Sword Whisperer

100 coins. Unexpected Training (1)

Life in Pendel wasn't that bad. I would be right to say that it was better than I expected.

The Revolutionaries even provided their group with a decent bed and even a decent meal. But of course, that didn't even make me comfortable.

Van approaches Anya looking out the window. She hasn't said a word properly in days. Anya glances at Van and turns her head again. Van looks at Anya's face without saying a word. It was a face that came to mind a lot. But every time I look at her face, I see a little stranger.

'.... The eyelashes were too long.'

Van only looked at Anya like that for a long time. In the end, a younger Anya opened her mouth first.



"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"I think I have something to say."

"…… I'm not in the mood to say."

"No, we're at the heart of the enemy."

Van said quietly.

"Maybe it won't come later."

"…… a writer who thinks so."

Anya's lips trembled. She stares at Van with her eyes open. It is filled with only half the blur in its white eyes.

"When you thought about it, did you really want to die alone at that crucial moment?"

"I didn't mean to die. I was trying to save her."

"Why don't you save yourself?"

Because unlike you, I was expecting to survive. When I said that, did Anya's anger get a little quiet? Or maybe Van's identity is another reason for her anger. Because of that worry, Van could not tell the truth after all.

"I'm sorry."

And I couldn't say that maybe we should make the same choice again.

Anya takes a short breath as if her emotions have grown violent. A white salt burst by his breath. Van felt that white salt often touched me and did not avoid it. I knew Anya's White Flame wouldn't hurt him. Under no circumstances. Even in that moment of anger and hatred together.

"You don't have to like me. Van."


"But don't try to leave me behind. Whether I like it or not, for any reason..... don't try to walk alone....... Please."

Why is she doing this? If I didn't know the answer, I would have been less bitter. The boy who grew up to be an orphan, the enemy of my family..... looked at the enemy's clan and didn't know what to say.

"We go out together, we die together. Let me do that, Van."

"..... someone dies."

"If you leave me alone, you might think that's the way to save me."

Anya stares at Van.

"Instead of a shameless death, it gives you a miserable life. I'm never thankful. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I know. So let's stop. I'll just sit in the ear."

"In the first place, you……!"

Anya sneezes, bites her lips and sighs. After continuing with this story, Van couldn't have done what she wanted. She gives out her hand.

"Get the fuck out of here. Just go. I don't want to see it."

"…… what do you think of this town?"

Van naturally turned his back on the horse. Anya did not answer with a Volmen expression. Van slowly looked back at the landscape of the village. There were no moments when the street was as vibrant as the world where the sun didn't rise.

"I always thought it was a fight at night…… I never believed symbiosis would be possible."

"…… is this really symbiosis? It's a deal, isn't it?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a trading relationship. Just like human beings do."

Van replied. Anya did not answer. To be honest, Fendel's appearance also shocked her quite a bit. I still didn't change my mind that I was the one who had to get rid of the night…….

"Who the hell started the fight first?"

Van mutters. Who started the first fight? Who led that fight to the revolt now, to the war, to the engraving of hatred in tradition?

Who, how can we end this fight?

Van touched his empty waist dance.

I recalled the last words Lopo left.

— Cut what no one can cut.

If you ask me how? I still don't get the answer.

But I felt like I knew what to cut.


It was then. Kizzle summoned him. He had quite a face in a few days. He said in a slightly split voice.

"Can you find Siraz?"

"..... Siraz?"

"If we find him, we'll get in touch with the lighthouse. And we know for sure how to deal with it. Even the lighthouse will know that we are still fine..... We need to get in touch with him first."

"Okay, let's try."

"…… and for now, buy the enthusiasm of the commander. That's why it's not bad."


Van briefly replied. The group knew that Van was called to the commander for the sake of simple repentance. As a class, I had no choice but to talk more. I could have guessed the reason without even telling you, but for those who didn't know that Van was actually Sunwoo Van.......

'What would you say if you knew later?'

It was unknown. It was something I didn't want to know.

First, what Van can do right now was buy Oobow's enthusiasm, as Kizzle said. Van went to see Ubows every day. Ubou was never in a hurry. He said he waited decades. He was accustomed to waiting.

"I hope the fight stops...?"

Ubows listened to Van and made a strange look.

"The more you look at it, the less likely it is to be. Isn't the length of the exam a way you can't go without enemies?"

"…… once, if I could swing a knife, I never cared what was behind it."

Van said quietly.

"That's why my knife was light."

"That's good news. But you'd better hold my hand even more."

Ubou smiled.

"After my revolution, the conflict will disappear."

"There is no end to the conflict. That's ironic."

"I'll just do an examination that I want the fight to stop."

"…… one thing, I want to tell you."

