Sword Whisperer

Thirty-eight Little Strong Kid (2)

The thief's leader was strong.

I gathered a group of bandits who were mischievous, but there was not enough strength to consolidate.

However, the Knight Premier of the Citadel Academy..... had no discretion to defeat the four best opponents.

It wasn't hard to find a bandit. Nor could Zeo summon the olfactory dog. They had once occupied a village and lived in it.

I also did. Few people cared about this place where the nomadic people wandered, and of course, there was no need to worry about subjugating the nobility. If they weren't really academy trainees, it was obvious that they would not be forced to retire.

So Van himself became their genius.

Anya's White Flame burns their barrels dry. Before Van could do anything, Zeo ran out of his eyes and twisted the arms and legs of all the bandits he could see. When the Spirit's length was twisted, more than five bows were cut off.

It was an overwhelming battle. No, it could not be called a battle. The commander ran out, was angry, and attacked. It was a good craftsmanship. His Kukri smelled of blood. In the first grade of the academy, there was nothing surprising about winning and losing.

But half were not in the first grade.

That was enough...... for the captain to die.

One sword, two swords, and no one could pull that skill out. A clean slash. The other thieves pass by a sword they can't even feel. The next moment, the leader's neck falls.

"…… I can't believe it. ”

It was that night. Van and his group received a gift bath instead of a banquet. Bathing in a hot tub is the biggest luxury in the desert. I felt like I could smell the body after a few months of this bath.

”Doesn't it make sense to have a bunch of thieves in a place like this? No, he's a thief. He could be anywhere. But you live in one of those villages openly? ''

"Hmm.... Van. Where did you say you were from? ”

”Near Vermon. The eastern and central boundaries…… of which the north. ”

"You're from a pretty unsafe neighborhood."

"…… I heard that. ”

But I never imagined that things could get so bad. I don't know if he was strong enough to even imagine. Only four knight trainees can easily get hurt....

'Are we too strong?'

Even so, there is still no conviction. Because it's an uninhabited desert, no one has tried to help them in their suffering for over a year.

— Our revolution will bring out this rotten illusion of the world.

Auburn's words hovered in his ear. Van put his face in the water. I long to see the bubbles bubbling up into his ears. Half is slow.

He lifts his dog. His black hair is soaked in water and clings to his face, shrugging with his own face.

"Well, what do you want?"

Concerns are later. It's been a long time since I took a bath. Let's enjoy it for now. The water was plentiful…… and the moon was bright. Isn't it a bad night to think of a little girl?

"Once you taste the mission, it was not bad…… I hope that the next mission will be as easy as this. ”

I don't think so. "

Zeo shakes his head. In fact, it was not because of this mission that they stepped into this desert. The mission they were really attracted to was separate, and this mission..... should be said to be harmful enough to be on the way.

"The mission was handed down from the Nine Gates. If it were easy, I wouldn't even ask the Academy. ”

"…… wouldn't it just be better for them to do it themselves? ''

"There must be a reason. ”

Zeo shrugs.

The mission came down from the Shiraz family, known as the 'Spirit'. It was a clan I had never encountered as a class. The Shiraz family was famous for not sending my blood to the Academy.

"Catch the fleeing clan..... I don't think it's my job to leave it to outsiders. ''

"Don't be curious about the situation inside the family. It's usually a bad story."

"Have you ever met anyone from the Shiraz family? ”

None of the swords he dealt with were against the Shiraz family. Of course, it is common to fight the Nine Gates for more than a fight at the Academy…… Zeo said with a trembling expression.

'Well...'... what should I say? The bad guys? ''

"…… offended? ''

"You'll know when you see him. ''

Zeo robs his head like it's just something creepy. In the desert, precious stones and drops of water splashed like nothing else. "Ugh. Those guys. ”


”Nice to meet you. You're from the Citadel Academy."

'.... I can see why it's disgusting. ’

Van rubbed the creeps on his back of his hand. At first glance, they were mediocre. The skins that burned like that were originally born like that, and the heat of the desert made them like that…… but even the size, height, body and color of the eyes were different. I wonder if they could really be the same relative.

Nevertheless, the two men who stood before him said the same thing at the same moment, as if they had made a promise.

"It must have been pretty hard coming here from the academy. The desert is so hot that the sweat is dry these days..."

"It's not that hard to get some rest. ”

In Van's words, the two turned their heads at the same time and looked back at Van. Van could barely bear to be frightened for a moment. I was forced to feel a physiological repulsion in their movements, as if they were one person, leaving strength or something like that. Shiraz's men laughed with their eyes closed.

”Siraz knows you. Van. You are being selected as the top expectant rider of the Academy, right? We were very impressed."

"…… Thank you. I didn't know my rumors had reached this far. ”

”It's rare that Siraz doesn't know. For that reason, it was hard to know that the old family who ran away was here. ”

They were blurred at the same time and sighed with their heads down at the same time. Horses were honorable, then medieval, then subordinate. They used to raise their heads and smile. The smile on his face was still someplace qualitative in terms of weapons.

— Syraz's people need to connect with each other when they're older.

Zeo's words. I didn't understand them, but now I can see what they are. And why the clan ran away.

Shiraz's men wrote the turban at the same time. And slowly spoke.

