Sword Whisperer

123. Guardian's Knife (7)

"Young lady."

'Thank you, young lady.'

'The real light was originally pretty.'

'Young lady, young lady...'

"Young lady!"


Anya woke up in her sleep with a noiseless scream. Her skin was covered in sweat, and her smaller pupils trembled as if frightened. Anya grabbed the ground with a big breath, and at the same time wondered. I just woke up, how the hell am I supposed to get dirt in my hands?

"Calm down. No."

"Key, Kizzle brother……"

"Calm down. Don't be afraid. You're safe."

Kizel spoke to her in a quiet voice.

"We are by your side."

We. I looked around to see if I knew the strange words. And then I found several faces staring at her with worrying eyes. I look up at the sky with a complex expression that Kizzle can't express.

"Wake up when you're awake."

And in the sky, which was only darkness, he said as if he had seen something.



The morning of the night is dark.

Naturally, that dark morning is not taken for granted when it hits every day. I can't feel the sun provoking each skin, and the smell of baking bread does not touch my nose, but only the idea that it should happen in my head.

"Good morning. Young lady."

"…… good morning."

Anya greeted the passers-by with a frown. The people of the Revolutionary Army took him as a mistress without exception. She was practically the butterfly that was helping them not to be swallowed up at night, and Ubows respected Van and her will to wrap her as nicely as possible with the Revolutionary Army, but more importantly.

When the kingdom came to save them, Anya rather helped the Revolutionaries. She poured out her fire against the kingdom and found a way to escape. Whenever people saw her, they called her a lady and bowed their heads for a reason.

'I'm crazy.'

Anya laughed at the flute. The more she thought about it, the less she knew why she was here. The people of the Revolutionary Party did not think they were just evil, but they did not believe that their ideology was right.

The ideology of the revolutionaries is directed towards ideals. But ideals don't necessarily mean happiness for everyone. For the sake of right, for the sake of ideals, it seemed natural to sacrifice people's peace and happiness. I live in fear of the night, but even if I die, no wonder I have to go beyond that night!

Anya hated their selfishness. After the name of the revolution, I hated the arrogance of those who knew that we were on the side of justice.

'We give up a lot and we live.'

I am happy to live in the night and day boundaries, so not all Nahars live in the lighthouse. If you don't, it's because you can't. It was hard for the Nahars to give their own lives to the lighthouse, which is the happiest place in life to eat sandwiches in the sun.

But the Revolutionary Army just closes its eyes to that. 'I thought the lighthouse was just a servant of the kingdom. But you're different. The lady is special.' When she heard that compliment, she felt very dirty.

She knew I was no different from the other lighthouse keepers. She could have been their mistress because she was in a situation where she had to.

Because I couldn't let these fools pretend to be masters of all things pay too much in exchange for my foolishness.

'I don't understand. Compassion.'

Of course, the people of the Revolutionary Army did not know the insides of Anya. And when they saw him, they didn't always hesitate to show their respect. It was a silly admiration.

"No, you were here."

It was then. Kizzle approached. Seeing Anya looking back at him, Kizzle opened her mouth.

"I have something to tell you. It's good news."

"... What news?"

"Van is alive."

Anya shook her lips at the words. Van. After leaving to find the Guardian's sword, Van didn't return until Fendel was in the hands of the Royal Army. People also said that Van would be dead. Night is a place where two men can't get through, and even the Karlsmori Library has the worst monsters.

"…… Where did you get this information?"

"You have no idea what he is. He said. You're here to find my father, Van.


"He said he got into Pendel. That's why I couldn't go there. It was just Seong-seong. I almost looked at Van like my father, my teacher."

"What the hell happened..."

Anya sighed. I asked Kizzle if he was suspicious.

"You're more responsive than I thought. I thought you'd be more surprised and happy."

"I never thought something would happen to Van. He would have died a long time ago if he had been that man. But..... What if Van is with the Royal Army now?"

"Do you want to go back?"

"My brother doesn't want to go back."

"No, we're Nahar. I wasn't born with a destiny to do what I always wanted to do, what I didn't want to do, what I had to do."

Kizzle smiled quietly. It was a premature laugh somewhere.

"Coming here, I knew I had something to do, not as Nahar, but as Nahar Kizl."

"Was the idea of the Revolutionary Army so attractive? I don't know."

"I honestly don't care much about ideas. The philosophers say it's all bullshit. But the thing is, they're lost. In this dark night. Is there a place where my White Salt could be worth more than here?"

"…… I don't think so. But have you ever thought about whether that precious white salt is revealing precious people?"

"You hate them."

"I don't hate it."

Anya replied like a tug. She said nothing for a moment and soon added, as if she were making excuses.

"I just, I don't want to advocate."

"I learned that it is the duty of the lighthouse to shine light on the lost. They just got lost a little harder than the others. So I intend to protect them. But no, it's up to you to decide where to find your white salt."


"Leave, if you must."

"But I made a promise."

