Sword of the Philosopher

Battle sketch

From the next day onwards, Gulk and other spirits began to search for enemies around the Demon King Castle. It seemed like it would take some time, so I decided to take a day off after the battle.

I talked to Devals and the others face to face, but I didn't wave my sword. At the base, Sophia played a leading role, giving directions and moving people.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

I casually turned to her, but she said, "It's okay," and I backed down. As a result, there is no more work to be done, and you will see people moving around in the corners of the base.

Seems like you're free.

At that moment, a quacker called out to me.

What about you?

"Ahh, after the fight, it feels like I've had an inspection just in case." Sylvie and all the others who fought this time are like that. "

"I see..."

Do you think Luon still has enemies?

When asked, after I was silent,

"... I see, I don't think there's one Star God sabotage." Even if I'm not in the surrounding forest, I can think of anything in the path to the star gods. "

The opponent is quite resistant, too.

"That's why we have to settle even if it's not."

Kouza nodded heavily to my words,

Well, let's wait until the results of the gods come out slowly.

"... honestly, I didn't expect to stay at this base for a long time."

"But I was prepared. So there's no problem."

I nod at Kuza's point... If the enemy finds out that there are other enemies, we'll have to fight to get rid of the grief of our heirs. Depending on the number of enemies, what would happen if there were more?... I hope we can win this battle like we did this time - no, Star God is going to pull information and tactics from our experience in the first place. From that point of view, the battle against [Sophia] in the parallel world was won, but the prospectus of the opponent was also successful.

However, in order to avoid giving out any more information, we will soon have to face a showdown... but it is also risky. We don't know what we're going to do if we leave the rest of them alone.

However, since supplies are limited, it is also true that we have to cut them off somewhere. As soon as we have captured the number of enemies, we need to take action.

"There's a wrinkle between your eyebrows."

Kouza pointed to the wiper. Indeed, he may have had a steep face.

"The showdown is approaching, and I still don't like the fact that the Star God is obstructing me." It's impossible. However, there are dragons, angels, and demons here. I can do as much as I want. "

"... if you can't do anything about it, you can't win against the Star God in the first place."

When I mutter like that, I smile bitterly and switch thoughts.

For now, let's go to bed.

Yeah, that's good, isn't it?

What about Kuuza?

"I'm going to go around the base a little bit more." Even though I was in the battle, I had plenty of room. "

I see.

When I broke up with Kuza and tried to go to the tent where I was sleeping... I met Leaze.

Oh, Luon, what's wrong?

"I thought I'd go to bed."

"I'd like to say that you have a good identity from daylight... but I wonder if you should take a good rest because you are the main character."

"What about Leaze?" I was at the forefront of the battle. "

“It's okay. If you're exhausted, I'll tell Sophia and let her rest.”

"Ahh, that's fine..."

That's where I notice her staring at us.

"... what's bothering you?"

No, it's something I thought about somehow.

Oh, what's the matter?

When she heard it back, Leaze said something... and finally didn't say anything.

I knew I'd stop.

I'm curious.

It's nothing to do with the battle, and I'm just sorry to Sophia.

"... what are you talking about?"

All of a sudden, Sophia is on the subject, and I'm going to ask her again. Besides, Leaze shrugged her shoulders.

"It's nothing... now, I'm going to work a little longer and get some rest."

”I'm kind of curious... well, Leaze, be careful about her physical condition”


Leaze walks away in a refreshing way. Somehow, it's a painting.

Seeing such a backward appearance reminds me of the parallel world I saw through her. Depending on the script I followed, I was travelling with her... I'm sure I had Sophia on my side, but I might not have Sylvie or Kwuza on my side.

If that were the case, would the script of this battle have changed too? In a parallel universe, I began my journey after defeating Star God. Some of his companions were Leaze. In other words, after defeating the Demon King, I traveled with Sophia and Richard... I might have been next to them.

However, as a result, she entered the battle with the star gods and is now in a leading position... Was it because she was related to the parallel world, or was it because of the existence of Sofia just like that world?

"...... as expected, in a parallel world, I wonder if it's a spit in the eyebrows"

I guess I didn't get a chance to face each other on the road I took... Sophia would have followed her. But I had no incentive to do that.

However, we are now fighting together... maybe Leaze is trying to bridge the gap by overlapping herself in a parallel world... I decided to go to my tent.