Takarakuji de 40-oku Atattandakedo Isekai ni Ijuu Suru
29 Stories: Assumptions
As the midsummer sun illuminated the earth intensely, the village chief and Barletta were welcoming five armed soldiers, including Isaac, at the village entrance.
The soldiers are all wearing thick leather armor reinforced with bronze and heavy equipment with bronze helmets on their heads.
Soldiers other than Isaac had water buckets hanging in their hands and did not appear to carry any weapons or shields other than the dagger inserted in their hips.
Also, Isaac isn't the only one wearing a helmet, but he may have decided it would stand in the way of a long inspection.
"So while I was inspecting the village, I was supposed to have my troops ready for camp by the village, but I was hoping I could use the village waterway to replenish the water..."
"Of course I'm fine. Don't hesitate, use it as you like."
The village chief smiled at Isaac asking him to be sorry, but he was quite surprised inside.
Because he didn't even think the commander of the army on his way to the village was Isaac a shard.
Even when Isaac had visited the village of Grisea several times before, he had always taken such a polite response to all the villagers as he did now, so he didn't think he was someone in his capacity as Force Commander.
Moreover, the dagger, with the soldiers holding back behind him, is decorated with a family crest, apparently noble.
The commander of the unit to which the nobility belongs should only have a higher nobility than the nobility under his command, so Isaac becomes quite a high-ranking nobility.
Incidentally, the dagger Isaac is now lowering to his waist is also decorated with a luxurious family crest.
Previously, no decorations should have been applied to daggers when visiting villages, so when visiting villages alone, they may be equipped with ordinary daggers such as those carried by ordinary soldiers so as not to intimidate the villagers.
"Thank you. Tell the villagers not to worry about the soldiers, as we will keep them from getting too far behind the village"
When Isaac told the village chief that, he gave instructions for the soldiers behind him to draw water.
When the soldiers who were instructed responded briefly, they ran towards the waterway shaking the bucket in their hands.
Isaac turned to the village chief and Barletta when he dropped off the soldiers who ran away.
"Now, quickly, but let me inspect the village. Is the field crop growing well?
"Yes, thanks to the availability of water from the waterway, we are growing well without losing the sun. Besides, when I grew crops in a different way than usual, they grew considerably faster than before. For this minute, you may be able to collect a little potato as a tax during harvest time"
To Isaac, who asked how the crop was growing, the village chief answered as he had previously decided by discussing it with Barletta and Ichigo.
The crops in the village fields are growing quite rapidly thanks to a good brought in fertilizer and the rotten soil taken from the forest, but if Isaac asks me in detail, I'm only supposed to answer about the rotten soil.
"That's good news. It would be very helpful even for us if you could hold a little crop. Taxes from other villages are likely to be much lower this year."
When Isaac smiled at the village chief's dialogue, he urged the village chief and Baretta to head to the potato field, which was in close proximity.
When Isaac arrived at the potato field, he looked out for the potatoes growing there.
The potatoes planted in the fields have increased their size extraordinarily than when they used to visit the village, and the spreads are thick and successful enough to tell from the side, and the leaves are surprisingly huge.
Isaac himself, amateur as far as agriculture is concerned, has never seen leaves or potatoes that have grown so far.
"This is... to my knowledge, I've never seen potatoes grown so big with leaves and spreads... are the things planted here the same potatoes you usually put away?
"Yes, it's the same potato as always. However, this year I mixed a lot of soil from the woods in the soil of the fields."
When Isaac heard it, he crouched in front of the potato with an intriguing look and tried to touch its leaves.
The potato leaves also seem to be gaining in thickness, which, combined with the thick crawl, is quite powerful.
I honestly can't believe it's the same potato I saw a month ago.
"Did you take in the graciole blessing that the forest is undergoing, along with the soil, into the village fields... I didn't know it would work this far..."
"We are surprised, too. I don't know if this method is possible in other villages, but the forest in the village of Grisea is under the protection of Master Graciol quite strongly."
In the words of the village chief, Isaac remembered his legends about this village and gave him a convincing look against the growth of potatoes.
The village is a legendary village where Gracior showed up hundreds of years ago to save people.
It is not surprising that the surrounding forests themselves received a great deal of protection from Graciol, and it is also convincing that the soil of that forest would cause the crop to grow rapidly.
"That's the village of Gricea. If you can use soil so strongly protected by Graciol, you can expect future crop harvests."
Food production in the village of Gricea may improve dramatically in the future when the heavily sheltered soil of Gracior in the surrounding forests can be used.
Besides, the newly built waterways in the village seem to be stably supplied with water even in this sunshine, so there's no need to worry about the drop in food production due to the drought.
Isaac thought it might be possible to create a massive barn zone centered around this village, removing skin paper and charcoal from the pocket and spelling out the crop's fertility and the presence of forest soil.
"I'm also curious about crops from other fields, but I'd like you to tell me a little bit about the waterways first"
After writing the note, the village chief and Barletta smiled and nodded to Isaac, who said so with his face up from the skin paper in his hand, "Did you come?"
The last time Isaac came for an inspection, nothing was particularly explored about the waterway, but as he had been well advised, that would be because Isaac was not familiar with the location relationship between the village and the river.
When Isaac reported the inspection to his superiors, the village chief and Barletta thought something must have happened about the source of the water.
In fact, Isaac reported directly to Narson and was told straight away about the location relationship between the village and the river, but I don't think as much as the village chief, Barletta or Mao that Isaac is in a position to meet Narson in person.
"It's water flowing down the village waterway, is this pulling from a river northwest?