Van looks at Ubows.

"I know you want me to take the side of the revolution. And I don't just want you to act, I really want you to follow me."

"Hmm, so?"

"I don't have a knife yet."

It was a blurry explanation, but Ubows understood what Van was trying to say.

".... Do you want to meet the protector of the battlefield?"

"If I'm as weak as I am right now, there won't be much room for you."

"Huhu.... There are not many people who would say that you are weak even though you are on the edge."

Ubows laughed as if it were unusual. But soon his voice became cold again.

"But, it's true. You're weak. If you go to the Karlsmori Library like this..."

Ubou laughed.

"You're going to die?"

"…… I don't intend to fight. But I am his successor..."

"I'm dying because I have a good idea. Even if you think you can talk in words, you're already making a big mistake. If he understood what he had to say about my destiny, he wouldn't think he'd come in here unpunished."

'Do you have any advice? "

"Hmmm... let's do this."

Oobow looks around Van's body.

"I will make you stronger. Even if you talk to him, he can survive."

"What can you get from him?"

"I already told you. Destiny is set. You are the one who will answer to this revolution, whether you follow me or accompany me. In that sense, you've already done everything for me."

"Even if I stop you...?"

"Everyone has a role to play for me."

Only a man who has not succeeded in my honour may now have the same face as U-bow. That smile, which had been stripped of everything, in some ways reminded Lopo.

"A man who cries aloud at the head of a revolution can be an obstacle to that revolution. If you stand in my way, you'll think that my role was the lizard's tail."

"You believe in such ambiguous stories as fate."

"That's all I can believe. I don't have anything."

He smiled quietly.

"So don't think you owe me. I'm paying my debts now."

"If that's what you're thinking, can't you send my group back?"

"It's not that easy. I'd like to do you a favor if I get dizzy, but it's the work of organizations and organizations. Just because I'm the leader of the Revolutionary Army doesn't mean I can do everything the Revolutionary Army wants. Of course, if you want to accompany me right away, I am willing to take that risk..... but it seems like this is not the time. …… Holy Spirit!"

Oobow called someone. And it was that moment. The man who blindfolded his eyes opened the door and revealed himself. He was a strange man. Van frowns.

'.... I can't see the strength.'

More than half the level was ridiculously high, or something like that. But it just didn't make sense. In the first place, his presence was blurred to the point of doubting even Van's presence right now.

"Van, this is the Holy Spirit. You already said hello, didn't you?"

"Greetings? I must be the first..."

Van frowned. And it was that moment. The head of the celestial spirit turned half, and at that moment half felt a very strange feeling. I feel naked without hiding anything from my head to my toes.

When I climbed the mountain at the foot of the hill, it was the eyes that looked into them.

"He will be your teacher in the future."

"It doesn't look like an examination."

Ubou replied quietly.

"Only those who don't have swords can teach."


The new teacher's practice was bizarre. First of all, he didn't give Van a knife. And he didn't even reveal himself. The only homework he gave Van was to avoid or stop it, no matter when he threw the stone at any moment.

'.... This is insane.'

Thanks to him, Van was unable to slow down at any moment of the day. When he ate, slept, the stone blinds instantly flew and tormented him.

The problem was that he wasn't even given a knife right now. If you have a knife, find a little more peace of mind. I could have spilled it or got rid of it. All he can do now is avoid it.

The Heavenly Spirit did not reveal Van's presence. I've only seen him speak twice so far. 'I'm going to throw a stone. "Avoid it on your own.' And since then, the full and half days have been spent waiting for the rocks to fly.

'Should I build a sense of belonging?'

'Cause you didn't give me a knife. Am I too dependent on it?'

'What does this training mean?'

'.... How can I be strong?'

Only questions came to mind. Van was stoned more than ten times a day. There was no bruising all over my body, and sometimes I couldn't sleep without the stone flying.

If the Heavenly Spirit were to reveal himself, he would be able to ask questions and solve tricks. Otherwise, all he could accumulate was poison. Van thought, grinding his teeth.

'All right, let's do it, one more time. I will see if your teachings are worthy of Lopo's teachings.'

The poison trimmed his nerves. The stone of the Heavenly Spirit always came to him when half-heartedness came to mind, such as when he went to the bathroom, or when he just fell asleep.

But Van didn't hold the sword, so his sword didn't collapse. Van spread his emotions all the time, so that even an ant could immediately notice when he entered the boundary.

And every day, the boundaries widened little by little.

As much as that, the number of stones that would fit in half would have to be written every day. Twenty to ten. Five to ten. From five to two. And one in two. And today.

"…… it's fresh. Young."

Van raises his tail and looks at the stone blindness in my hand.

He was no longer stoned.