"When will you be able to carry out your mission?"

'' You can do it now. The goal…… you have already identified the location. "

"You have doubts. Why don't we catch him ourselves……"

"Can't you catch it?"

Van asked in a loud voice. There's no reason not to catch them, so if you can find out why you asked them to. Shiraz's men laughed even though it was a provocative question. They looked at Van with strange eyes and said,

”If he hadn't been one, he still had Syraz's blood. He won't catch us, but we won't catch him either. Do you understand?"

"…… well, I think I know roughly."

"I'll give you a location and an impression. So……"

And, that evening.

Van and his group stood in front of the desert city, the slums of Humpton. Although he was wearing a black robe instead of the academy's cloak, the dangerous atmosphere emanating from them prevented even the beggars from comforting easily.

"The one who drew the blood of the Great Gate, how could he be in such a place..."

"…… I sold my soul to Siraz's rich film, so I wanted to live as a poor person. ”

She said cynically. I didn't know who I was cynical about. Is it cynical about the Shiraz family, or is it cynical about the family that didn't carry the fate of the family?

'It was an emergency mission. This one.’

My Gun Epic Mission from the Shiraz Family. And it's all about catching one person at the most.

What kind of person is this? It's an urgent task to capture a man alive.

The question was not lengthened. Zeo approached Van and said in a slightly excited voice.

"Hey, Van. I had a tail on me."

"…… I know. Which means we're on the right track."

”There are many eyes that see us. Do you think I'll hit you in the face? ''

"I wanted to tell you to be careful..."

Van laughed within a minute. The eagerness for battle is an inevitable smile.

”You think it's too late? ''

It was that moment. All kinds of memorization began to pour out everywhere. Some of them ran with knives in their hands, including poison needles, spears, repair swords, and stone machetes.

But neither Zeo, nor the Emperor, nor Anya moved. I didn't fail to react. I just didn't have to.

The first sword. The one that spills.

Van's hallucinations cried. Yeah, it was like crying. The twinkling of the blade, the flowing statue, the sound of air screeching, began to envelop their surroundings with the power of one step at a time.

"Over there."

Van's eyes were shining. If I had a heart, I could have made all these attacks fall apart. However, spilling was a little different from "disabling."

He could literally spill the attacks on him.

Sometimes even towards his goal.

Every attack that comes into the realm of the Hall Islands starts firing at one place. One may be a small memorization, but if a dozen shots are fired at a time, it's almost like a gunshot.

Bang! I heard the sound of meteorites dropping. Looking at the collapsed walls, booths, and the dust that is happening, Van twists his tail.

"It's time to go home. Confucius."

A number of Humpton warriors surround them and look at them with horrible eyes. But the sweat that flowed on Van's neck was not because of them. Anya grabs her wand with her lips tightened.

"Van, that guy..."

"Yes, I know."

Strong. Feeling itchy skin as if electrostatic happened, Van reflectively smiled. In front of death, he always felt alive. In front of the Sword of the Old Auburn, in front of the Sword of the Ghost Captain, in front of the fist of Uyung.

The man walks out through the dust. He didn't hold a sword, he didn't hold a fist. But the pressure was never as great as Wu Liung's.

”Early in the morning, you got a friend who looks pretty funny, from Eustein to Nahar. It's a strange combination. Are you from the Academy? ''

"Yes, I have a request. I want you to find the runaway son. ”

"Hey, hey. Dude, you got to be straight. How can a 30-year-old run away? Maybe if you go out."

"I know you left when you were a teenager. ”

"…… these young friends are the problem. I always try to answer grown-ups. I didn't do it in my time."

He sighs with a depressed expression. It was a handsome face. No, it was beautiful enough to end with a handsome expression. His skin was coppery, unlike the rest of Siraz's, but the sun was just as artistic as it was when he burned his flesh.

When my golden eyes glittered, I was impressed, even though half were the same man. I've never seen a beauty more fitting than this. He sighs again.

"What should I do? My little friends are trying to catch me, and I don't intend to finish the trip. You have terrible eyes to solve with conversations.Do you need to use your power? ”

"You'll have to."

”Hey, Nahar lady. You know you don't like annoying things. I'm a pretty annoying guy. I don't know how sticky it is. Why don't you just give up and find another mission? ''

”You have no answer. Umm.... Youstein? What about you guys? Are you really going to give this poor man to that horrible Shiraz family? ”

”Sorry, mister. I don't like having missions that fail before graduation. ”

She smiled and replied. The man sweeps his head with the palm of his hand and narrows his eyes.

"... these days, the kids can't wait to get back and forth. ''

'' If you say so, it's a shame. Better. ”

Van pulls out the hallucinogens as well as the dagger. It was a mix of heat and pride that blurred my mind. He stares at the man with his eyes like a wild dog.

"We're going to be a little bit strong."

A kind of enemy I've never been against. Zeo and no, even though the spirit stood by..... the opponent's presence was so huge that they didn't feel it.

But what's that like?

I now know how precious an enemy can throw everything. The troubles and thoughts that I usually had were far away. The half of the familiar boy disappeared, and the prosecutor slowly took his place.

I've seen it before. I've never looked much better than I expected.

I have to endure it. I thought I could endure it, but I can't.

It's gonna be so much fun.