Sword Whisperer

134. What does war leave (1)

The Revolutionary Party is over.

No one begged for life in the presence of death. Their two eyes were chasing something greater, more valuable, more beautiful than life. It may have been the sun Van showed, or it may have been Ubow's exhausted body.

The kingdom cried out.

Surrender. If you surrender with your weapon, nothing will take your life. The fight is no longer meaningful.

That plea, which sounded like mercy, did not reach anyone's ears.


After the victory, the atmosphere of the Royal Army did not seem like a festival. It wasn't a splendid victory. After hitting the neck of the man who was running to kill himself, it was a glorious battle. If there is no such thing as retrospective audacity, the only thing that can be gained from this war is bitterness rather than joy.

Looking at the empty battlefield where the Revolutionaries had disappeared, Van stood there for a while, looking at the empty space of the night when he saw the sun cut off.

'Are you a little bit of a trainer now?'

Van asked Ubows. Of course, the dead had no answer. Van looked down at my hand slowly. I must have washed it. I think I rubbed it to shreds the leather, but his hands are still full of blood.



"Well, what is it? Why are you so surprised?"

"Woo-rung, Mr...."

Wu Liung was smiling. Van thought he was jealous of such brilliance. Despite seeing such a miserable sight, he still has the power to laugh.

"Fuck you, it's war."

He leans against the wall. In his hand was an apple that had not yet been cut off.

"I will."

Van answered freshly. Wu Liung looked at the class, and gave out an apology.

"You want some? He's from the East."

"Specification…… No, no. I'll eat."

I needed something different. Van received Wu Liung's apology and cut him big. It's a little old, but it feels a little fuzzy, but it's as sweet as the juice in it. The tongue is a little frozen.

"Congratulations. Now we can stand at the highest level of the kingdom."

"…… it could be."

"Are you going to Citadel?"

Whether to go to the bureau. It was a good question to ask, but it wasn't a good one.

"If you have to."

"... if you have to."

Wu Liung glanced at Van quietly in response. Van quietly looked back at Wu Ling. It was different from before. When I looked into Van's eyes, I was filled with only a pure passion to stand up as a prosecutor.

But now, in Van's eyes, there were many thoughts that could not be counted. After a very complicated thought, what the hell is Van looking at?

…… In fact, I didn't have to speculate on that. Van already told me what he was looking at. The night. The torn sky. Through the sunshine beyond that.

"You know what? I'm on your side. Not only me, but the girl, and a lot of people are on your side. When you really need strength, when you want to lean on it, call me."

"…… will you be my strength no matter what I turn to?"

"If you have to."

Uyung returned what Van once said. And as he looked at the corner of the night when the sun once rose, he laughed bitterly.

"… and, at least, if you look at the landscape today…… I think you should."


"It was an impressive battle. Van."

Jakarim smiled quietly as soon as he saw Van. He didn't stand in front of the victory and in front of his announced succession. Everyone in this war has seen something more than a victory.

Zakarim was also no exception. When I saw Van's sun, how could I forget the rate he felt, the rate he could not express with that word....

But now was not the time to be drawn to emotion. He was a prince, and now he was the most important time to be king.

'We have to hold Van.'

I had to buy his heart. I knew he was strong from the beginning, but the landscape he showed in this war was not just about strength.

There are those who impress and attract people apart from strength. And at least in this battle, there was no one who was not impressed by Van Iranian knights and prosecutors.

They will probably never forget the landscape of that moment, the name Van.

His life as a prince told him. Catch Van. He who catches him will soon catch the flow of this age.

'But what does he want?'

Van said. When the time came, he asked me to help him fulfill his will. Does that make the landscape he showed you a reality? A world without nights? Is that a joke really possible?

"…… what happened to Ubou's body?"

"I buried him. Even if he was an enemy, he kept my faith until the end. He deserves a grave. And……"

The fact is also, I think, that the voice of Ubows was shaken by that desperate cry.

'As the prince of the kingdom,' he said. '

Zakarim swallowed horses. Then I stood up and grabbed Van's hand instead.

"Thank you, Van."

"…… I just did what I had to do."

"If everyone in the world had lived up to what they had to do, there might not have been a war like this. It's not so special to be a great man, is it? In the end, they just did what I thought they should. ….. Van."

I whisper again, comfortably, admirably, or simply nothing.

"Like you said, you did what you had to do. So thank you."

