Sword Whisperer

28th Unforgettable Retreat (3)

The destination of the retreat was the North.

To be precise, it would be right to say the extent of the central and northern boundaries. The Citadel Academy's retreat was usually held on the edge of the border, but since the destruction of the north, the newly established northern border once became a regular retreat site.

It took me ten days to get on the horse, but I couldn't see how comfortable they were on the side of the academy. Thanks to this, every day the trainees were forced to draw their tongues without any exception.

"..... I'll search it. ”

The Emperor nudged and said: At least it was comforting that the weather wasn't too hot. If the weather had been so hot, we wouldn't even have the strength to lament.

Van was also exhausted. But in the meantime, he felt a strange disguise. Even though he was tired of spending most of his day in the march, his body was strangely sturdy.

'Thanks to my daily running training.'

Not to the level of disappearing in the blink of an eye like a professor.

But he was able to run a little longer, faster.

What this march is worth more than I thought, in that respect, it was not surprising. However…….

'The professors..... are different. ’

Second grade. And most of the professors in first and second grades joined the retreat. And I was showing them that they weren't professors for nothing.

They were incredibly sturdy when they retired a long time ago. No one saw them take a breath, no one saw them slow down.

So Van walked even harder to get here. It does not fall to this extent. It's the mind that's going down. It's not the body. It's the brain.

Whether or not Van was the only one, the newcomers who walked at the forefront with the professor were mostly recognized for their skills. Or Zeo, or..... Shade.


Shade looks at Van and then quietly steps back. They haven't had a really good conversation since the competition. Van still hated him, and so did Shaid.

And, if anyone talks to both of them..... it was just the two of them.

"Hot, hot, hot! To this extent, frighten, eat, Dani, all, children, songs..."

"…… McDead. If you're gonna bluff, take a breath. ”

"My, my, go hide, when……. Huff, huff..."

In the end, McDead shook his head rather than talking. He came to the academy and his body was still a little stronger than it used to be, but he was still alive.

It was so much that I wanted to be a Nazi. The amount of stamina consumed by walking the same distance was quite different.

Abid laughs at McDead like that.

"Hey, McDead. The warrior in the Black Mountains is brave. What are you saying? Why do you keep moaning like this? It's not like you're floating.

”Shut up, Rub, Avid! I....................."

"Yes, yes. All right. Here, have some water. I'm going down.”

McDead pretends to be angry, but Abyd takes my water cold.

And five minutes later, he fell on the ground.


And Van and Shade continued on the march, side by side, and Abid on the back with McDead's butt. Van mutters his teeth.

"McDead son of a bitch..... you're too much to remember. ’ '

"…… If you want to throw it away because it's heavy, just do it. Don't give me that excuse. ”

”Shade, I don't know if you have a congestion, but I'm fine. And don't play nice in front of me. I don't have any friends. ''

"I don't have friends, I just want to be alone. ”

"Of course you do."

Such a fragrant and friendly march.

If you can stop by a city or town to stay, that day is a lucky day. And usually there were more bad luck days. Beneath the sloppy tent, Raku looked at my sword and asked.

"Van, do you know anything about the North? ”

"I don't know. Only about twenty years ago..."

”It was a wonderful place. It was a bad place. I was filled with people who pretended to be sages, as if I knew the truth of the world. If you say hello wrong once, it'll be hours and you'll have to be arrested. ”

Raku touched the white sandwich beard and said: Van's gaze turned to his empty right arm. Lacu smiles as he reveals his gaze.

"Yes. My right arm has come to the north."

"The last of the North..... were you with him? ''

”I'm not the only one. Dalton, Sandel, Sala, Long..... None of the professors over the age of fifty have ever had that war. ''

"…… how was it? What about that war? ''

At this time, Van wanted to ask a question. About the day the North disappeared, the professors largely avoided detailed stories. That would mean that the wound was so deep, but in Van's view, I had no choice but to wonder.

And it was then. I heard a familiar voice at the entrance of the tent.

