Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
22 Stories: Potato Field Monster
The next day in Isteria, a good figure was about to be detained.
When the moonlight began to illuminate the earth instead of the sun, one good line finally arrived home near the entrance to the village of Grisea.
The line is much lighter than it was when I left the village, and when it comes to the luggage I have, Roslu carries only a small cloth bag with my supplies and seeds from crops bought in Isteria, plus a wooden cage containing two birds.
Because the food was soaring, the crop seeds were also expensive without leaking into the example, but since Ichiyoshi had money from selling red crystals and money from selling almal fur, he was able to purchase several crop seeds that had not been made in the village until now.
Others bought a bird with the appearance of a chicken named Root Cutting Bird (which seems to be the name given from digging up grass roots to eat).
This bird lays eggs about once a week, so if it can be successfully bred and increased, the villagers' table will be slightly richer.
However, it seems that root-cutting bird eggs often die before the chick grows bigger even if they hatch, meaning that if five of them hatch and grow in a short lifetime of three years, it's your word.
On top of that, the feathers can't degenerate and fly, so I often thought it would be a good idea to buy them while listening to the explanation of the root-cutting bird that they had not been extinct before, but they probably regulated that humans were good there.
By the way, the root-cutting bird made a connection and did 800 al.
Apart from them, the Zuta bag, which bears a good backpack, contains two antimatter fabrics used for clothing such as those often worn by villagers.
Wearing clothes brought from Japan in this world, as before, is too conspicuous, so I decided to tailor my clothes at Barletta's suggestion.
Ichiyoshi also thought about buying the clothes she could, but Baretta insisted strongly that she fix them for her usual thanks, so she decided to sweeten them to your words.
When we reached the village chief's residence through the entrance to the village, the village chief and several villagers greeted us in a hospitable manner when they saw Ichigo, who had arrived home.
"Good luck with your long journey, Mr. Kazra. Yes, a warm dinner is served, so leave your stuff and eat. Everyone else go up and eat."
"I'm just... oh, baked fish and cooked rice. This is fancy!
When the village chief prompted me to go up to the mansion's living room, there was already a line of dinner for everyone, with a nice smell to appetite for.
River fish skewered with wooden skewers are salted in the enclosure, and the pan is cooked with cooked rice with some other kind of meat besides mountain vegetables.
Barletta had previously said things like fishing in the river is not usually done, so I guess the village chiefs fished me in the river for a line that would come home tired.
Warm meals and grilled fish made in pots are greatly appreciated because for the last four days, all the good guys had was canned and salted juice meals.
"Master Kazura, did you do something to your leg?
One of the village daughters stopped to help me prepare the meal when she saw that Ichigo was about to lower her back as she lowered the backpack and the Zuta bag that each was carrying, noticed a bandage wrapped around Ichigo's leg.
"Yeah, because I don't usually walk a lot. I had a mame on my soles and it crumbled. I'm deluding the pain by wrapping the bandage around, but it still hurts a little"
That's what I said and saw a good man scratching his head in embarrassment, and the village daughter gave him a strange look for a moment, but really? and when I hammered him, he unloaded his shoulder from a good back.
"Mr. Kazra, I've been pumping water. Let me wash your legs so you can sit down there."
Barletta with a bucket of water and soap came in through the entrance to the mansion as Ichiya, who unloaded her back, held her hips and stretched her back.
Soon they were going to the waterway to get some water.
"Thank you. Wash your feet yourself, so Mr. Barletta should go up to the living room and rest."
hands to receive the water bucket the way I said and feared. For one thing, Barletta
"No, Ichira-san is the one who's tired of traveling unfamiliar, isn't he? Come on, sit down and get your feet out of here."
And when he said it in a wind such as not saying yes or no, he grabbed a good hand stretched out and let it sit on the spot, untied the dirty bandage with blood and sand wrapped around his legs, and let him put his foot in the water bucket and began to wash gently.
The moment my leg was put on the water, the wound on the sole of my foot stained and the severe pain ran, but I put up with it much longer there.
"I didn't know you could make a mame...... didn't our grass fit your feet, unlike the shoes Mr. Kazla usually wears? I'm sorry."
