Sword of the Philosopher

Disturbed Person Identity

"Luon, the most important thing we shouldn't do is find out we're here, right?

I snort right at Reese's words.

"That's right. The organization sniffing around Princess Emena...... If this concerns Prince Livina, it would be bad to just be seen as Silvi or Lady. Well, we'll both change ourselves in illusion..."

"We have to move with great care," he said.

"Well...... if you are a faction of Prince Livina, there is also the possibility that you are armed with something about the Star God. In that case, there can be a worst case scenario where illusion is not working."

We definitely need to find out what kind of organisation, albeit what to do…

"The important thing is to find out not to be distracted by them... honestly, there are too few tips, and I know it's hard"

We must move cautiously and hastily, as it can be distracting if we proceed with the investigation forcefully. The time limit is until Princess Emena gets here. You don't have that much time, so you're in a hurry.

"... first of all, one hand"

Here the lord Forna mentions.

"How about asking Princess Emena? If I tell you about the silver bracelet and the person wandering around, could you possibly be a candidate?

"Uh, that's for sure..."

If it was a royalty-related organization, the princess would know and be able to deal with it... and even if this is the scope of the story, I can say that it doesn't have much more to do with the Star God, at least in the battle, than there is no description within the information obtained from the wise.

"Why don't you sneak in via Silvi and the others..."

"That's the easy part. Probably royalty-related."

"Assuming that's the case, what should we do? Even if you accidentally knock them down, there's no chance they'll come after you."

"It's not too late to let the princess take us down or let us deal with it... it just doesn't seem like Prince Livina did it to me"

"On what grounds?

"In its current form, the Prince is launching an attack on the Princess. It's actually a story about a group of princes... but it's hard to think that the prince is leading an organization separately"

Well, that's true... assuming it's another force, is there any chance it's like we're competing to give Princess Emena's neck to the prince? If so, it's quite a hassle.

"... our strategy is that if the enemy moves the same, it can be executed."

I decide eventually.

"So in the form of efforts to follow the currents indicated by the wise...... this time we will try not to leak to enemy forces as far as possible. That's the premise, okay?

Everyone nodded mysteriously at the confirmation inquiry.

The information from Princess Emena arrived here after going around noon the following day.

"I got a quick answer. From the silver bracelet and the person...... I hear Princess Emena knew that too. Apparently, he's an aristocratic private soldier who's taken in by Prince Livina."

"So you're saying it's moving apart from the Prince's instructions?

"The princess said it would be likely."

In answer to Forna's question, I concluded.

"According to the sage's information, no such force ever appeared on the table... so we decide it's no problem to intercept. So, as a response, this one does."

"Did you tell the princess that?

"Not yet. Because I was going to discuss it first. Once you have reached a conclusion, answer immediately."

"If Interception Successful"

And, Sophia speaks out.

"These forces were also in motion… and that means they will be the material to poke at Prince Livina"

"Right. Originally, Princess Emena gathered evidence that Prince Livina was attacking and it was the course of the battle to rebuff. One such piece of evidence is to raise the force we discovered this time to the jade... so to speak, reinforce the evidence. If we could take it that way, it wouldn't be the same as the future the sage saw as a story flow."

"However, if you do it that way..."

Sophia clouds her words. I understand that this in itself is quite difficult.

Because the enemy doesn't know how far to tighten it than it is moving in tissue. There is also the possibility of punching into a nobleman who directs the worst. In that case, the situation could be passed on to Prince Livina.

If we are to do this, we must attack as quickly and appropriately as possible, knowing the state of our enemies. However, if reinforcements come after you defeat them, you need to repeat the interception in an extended manner... Now, what's the matter?

"The question is, how does the aristocratic side move by attacking?"

Forna says. Yeah, that's my biggest concern.

"We are currently keeping Princess Emena's trends under observation because there are others who are attacking the princess… or are we still in the investigative phase? Either way, he won't return until he achieves his purpose, beyond being a private soldier of nobility."

"That's the problem... what do we do?

"Before I present my proposal, I confirm, is there no danger to Princess Emena?

"The princess has company."

Currently the princess has four other companions in addition to the main character and the knight of her squire. It's a face with a strong personality, what a game it feels like, but I'm not worried about it that way more than I am protected by them.

"So I think we should focus on the aristocratic private soldiers."

"Right. Then you can take it in the direction where nobility stops moving."

The movement... stops? When in doubt, Forna explains.

"We need to build measures before Prince Livina and Princess Emena confront each other directly, but noble private soldiers are in the way for that. On the contrary, we just need to buy the nobility time to intervene until we confront each other."


"From the nobles who are sending private soldiers, the hardest thing to deal with would be the princess defeating the private soldiers, or the surroundings starting to end, or suddenly missing."

... Uh, I see. For example, I was attacked by a demon, or if I did that, I wouldn't even contact you, and I lost my handkerchief and wondered what to do about it.

"Worst case scenario, I hope the princess can buy time until then when she visits my mansion... if you think about it, it's never hard -"