"War is war. A war between man and man, a war between man and monster."

"Good night. Good night. Professor Dalton.”

”Van. Now you're here, but the sword on your waist... Do you know whose it belongs to? ''

I was shocked by half the flaws. All he had now was two swords. One is a long sword admitted to the Academy. And the other one…… is the hallucinograph of glass.

It was clear which of them Dalton was talking about.

"…… I know it with Glass Senior's sword. ”

”Why did you train by picking a sword of glass?"

”I just... I heard that story. The old sword contains the power of the old master. I just wanted to feel his trail."

"You're sentimental. Surprisingly.”

”Yeah, a little bit like that."

Van openly leaves Shichimi. When I heard about his abilities, I thought there was nothing good to do. Fortunately, Dalton didn't mean to interrogate him. As he stumbles upon the old memories, Van looks at the hallucinogens.

"…… use it well and give it back. I don't know if it's another sword. You must never lose that sword. ”

'' Did you know the man named Glass..? ''

"He was my junior."

Dalton replied briefly. He continued to look at Van's hallucinations.

"So don't ever die. Until I put that sword back in the training ground. ''

Van nods confidently.

"I'm not going to die even after I put it back. ''


"... Is that a lighthouse? ''

Hezlek opens his mouth. The same surprised the Peninsula. A new lighthouse set up on the new border. It was like a wall that led to a horse lighthouse, actually a lot of lighthouses.

Even if you didn't usually say anything, you still have a smile on your mouth. She said with a smile.

"Do you see that light in the lighthouse? Those are all white flakes made by our Nahar family. The dizzy night pricks won't even let you into the kingdom. It's all thanks to us that you can live in peace. ”

"Wow, I'm not scared. I thought Nahar was just a lazy bitch to eat everything. ''

"... You're the only fools who always brag about it! ''

"What? Proud of strength? You want to see what real strength boasts?"

"Hick, let go, let go...! I warned you...!"

The spirit and Anya struggled as they always did. The majesty of the Nine Great Gates was well known. Wu Liung looked at those two and looked back at Van.

".... Do they always do this?"

”Umm... that's the way it is, right? ''

"I can't dry it."

Wu Liung shook his head with his tongue.

It was a fortnightly force. It was hard to continue the march, but I finally arrived at the famous lighthouse, and Van felt forgotten about all the hard work.

'..... Beautiful.'

The white light of the lighthouse reveals the world at night. It was a strange sight that could not be seen anywhere. It was unbelievable to see things like the village on one side, the land of things where no one lives.

The break was just one day. It's been a long time since I laid eyes on the right bed and washed my body, and as soon as dawn comes the next day they're called wards.

I had to get out. Border soldiers' gaze was on their capes with the Academy's crest on them.

"Are they academic students?"

"Didn't you see? I came yesterday.”

”The fate of this country rests on their shoulders..."

"I can see that there are Nari of the Nahar family. ”

And only then did Van realize that I was attending the best academy in the country. Those who seemed normal and sometimes invisible were actually the most talented people in the kingdom.

Of course, when you look at McDead, that sometimes gets a little blurry. Still.

”You will all now weave Joe as I call you. At least one second-grader will be with two first-graders, so if you want to be scared, you better stick to your senior crotch. ”

"Today's goal is one."

"All first-graders must each catch at least one 'seed of the night'. ”

There's nothing to be afraid of. You guys still suck, but as long as the light of the lighthouse touches you, the night workers are worse than you. ”

That was the story. Honestly, there was no complaint. No, I was rather excited. It wasn't until Van's tribute was announced.

'Huhu.... The enemy met me on the Outer Tree Bridge. That's good. Van! I'll show you my real skills today! "

"Yes. Yes."

"What, are you gone? You have no power in your voice!"

I'm not here because I'm helping you.

Facing McDead, who seemed energetic today, Van sighed. At least, if there is anything.....

"Long time no see, Van. ''

".. Senior."