"No, no, it's my fault I'm poor! And besides, I'm the one who forced you to take me, so don't apologize!
To the voice of the village chief, who apologizes so much, Ichigo looks back in haste and forgives the village chief.
The other villagers who are up in the living room also look worried or strange when they see the good that is washing their feet.
"Mr. Kazra, could you take the bandage and your medicine from the bag?
When Yiliang was forgiving the village chief, he was called by Barletta, who had finished washing Yiliang's legs.
The feet are both washed beautifully with soap, after which they are only disinfected and bandaged.
"Thank you. I'll wrap the bandages myself, so go up to the living room, too, Mr. Barletta."
"No. I'll do it, so lend me the bag."
For some reason he refused to wind himself up, and Ichigo had no choice but to take the bandage and oxidol out of the bag and hand it to Valletta.
When Barletta receives them, she disinfects the wound as quickly as Ichiyoshi had done the last few days, and carefully wraps the bandage around the wound.
Actually, Barletta forced me to rewind the bandages and stuff in half last night, but it's somewhat embarrassing to be bandaged on my feet while the other villagers pay attention.
After replacing the bandages, Barletta also goes up to the living room and, like the other villagers, surrounds the enclosure and lowers her hips next to a good left.
By the way, Mullah was already seated next to Yi Liang's right.
"Well, let's say we eat"
"Yes, I'll take it"
When Ichigo hands in hand and says so, the other villagers will join hands and have their voices, just like Ichigo.
"How was your trip to Isteria, Ichirano?
When I hit the salt grill of freshly baked river fish stabbed in the skewer and Ichigo was unwittingly loosening his cheeks on the flavor, the village chief sitting face-to-face spoke to me.
While each of the other villagers mouths mixed rice and fish, he sees it as good as intrigued.
"Hey, I really enjoyed it! It was a series of surprises and emotions to see the walls, the castle gates and the bustling commercial districts made of stone like never before seen."
"Really? Really? Didn't you get dangerous eyes or something on the road?
When the village chief asked that nicely, Roslu opened his mouth instead of nicely.
"No, no, instead of dangerous eyes, you could have hunted Almal on your way to Isteria. Thanks to this, we were able to sell in the city for a good price."
"Almal? You were able to hunt along the streets?
"Yeah, he showed up in front of me when I was on my turn with Master Kazura at the break shed."
When Roslu said that, the villagers who were listening to him said, "Oh," as well as words such as "That's like a kazula" sounded good to me.
It's the usual already, so I'll keep it through.
"And then Mr. Kazra sold the jewels he brought to the city and split the money between us for the village. They also bought root-cutting birds and rare crop seeds."
"I see, I was surprised when Roslu carried two root-cutting birds, but that's what happened...... Thank you so much from what to what, Mr. Kazla"
To Barletta's words, the village chief bowed his head deeply, thanking him nicely.
He doesn't look too surprised, so he probably expected Ichigo to have built the gold for him.
"No, because I'm the one who's making the village better."
I would like to express my gratitude to the village chief who bows his head and takes care of him every day as well.
And enjoy a temporarily sumptuous meal, moderately reporting on events in Isteria (including Ichiyoshi being bought off Okarina and encountering Reese), when the story came to a paragraph.
Speaking of which, one of the villagers opened his mouth.
"It's a potato field in the village, but it's been amazing since Kazura and the others left the village."
"Something amazing?
When Ichigo inquired into the villagers' words, the villagers nodded, yes.
"The way potatoes grow is not the norm, and they're getting bigger with great momentum. Everyday while working in the field, we talked about the fertilizers in Kazura's country."
"... Huh?
To the words of the villagers, Ichigo doubted his ears.
The fertilizer that Ichirano brought is a very normal one that he bought at a Japanese home center.
Even though we haven't fertilized anything before, there's no way potatoes will grow rapidly in just a few days after sprinkling fertilizer.
Other faces who were away from the village also face to face with the words of the village chief.
"Um, I had to tell you about that, too. Even though it's only been eight days since the fertilizer was sprinkled, the potato leaves are more than two turns larger than usual. It's called a nutritional drink. It's a wonderful product from Mr. Kazura's country."