"Yes. I promised to reveal Pendel instead. But this isn't Pandell, is it? And..... still, they will have me.

"You want me to leave my brother here?"

"I'm not throwing it away. We'll just go where we need to go."

".... Why did you suddenly change like this? You weren't always so nice to them."

Kizel refused to let Anya go white-salt even when she offered them a white-salt right away, saying it wasn't her contract. Seeing Anya pointing that out, Kizzle smiled bitterly.

"Then why did you protect the Revolutionaries when the kingdom came to save us?"

"Well, that..... there were civilians, and those who did not commit crimes enough to die......"

"I just did, too. I thought I shouldn't die. I thought I shouldn't be left in the dark. Rather than watching them suffer, I saw it as the lighthouse's duty to try to relieve them."

"Since when have you been named Lighthouse Keeper..."

Anya's eyes were red. She knew how immature and lazy Kizzle was. So it was unacceptable that such a person should be ironclad and throw my life in the hard way.

I don't even understand what the revolutionaries are saying. The world needs to change. There has to be a world that doesn't need revolutionaries. Those who wander through the night and make sacrifices to the weak lighthouse should be left unchanged.

"I can't ask you to take Syraz. The revolutionaries won't tolerate that. But take Tamby. His spatial technique is even more useful in this night. Maybe we can get back to Pendel at once."

"What are you going to do? Are you going to die with them here?"

"I'm not dying. I'm a lighthouse that illuminates the road pretty well."

Kizzle smiled.

"So we don't need a second lighthouse. I mean, no."

Why was his hand trembling when he held on to Anya?

"You go where you belong."


"We found and defeated the rebel investigation team in the Old Junghe area."

"The Night Clan was found in the 1st food warehouse of the prison. There were no signs of contamination, but I asked the lighthouse to do some cleanup."

"A messenger has come from the Kingdom. It is said that the revolutionary movement has become more powerful within the Kingdom. The southern side says there have been more revolutionary assassination attempts against nobles, so we are anxious and want to end the truce as soon as possible."

Messengers, knights, lighthouses and all sorts of people appeared before Jakarim. And Van stood by Zacharim at all those moments. I was nominated to escort Jakarim, but I also calculated that I would go straight to her when I heard the news of Anya.

"You're gonna be okay. If you miss the lighthouse that can handle the White Flame, the Revolutionary Army is practically over. He must have classified it as the most important person to protect. '

It was the last day that I waited to hear from Anya every day. Of course, he did not neglect Jakarim's escort. At first glance, it seemed loosened, but whoever became was ready to bellow if he tried to show Zacharim his teeth.

But it seemed to me like it was worth it in the eyes of Jakarim's escort, Wheel.

'.. Why the hell did you let him in like that? Am I not enough?'

Wheel graduated from the Citadel Academy ten and a half years earlier and was a knight who had lived as a prince's man. In the first place, he attended the Academy with the patronage of the Prince, so it was only natural that he did not even think of any other path besides Jakarim's escort.

Suddenly, half of those guarding the king's side felt ridiculous. It wasn't enough for the escort.

'I don't think it's that strong.'

The wheel bites the lips. Well, rumor has it that he is a vice commander of the Royal Knights, but..... that was also the case. Even considering the years he shared with the prince, it was no surprise that a sudden half-stone rolled out next to the escort commander's seat.

But he could not question Jakarim's decision. In order to do such an arbitrary act, he had lived only as a Calo for too long.

At least what he was able to do was to reveal a subtle posture to Van so that Zacharim would not notice it, but Van let it slip away as if he had never felt it. The alternate examiner was a loose writer who had doubts as to whether he was right or really skilled.

"Do you have any ideas, Lord Van?"

So his complaint often ran out of words, not knives. In front of Jakarim's bedroom. He did not hide the uncomfortable planting and asked Van.

"Escorts originally existed as shadows. But Lord Tuk is asking about my friends and respect for the royal family?"

"I promised you an escort on the condition that you save them."

"Don't you think it was the Prince's favour? The prince doesn't need an escort. I've had enough. Nevertheless, you were so considerate that you wouldn't be disappointed in doing such an overwhelming favor..."

"Do you think so? So let's ask degenerates if that's the case."

"No, I mean, how the hell am I supposed to ask that! Your friends are cheap bandits even if they die! Do you know how much it takes to protect them from the prince?"

"Then why did you escort me into such a crowd? Sir Wheel. I wonder what Sir Wheel thinks."

Van stares at the wheel. Honestly, it was an eye that was not curious at all.

"Why are you looking for me? Lord Wheel."

"That's because the prince is a good man..."

"Because I'm the one who needs to be by my side. If I'm arrogant, if I ask you a personal question without a case, even if I don't need an escort, it means that I want to stay by your side."

"You sound so good at that kind of strange sound."

"Just be honest. Do you want me to cut it?"

"What, what is it?"

"Then cut it."

Van said in a chaotic attitude.

"I don't think I can do that."