checking the people entering town one by one.

In that way, magic... there was something black behind the castle gate and ahead of the street.


At that moment, when I closed my eyes with doubt, there was a voice in my ear.Apparently, it was a scream...

"Is that... a monster?

At the same time as I murmured, I realized what kind of existence it was.It was definitely human… but apparently it seemed to be much bigger than humans.

Titans... that's the description of a presence approaching this town.Those who realized it screamed and ran away as one.The direction is fragmented, but at least try to escape near the castle gate, and people scatter.

Did you also notice the soldiers near the castle gate? I heard a whistle.I wonder what it means to announce the arrival of a monster.Along with that, soldiers began to appear from wherever they were played.

In addition, I'm beginning to hear the sound of hooves wandering the avenue... in a state of emergency.

"... oh, there you are!

And here's the warrior's voice.Turning around, he stood in a hurry.

"I was on a hill looking at the view, and there was a monster coming from the street, so I was looking for him."

"... you're a giant, right?

"Oh, I've never seen a monster like that before...."

"Looks like knights and soldiers are on their way."

"We're not gonna make it, but what do we do?

Run or fight.What choice did the wise man make here?

It's like a branch of the game, but my mind is starting to lean in one direction.Probably, but presenting the answer to the warrior.It's not as coercive as it is, and I can say another word... no, even if I answer the wrong one, the warrior will respond somehow and take it in the direction that the wise man actually saw and heard.

Anyway, you don't have to choose the other way around... I'll answer.

"As an adventurer's gift, I'll help you if I can."

I see. If I'm lucky, I might get a reward. "

"That's not the purpose, but...."

"I know.Then let's run to the castle gate! "