"More than twice... Um, can I ask you to go with me to that potato field tomorrow morning? I'd like to make sure with these eyes."
"Yeah, I'd appreciate it as both of us if you could do that. Please do."
All in all, I can't imagine how much potatoes are growing just from listening.
If it's true, I was going to go check on the progress of waterwheel parts production tomorrow morning, but I'm pretty concerned about the potato growth.
It's hard to think of anything more than twice, so I thought the village chief would be exaggerating, but for now I decided to go to the potato field first thing in the morning, and then work on making parts for the water wheel.
The next morning.
Sleeping like mud wrapped in a futon after a long journey of fatigue, Ichiya left the mansion to head to the potato fields for breakfast with the village chief's parents and children when he was struck by the shitty metal sound of an analogue alarm clock that he had set aside in anticipation of oversleeping.
By the way, right after the alarm clock went off, there was also a scene where the village chief and Barletta, who were already up and ready for breakfast, jumped into the room surprised by the sound, but he laughed and forgave me when I explained why and flat apologized.
I was too tired to turn my head that far, but Ichigo reflected that I should have said a word and then set the alarm.
A short walk out of the mansion and arriving at a potato field previously sprinkled with fertilizer, Ichiyoshi didn't think of the sight spreading in front of him
"What the hell..."
and raised a voice of surprise.
"As it turns out, thanks to fertilizer, it's bigger than any leaf, spreading or I've ever seen before. At this point, the harvest time is going to yield better potatoes than usual."
Yes, the village chief wasn't exaggerating yesterday, but the leaves were really getting bigger than twice.
The potatoes planted in the field in front of you stretch out for far longer than Ichiyoshi had seen before, and the potatoes planted at the edge of the field and so forth are protruding with great leaves all the way to the thoroughfares.
Barletta looks happily at the potato fields next to the village chief, who is nodding satisfactorily, but for the best, the question stands ahead of the joy.
When I was sprinkling fertilizer about eight days ago, the potato leaves were about the same size as the mice I use on my computer, but now they're about the size of an adult's palm, and the spreading thickens about a turn.
This is clearly an anomaly.
"I brought fertilizer. Whatever I say, this can't be anything. What is happening to the other fields?
Yiliang kneels on the ground, takes the potato leaves and asks the village chief with a suspicious look.
In contrast to such a good one, the village chief and Barletta have the look of wondering what not to do.
"The other fields are growing potatoes and vegetables in the same way, is there something wrong with that?
"No, it's not like that, but in just a few days, I'd never heard the vegetables grow this far."
Yiliang said so, digging one of the potatoes growing in front of her.
For if the leaves of the potatoes have grown so far, I thought that the potatoes in the soil have also grown already.
"Finally... Wow, I knew I was gonna grow up to potatoes"
When I dug the root of the potato, there still appeared a potato that had grown large enough to already be harvested.
They are about the same size as M-sized eggs sold in the supermarket and about the same size as potatoes at harvest times that Barletta used to say.
"I can't believe the potatoes have grown big enough to be harvested even though they were dying in the sun until this time... so much difference between sprinkling fertilizer and not"
Baretta says so with pleasure, but if you try it well, it is the earliest level of anomaly.
But it is also certain that accelerating potato growth is a delightful miscalculation.
Not a bad thing, so I decided to be optimistic that something of the ingredients of the fertilizer I had bought would have exerted a special potato effect, just like the efficacy of Lipo D.
I don't know which path, detailed cause, etc. I'm thinking here right now, and I'm sure this happened because of the fertilizer I sprinkled, so I decided to do it now for now.
"Well... it's not a bad thing and this is it. So, I'm going to make parts for the water wheel, right? Please come with me, Mr. Barletta."
"So I guess I'll just keep doing the field grasshopper"
Thus, Ichiyoshi and Baretta broke up with the village chief and headed to the woodland logging yard to make parts for the water truck.
When Ichigo and Barletta arrived at the logging site, there were already ten villagers gathered there.
