Sword of the Philosopher

Master's hunch

Then I break up with Alt and go to my next destination.It was Garnese who met Sylvie.She should be back here, too, and if she encounters one, she'll be asking the same questions of her fellow citizens.

Ah, that's right. Let's go see my master, too.

Speaking of which, are you familiar with me?... I went under Erei, who is also a master of Sophia and Sylvie's sword, while worrying about the area.

She greets me with pleasure and responds that she knows about me.

”Exactly the hero... moreover, I was going to fight an opponent more than the Demon King”

Do you know that?

“A few days ago, Sylvie came here and told me a little bit about the situation.However, following the battle with the Demon King, Luon is doing a lot of things...... I've only heard about it. "

"That's enough... we've got a tough fight ahead of us."

Well, if it's Luon, I'll do something about it.

And, for some reason, Erei says optimistically.

To be honest, I've taken care of the sword a few times, but Luon's ability was better than the others.


I was taught in my training days, but I was pretty strong in the middle of my level-up.

"Along with that, I had a hunch.I didn't know if I could defeat the Demon King.Because I've never seen the Demon King before.But maybe... we can make a feat worthy of history. I have such a feeling.


What should I say about my intuition as a swordsman?No, maybe even during my training, I sensed something about my abilities... or my reincarnation.

Well, that premonition is brilliant, and it looks like you're trying to do something beyond my expectations.

That's right.

I don't know how much swordsmanship I've taught you can contribute, but is it useful?

Yes, of course.

In a flash, Erei smiled with satisfaction at me.

"I see... then there's nothing I can teach you."If you'd like, I'd like to appoint you as a master of this swordsmanship dojo, and I'd like to go into hiding. "

Unfortunately, I refuse.

That's where we laugh. In other words, Erei's face began to laugh at the point at which the teacher said it out loud.

"Well, come here if you feel like it."I can only serve tea, but I'll listen to your foolishness. "

"Yes... oh, if Sophia ever visits Ghanaise, please meet her."I think she is grateful for the teachings of the sword. "

"Is the princess here?" I don't know when, but I'm looking forward to it. ”

After that, I'll leave the Swordsmanship Dojo.Now, what do we do next?

According to Erei, Sylvie was here a few days ago, so I think he's still here.However, it is a large town, and I don't have much land survey, so it is hard to find it.

"Well... even if I can't meet my companions on my journey, I'll ask questions when I get back to the Royal Castle, so I don't mind..."

Lord Luon, if you don't mind, shall we look for it?

Gulk will tell me soon.

I can detect her with magic power.

"... there's no need to go that far."I'm going to stay in Ghanaise for a day or so today, so let's take a look around the city and figure out what to do. ”

- Then I'll take a stroll around town.I've been in a battle between cultivation and the demon king, but to be honest, I don't have that many thoughts... but somehow, memories come to my mind when I visit places.

Sylvie's encounter was quite abrupt... and when I thought about it, I heard noisy voices in the street corner of the town.You can see people hanging out at the entrance of the tavern.

"It's amazing from daylight..."

... mmm?

Gulk shouted.

Lord Luon, there's Sylvie in that tavern.

"... oh, I see. Sylvie's making a scene because she's back."

I casually approach the tavern.That said, I didn't intend to join them, so if I couldn't see what was going on inside, I was going to leave quietly... "

Van! The door slammed open.And from inside, Sylvie... the timing was too good to be surprised.

"... nh? Oh, isn't that Luon?"

And find me and call me by name.

“What's the matter? I don't have any reason to come here for anything..."

“Let's go to the last battle and see the places we've visited so far.”

Isn't that what we should do when we're done?

"Kati told me the same thing... look, when it's over, I'll be in a lot of trouble."I wonder if we only have the time to be free. "

Oh, I see.

And while Sylvie convinced herself, the warriors around her began to stir.When I listened a little, I heard things like, "That's the hero!?" and "I fought with the demon king...".It seems that my name has been passed on to many people.Well, naturally.

If you look closely, there are other people besides Sylvie who have seen it before.For example, Nestor was acting alongside Lady in the fight against the Demon King.

There are other people in the game who will be my allies... nh, I have a bad feeling about this.If I stay here, I feel like I'm going to get caught up in a booze pile.

So I opened my mouth and tried to do what was necessary.

"... Sylvie, I want to confirm one thing"

"Nh, what's the matter?"

Are you going to participate in the Battle of the Star Gods...?

"That's too much to ask now." Beyond my deep involvement... what's the end of the battles between Luon and Sofia?Isn't it natural that you want to know that? "

"Even so, I'm not forcing you to fight."

"I see, this is what you were going to tell me when you met me on your journey."Yeah, I'm trying to fight.That's why I'm going back to the castle after all the noise. "

It was a clear word. So I said, "Okay."

Well then, I 'll--

"Well, well, you'll be staying for about a day today, won't you?Then you can hang out with me for a bit. "

The warrior behind her starts making noise."Ah, this is..."

"No, Sylvie, that's..."

"Don't worry, I won't force you to drink."That's why I'm here to guide you. "

Sylvie pushes me on the back half-imposed... but I didn't feel uncomfortable with it.

I'm sure that's why these interactions seemed so enjoyable... I walked through the door of the tavern thinking that I felt the same way before.