What did Zacharim want to tell him? What did he want to tell you? I wonder if that was the case. Van, what is he feeling right now?

"Is it your dream to float the sun tonight?"

"…… I don't know. But when my dream comes true, there will be no more places like this night in the world."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Jakarim let go of Van's hand. He seemed to think of something for a long time with his arms on. Soon, he nodded and smiled coldly, as if he had decided.

"All right. For now, let's aim for the sun."

"…… Yes?"

"Huh? Why is that?"

"Can you make it that easy?"

"Even if I said it was easy..... didn't I already make a promise? As much as I make you my man, I will make a world of your own free will."

Zacharim slowly looked at the place where Van had split the sky. He didn't laugh. With a serious look, no, maybe a sort of burdensome look, he said so.

"And I..... I think it's better to have the sun in the sky."

Seeing Jakarim like that, Van thought to himself.

I didn't want to admit it, but our deaths would change the world, so they could die happily, or die happily..... as one of the warriors said.


'Did you really have to die?'

Life has to die. How tragic this is.

I could feel Jakarim caring a lot about his feelings, but Van couldn't give him a cool smile back. As Ubows said, the end of the Revolutionary Army was telling them more than they thought.

Without someone's death, the world does not change easily unless sacrifice follows.

'Will the sun be different when it rises?'

Would that be enough?

Van couldn't sleep thinking about it. And of course, I wasn't half asleep that day. Van looked up at the sky, squeezed under Pendel's wall, and found Anya.

"…… what are you doing here?"

"Ah…… Van."

"Are you looking at the sky?"

"Yes. No moon, no sun."

"...... yes."

Van quietly squeezes next to Anya. They were both already bloody because they were reluctant to bury dirt on their butts. Anya mutters without seeing Van.

"They were good people…… I may have met them for too long to say so, but I didn't like them."

"Neither do I."

"…… Is the war over?"

Normal people would say yes here. But Van could say yes. He knew there was going to be a bigger war.

"No. The war has just begun."

At the expense of him and his comrades, Wobow called for a war for a better world. I may be quieter than this war right now, but I've seen a war that will be more difficult and longer.

"If I could live with lazy blood..... that would be good."

To smoke laziness, you must not live hard. A woman living such a contradictory life slowly leans on a man's shoulder.

The day is cold and there is a long way to go, but the slaughter of the one next to him is warm and soft.

So it's like it could be comforting.


Ann heard in advance that the war between the Revolutionary Army and the Kingdom was over. In the astonishing news, Anne opened her eyes for a moment and thought,

'Huh? Then who does the revolution?'

She didn't have time to think long until she got the answer. She had milk to squeeze.


Mr. Frin of the troubled pawn also heard. The Revolutionaries lost the war and collapsed. Frin thought, wiping his dusty glasses.

"Well, who's going to revolution? '

Thoughts didn't get long. A new guest was coming in. Mr. Frin asked in a loud voice.

"Are you here to leave it to me? Or to find him?"


Bek, a guard in Sionel, heard about the war between the Revolutionary Army and the Kingdom. It was not his concern that the Revolutionary Party was over.

"Huh? The sun? You summoned the sun, Van?"

"You didn't summon the sun, you tore the night apart?"

"Well, does that make sense? No matter how half-brother. How can a man tear the night apart?"

Beck turned around saying that, but thought at the same time.

'.... Can the night be cut?'

Maybe half is possible. I thought of that, but in the end he didn't think about it long either. The sun had just come up, and he had to protect the town.


Owen was ridiculed when he was crippled in town. In his neighborhood, where there was nothing to do but farming, Owen was always forced to freeze, even though it took him a long time to go into a field.

On that day, Owen listened favorably to his father because of his slow workload. "Why don't you know why you're having such a hard time? 'It was dumb. On that day, on his way out of his errand, Owen heard that the Revolutionary Army had lost to the Royal Army. The villagers talked like this.

"So who's doing the revolution now?"

"The sun rises at night? So you can purify it again?"

"Mom, I want to be a knight just like the other half!"

Didn't your son enter the Revolutionary Army? I don't think Lecca's right now either. "

Owen listens to them without saying a word. When he returned home, his father told him to finish the weed he had picked again. Owen, who was standing on the field with a sickle, stood for a long time and put the sickle down.

'Who said the revolution?'

Owen knew the answer to that question.