The villagers were divided into several people, one by one, who cut down trees and one who made parts for the water wheel, and proceeded to work in a soothing chat, but when they found Ichigo and Barletta, they stopped the work and gathered together.
"Good morning, Master Kazra. You're back from Isteria."
"Yeah, I went back last night. Now that I've got the nails, this makes the waterwheel perfect. How is the work progressing?
When Ichigo asked the villager he had spoken to, the villager felt confident and tenacious.
"As Master Kazura instructed us before leaving for Isteria, the wings of the water wheel and the planks of the outer frame are complete. We already have the wood for the ingredients, so the other parts will be ready in a day."
"What, is it true? That's pretty quick."
Before traveling to Isteria, Yiliang wrote down all the parts and diagrams needed to assemble the water wheel in his university notebook and taught the villagers who would be in the process of making the water wheel how to see it before entrusting it to them, but it was unexpected that the work was going on at a high pace so far.
The villagers who hit the production work of the water wheel while Yi Liang was away are all ten here.
It sounds like a pretty big crowd when it comes to 10 people, but we don't have enough wood to make parts, so we have to do it from where we cut down the trees in the woods.
As it would be quite a heavy labor, I was hoping that even about half the work would be in progress by the time the good guys got back, but it seemed to betray my expectations in a good way.
"I owe this to Master Kazura, too. Sometimes the tools that Master Kazura brought us from the country are easy to use, but things like after we started eating rice and canned meals, even after working longer hours, are much less tired than before, and even if we are tired, we get better as soon as we rest a little. Plus, it's more powerful than before, and it can carry heavier things than before."
"... what?
Ichigo asked back unexpectedly to the villagers who smiled and spoke lightly about the outrageous.
"Speaking of which, I haven't been tired at all lately either. I walked like that yesterday, and I was barely tired this morning."
Instead of the villagers who were well questioned, Barletta began to say this again and absurdly.
In retrospect, it is only good that he looked tired on his journey to Isteria.
Mullah was looking a little tired as she went, but she was only six, so she wouldn't have a choice.
But even if I showed how tired I was, if I let him take a sip of Lipo D, he'd be almost at full strength in a short time, and far better on the way home than he was on the way home.
The journey to Isteria took about two dozen hours each way, but even if you subtract the rest time along the way, you will calculate that you walked nearly 80 km each way, converted into a distance.
If you're an adult who usually uses your body in farming, it's not surprising that Mullah, six years old, was doing so well, even though she took a lipo D that was all-purpose drugged.
"(Does this mean that even rice and cans have the kind of potency that Lipo D has exerted? The fields where the fertilizer was scattered were also strange, and what I brought from Japan might have some special effect in this world. I'm like an exception)"
As Barletta and the villagers talked to each other that they were the same, Ichiyoshi put one arm together and thought about it.
But I'm not sure for what reason this is happening.
I'm sure the food I brought from Japan will do something about it, but then I would have had to pay more attention to the handling of medicines, etc.
The remarkable efficacy of Lipo D has been demonstrated by the villagers, but the only medicines that can be bought in Japan are still given to the villagers to count.
When I had just come to this village, I had given antipyretic analgesics and gastrointestinal drugs to village chiefs and villagers who were dying of high fever, but I'm not sure how well those drugs worked because they also gave Lipo D.
There was no such thing as a reaction where the medication worked too well and my body went crazy, so there's probably no problem with humans in this world taking it, but I'd rather handle it a little more carefully in the future.
If one of the villagers even has a high fever and falls asleep, it is also possible to give him just a little medicine and see how it works, but now all the villagers are healthy themselves.
I don't even feel like catching a cold instead of a high fever.
"Mr. Kazra, what's wrong?
Barletta peered into his face as Ichiyoshi leaned down and contemplated with his arms together.
When Yi Liang raised his face to that voice, the villagers who were gathering had already returned to work, and Barletta was the only one beside Yi Liang.
"Oh, no, it's nothing. Shall we join in making parts?"
When Ichigo told Barletta that, he walked out to the villagers who were working on it.
Barletta stared for a little while at the good back of walking, with a peeping look at something, but soon followed with a small run herself.