Sword of the Philosopher

Organizational Executives

From there, a flat routine continued for a while.Sophia and I went through training, and we went steady, even though it was a cow's walk.Ten days later, the results began to emerge clearly, and Sophia and I nodded forcefully.

On the other hand, in the dream of the wise man... what I've been watching every day suddenly became every few days.The content itself is the scene of a battlefield with many sacrifices as it was when fighting the dragon… Perhaps, but since the content is very shocking compared to before, the wise man may have spared the days to calm down mentally.

Moreover, the content itself seems to appeal to the misery of the war... No, it would imply that leaving the Star God alone would end up like this.Anyway, that's how the days go by... we didn't have to rush because we've just spent so much time producing results.

In the meantime, Princess Emena received an investigation report on the organization in ten days.It was a lot faster to investigate - but it must have been quite advanced before the information was passed on.

"Mr. Leon, what's going on?"

"It contains the details of the person... we will examine them slowly from now on"

A conference room in the Mansion. So we're going to expand the materials and start the validation.As a member, I gathered the faces I had planned for today.Some of them are Alto and Karn, who helped us when we were scratching the paperwork to see if there were any reincarnated people.

By the way, the materials came in today, so me and Sofia decided to take a break from training.If you have time, let's do it.

"Even so, it's hard to think that there's any information here that you can tell if you're a reincarnated person... nh, this is..."

Apart from the material, there were considerations of Princess Emena and the King... more specifically, of the Holy Kingdom of Rebate.

"Hmm... there are a few suspicious people... oh, wait.It says you have details about one of the top members of the organization. "

"Isn't this it?"

Sofia gave out a white envelope.It seems to have been prepared separately from the other materials.

I'll check the contents.The person's name is

"Orzo-Jayne... well, he's from the Holy Kingdom of Rebate, and now he's the head of the organization... he seems to be one of them."

"You know the details of a lot of people."

"According to the materials, he was originally a researcher... and he was able to look into it early in his relationship.Why was it different from other materials? "

Let's take a look at someone named Orzo.

"That's a weird profile."

Is that weird?

"Demonstrating genius since childhood, and obviously different from others due to its extraordinary magic skills... I am now twenty-three years old.But at that young age, I'm in an important position as a researcher and a wizard.... "

"You're talking about a priest who came all the way here with an incredible effort?"

Alto tells me.

"Is there anything strange about it?"

"What I was studying was about magic technology.I have no contact with the Star God at all.Besides, I haven't announced that I'm in the organization.Apparently, they're involved with the people in the organization, so it looks like they put it together in the file. "

"It's irrelevant... you think that's weird?"

"We came here after the Star God... honestly, minus the technology of the Star God, the kind of archaeologist who's doing ruins research.Because there were technologies that could still be used today, it just went beyond archaeology.The organization "Warrior of the Stars" knows that its technology is valuable and is thought to be crowded... but I don't see why this person named Orzo has come into contact with the study of the star gods. "

"Aren't you interested in ancient magic?"

"If so, we should look into it publicly.The technology of the Star God is not specifically forbidden, as Prince Livina's presence shows.Rather, it is an area that may have a budget if it is made public.As much as I'm a researcher, I can get people and materials from the country, but there's no reason to go out of my way to belong to an organization and do something behind closed doors. "

"--In that case, there are two possibilities."

And Sofia opens her mouth.

"One thing turns out to be dark in the back, and I stick it in my neck.The other thing is... there's something I have to hide, and I dare not shut up. "

"Either way, it's uncomfortable that he's involved in the study of the star gods... well, it's not unlikely that it's a simple reason that a genius just took an interest in ancient times."

"What are the chances of being reincarnated?"

Questions from Karn. I shrug my shoulders at it.

"From this information, it's impossible to determine if the person is a reincarnated person.However, there are some parts about the profile that are a little suspicious.When I was reincarnated... this was my experience, but I had memories of my previous life.Being able to act on my own will is bigger than when I was a child. "

"This Orzo studied and learned magic from his childhood through his reincarnation?"

"That's not a zero chance... or a real priest, and the organization came into contact with him in anticipation of his abilities... there could be a dozen cases.In this case, the existence that attracted those people... may be the existence that is trying to resurrect the Reincarnated or the Star God. "

"So, should I focus on this person?"

I looked at the materials to ask Alto's question.

"He seems to be in the capital right now... it would be best if the national side looked into him.It looks like Princess Emena is leading the investigation, and she won't be rude. "

I'll take my eyes off the file after I say so.

"The capital is continuing to identify those associated with Prince Livina.So, even if we investigate, we can move some people, and even if we send out investigators with another intent, we are unlikely to be suspicious.If the enemy is influencing the upper echelons of the country, it is unlikely that they will fall apart... but the organization is still attempting to embark on a ruins survey.I don't think Orzo thinks he's from the upper echelons and doesn't do anything.Yeah, I'll keep investigating Orzo for now.Let's keep working - "