”Have you been strong? ''

Hay was the second grade to greet them. He was undoubtedly a man of strength. Within the second grade, he was recognized as a strong man who would not be pushed to the ninth grade.

'Now..... how far?'

Van said he also brought his finger on the hallucinograph of glass. I didn't even see it at the time. But it wouldn't be any different now. However, if I can see it now....

And, hey, I laughed.

It was that moment. Van grabbed the hallucinogens tightly as he felt his whole body trembling. I realized. As good as I was, the distance between him and Hay felt more certain.

'.... Even like this, you are not the strongest in the second grade?'

There was not one square. The cold sweat came out, but half smiled rougher. The bigger the meat, the better the inspection is worth going beyond.

"You're still strong. ’ '

"Am I? Not enough for me."

”It's not because you're not strong enough. ”

”Hey, hey. Skin stings. I'm not the one to fight you today. Those bastards hiding in the woods. You know what's in the seeds of the night, don't you? ''

"Roughly divided into ghosts and essentials..."

"Well, in fact, it's like a ghost on this side. No, too many ghosts. Seems like a lot of people have died.... Maybe I can't help it. ''

Hay's eyes were filled with emotions that could not be expressed. He's from the North. Yes, the North disappeared before he was born....

I swallowed the question and half went beyond the walls of the lighthouse into the night space. Despite the light of the lighthouse still illuminating the sky, it entered the forest and became dark because of the shade of the tree.

When the 'ghost' appears, don't doubt it. ”

"I said? Don't doubt it. ’ '

”You mustn't seriously doubt it. Otherwise, it's gonna be pretty hard. ”

Walking down the street, Hay emphasized 'doubts' several times. At first I wanted to say something like that, but soon Van found out why.

I met a ghost when I found a hut on one side of the forest. I wanted to see someone beyond the half-scary, and soon a man with half-naked hair pulled out his neck from there.

[Who, you?]

"…… came out. ’ '

Hay signaled them. At first glance, he looked like an ordinary man. If there was a difference, unlike a man..... his color was made solely of black and white. Hay said in a low, sunken voice.

"You'd better finish it at once. As I said before, don't doubt..."

”McDead in the Black Mountains!!"

"…… go. ”

Even before Hay finished speaking, McDead ran out. Running with a bang, he swung his axe without hesitation for a moment.

It was a clean strike. The man's eyes were filled with tears and his head was cut off by McDead's axe.

…… I was about to be cut off.

".. eh?"

McDead opens his eyes foolishly. He must have cut his throat, but the ghost's eyes were still looking at McDead. Oh, and the ghost turned his eyes backwards as if filled with joy.

[Hump, poetry, come on, Gigi, right?]

"My, my, why am I your baby! I am the Flaming Warrior of the Black Mountains, Mc--Dead! You filthy ghost! ”

[Now, Gi, Gu, I.... Oh, Ra, Ra, Ra, Long, Long..... Long time, I've waited.]

"..... You got a job. ''

Hay sighs and shakes his head. The ghost was one step closer to McDead with his throat cut off. After a while, McDead swings his axe back with a dance dance. Unlike the first time, being frightened was a noticeable axe.

"Ugh," Ugh, go away! Van! Baaaaaan! Help me! Help me! "

"…… Can I help you? ''

Hay looked at Van and asked. Van sighs and shakes his head. He could see why McDead's strike didn't work. 'Don't doubt it. ’

That means, on the contrary, be sure.

Van pulls out the hallucinogens. He already knew what Glass had in mind when fighting the ghosts. I knew it wasn't just a physical force that had to be contained at the end of the knife.

Hands don't lie.

Years of training.

Their agony as they looked into the time of many examinations.

When he believed he could roll the rock, he became able to roll the rock.

If so, can he ring a ghost?

'.... there is no reason not to cut.'

Van twists his tail.

He was a mountain cutter, a moon cutter, a sea bell inspector.

It reminds me of the old teacher's slash.

Hands down from the sky.

The eyes follow the sword.

Like a lightning bolt, half a sword fell.