The wise man unleashed the magic of light.It played the darkness surrounding the polar sphere - but that was all.

It's no use.

When the Demon King tells you, the darkness takes shape.Eventually, when he became a demon king,

Playback, huh?

"Not at all. I've already thrown away my flesh.To defeat the Star God.After all, the vessel is nothing but a vessel. "

So you're saying we should break the spirit?

It's true, but can you do it?

When asked, the wise man breathes,

"--I 'll show you."

At the same time, a lot of magic falls from outside the forest.I'm picking up signs of the Demon King... no, no.

Perhaps the wise man was sending a conversation between himself and the Demon King somewhere by magic or something… so the human side immediately started attacking.

"--- It's okay!?"

And a woman rushed in.The wise man retreats from the demon king and asks her.

"You know the situation... the best solution..."

"I think it's the only one. I didn't know you were going to use it...."

"I didn't know if it would work, so I fought straight ahead... but if the Devil was in that situation, it would work."

Probably because of the seal... while thinking about it, the wise men once distance themselves from the Demon King.The forest terrain was greatly altered by the release of a lot of magic, but I didn't think I had time to worry about that.

The dust disappears and the Demon King appears.There are overwhelming signs of rebirth... but perhaps less magic than when we first fought on the battlefield.And the wise man stood up his staff, and said.

"Looks like there's a chance we'll win right after we play."

Right after I recreated the vessel.If you're aiming, there's nothing else you can do at this time, but what are you going to do?

"... Demon King, there's only one fault you have."


"The way we fought was perfect.To crush human strength... and definitely reduce it.No matter how much we win in one phase, any further attack will definitely push us to a disadvantage... nothing but nightmares from us. "

As he spoke, the wise man began to gather magic in his wand.The woman also increases her magic and starts preparing for something.

"You must have been looking at the big picture.No matter how much human power we put together, I don't know how much trouble we felt. "

"But you just destroyed the vessel... are you going to say that it was a setback?"

"No, you can regenerate with a vessel... that's why you fought us on purpose.We figured out that we were human trumpets and fought from the front.And whether we win or lose... as long as the vessel can regenerate, we just have to deal with it next. "

That's right.

At that moment, the wand of the wise man shines.

"I controlled the war perfectly... but you didn't understand what it's like to be human."


"There is a world... where we can build a way to resist the existence of the Devil King."

At the same time as the words, many warriors ran to the Devil.You're not going to throw away a stone... the Demon King holds a great sword and responds to it.

A glamorous flash was thrown at the warriors.We succeeded in dodging them all, but... we flew in a shock wave, and everyone who attacked fell under something.

"I see, there's a solution for you too... but if I take care of you guys right now, it's over, right?"

"... we're just going to give the last signal."

For a moment, magic was born. But not from a wise man or a woman, but from the foot of a demon king.

"... what?"

"Connect... the gates of the world!"

With the words, a dark hole shadow appeared beneath the Demon King's feet.It is shaped like a snake and wraps around the Demon King.

"What is this...?!?"

While saying so, the Demon King tries to increase his magic and fly.But I can't. The serpent is getting caught up with the Devil even more.

"Your abilities... many of them are meant to target non-demonic beings, including humans.I saw it on this battlefield.Even if you shake off your sword, my fellow Demons didn't get hurt. "

The wise man still speaks. At the same time, it increases the magic of the wand and further restrains the Demon King.

"This is something that a human researcher derived from information and analysis... and now holds you in captivity, with the same qualities of magic as the Demons.It doesn't make sense. "

Immediately afterwards, a black space appears behind the Demon King.Feeling the signs coming from there, the Demon King screams.

Stupid......!? The Gate of the World!?

"Sealing somewhere in this world is just too dangerous… Demon King, your defeat was to try to guess humans by their abilities alone.It must be a tiny existence. You thought you couldn't lose with a mighty vessel.But humans... consider every option and take countermeasures.That's how we've thrived. "

The Demon King curses himself. Maybe he tried to separate the vessel from the spirit.But it didn't seem to be working either.

"Stargod... I listened to the information.Then, as declared... I will succeed you in that will.So don't worry - get out of this world. "

─ Oops!

The Demon King resisted and forced his right hand out to the wise man - that was the last resistance.

The doors of the other realm spread like the mouth of a creature, eating the demon king and closing it.The overwhelming signs seem to have dispersed, and many of the warriors enter the scene.

"... it's over, right?"

The wise man fell on his knees.There's no more room for manoeuvre... for real, this was the last trump card.

In addition to fighting directly, I was only prepared in advance.The wise man had a conversation with the Demon King to prepare for the seal... The Demon King also wanted time to regenerate the vessel, so we both needed to have a conversation.

And even though humans win as a result... it was never like cheering.The Demon King may still resist… I wonder if the wise have such anxiety.

But no matter how long it took, the Demon King didn't show up... so finally, the wise man exhaled deeply.

"That's it... But the battle is still going on..."

The war is still ongoing.Looking at it, it seems that it was only conveyed that something had happened to the demon king, and the monster was rampaging.

"My body is heavy, but I have to do it."

"Last fight."

The woman tells him. The other warriors also make a pleasant voice and walk to the battlefield.

--It was never a mythical battle.Far from being brave, it's a critical battle.But the wise men certainly got it... the definite title of the one who defeated the Demon King.