"Yes, we are pulling from the river"
"Hmmm...... the northwest river is too low in position for the village and it shouldn't be possible to pull the waterway, how are you pulling the water?
When Isaac asked him that, the village chief glanced at Barletta and opened his mouth to see Barletta nodding.
"Actually, my daughter Barletta thought about a tool called a water wheel, and she's using it to pump up the river water and keep it flowing down the waterway."
Isaac listened back with a parrot to the first word he heard: a waterwheel.
To the best of Isaac's knowledge, I've never heard of tools that keep pumping up enough water to always flow through the waterway.
"Is that tool called the water wheel at the end of the village waterway?
"Yes, it is. Shall I show you now?
Isaac nodded instantly to the village chief offering guidance.
I was wondering if they'd found even a new source of water, but they're actually using tools to pump up the river's water.
Isaac felt an unspeakable hunch while following the leading village chief and Barletta to the river.
Walking for about half an hour.
The village chief and three others had come to the water wheel unit 2 installed the other day.
The waterwheel continues to spin vigorously, as usual, and continues to carry water from the waterway made adjacent to the river to the tree waterway at height using crates for discharging water.
"Ko, this is amazing!
Isaac looked at the water wheel and voiced his amazement at the appearance of the water wheel carrying large quantities of water from low to high altitude.
Isaac has never seen a tool that uses only the power of running water to make such a move without the help of a human being.
"This is the water wheel. Barletta came up with the idea that we couldn't pull the river water into the village."
"To the point where the water is so high... this is a great invention! Did Mr. Barletta think alone?
Isaac stared at the water wheel as he continued to turn and then looked at Barletta as he painted the water wheel on the leather paper he removed from his nose.
"Yes, I've been thinking a lot about how I can pull the river water into the village, and I came up with this waterwheel. We asked everyone in the village to help us build and assemble the parts"
Isaac nodded at Baretta's answer, but felt something refreshing in the corner of his head excited about the presence of the waterwheel.
Because it's impossible from Isaac's common sense, such as a peasant flair, and a young man like Barletta making such a groundbreaking invention.
Novel inventions are often made by urban technicians and craftsmen, and Isaac has never heard of a peasant on the edge who invented something.
It was so incredible that Isaac could develop such groundbreaking tools to the inhabitants of a small village who were not making fun of peasants but had no educational opportunities other than agriculture.
"I didn't know I would come up with a tool like this on my own...... could you show me if I had a piece of paper or something describing how to make this tool called a water wheel?
"That's... this water wheel made parts one at a time, thinking about it, so there's no such thing. Sorry, sir."
Isaac frowned for a moment surprised Baretta, who lowered her head so badly, but immediately took a look and nodded, "Really?
"So can you give us a brief description of how this water wheel works and how to make it?
"Okay. So let's start with how it works…"
Isaac writes out the main points of the water wheel on the leather paper as he listens to Baretta's explanation.
When Isaac looked at the water wheel while holding something unintelligible to Barletta, who gave a grand explanation of the operation of the water wheel, he discovered that the axial part of the water wheel, which did the fuzzy eye, was heavily polished and painful due to the friction of the rotation.
"Oh, this stick part is largely less polished...... won't it break like this?
"What, is that true?
To Isaac, who said as he walked over to the water wheel and peered into the part of the axis, Barletta stopped describing the water wheel once and walked over next to Isaac.
And if you look at the axis of the water wheel at the height of your own line of sight, it does appear that the axis is worn out and largely polished.
It still seems fine now, but if you continue using it like this, the shaft may break and the water wheel may collapse.
"This will definitely break the axle if you keep turning the water wheel like this...... I need to think of something to take care of"
Seeing how the axis was sore, Baretta said so, going upstream of the waterway bordering the river and plugging the wooden slab falling beside it into the waterway to block the river and the waterway.
The water supply from the river is inhibited, and the water wheel that was circling slowly stops its movement as well.
"I see, do you use that board to allow you to stop the water wheel at any time"
Barletta nodded with a smile to Isaac, who was impressed to see how it was going.
"Yeah, because this way you can always fix the water wheel. But if Mr. Isaac hadn't noticed the damage to the shaft, the water wheel would have nearly broken before it could be repaired. Thank you."
When Isaac replied to Valletta, who thanked him so much, you were welcome, he began to get the description of the water wheel from Valletta as he took the note again.
Half a day after the village visit began.
In front of a forest outside the village stained with sunset colors, Isaac had finished receiving a report from the village chief on the readiness of wood for tax purposes, multiplying each other with words of labor.
After Isaac received an explanation from Barletta about the water wheel, the three returned to the village again, where the village chief gave Isaac a report as he looked around all the fields about the village's food situation and the growing of crops.
Regarding the rapid growth of crops, Isaac seemed to believe that it was influenced by the soil in the forest that obtained the protection of Graciol, and there was no particular exploration that could be put in, but the village chief was briefed that Isteria might have some instructions on future methods of food production.
By the way, Barletta is back at the mansion first to do the dinner routine.
"Then I will return to my unit. I'm sorry to disturb you for bringing troops here at our convenience."
"No, no, it would be an honor for us if we could work with the military. Please don't worry about it."
Because he managed to pass the inspection without a thing, the village chief answers frankly, losing his shoulders.
Isaac smiled, thanking the village chief for his words.
"So shall we call it dissolution here? I'll be back in a month, so be ready to pay your taxes by then."
"Okay. See you in a month."
When the village chief answered Isaac so, he offered a deep salute before returning to the mansion.
Looking at the back of the departing village chief, Isaac, not to mention, looks over the village with a breath and recalls the results of the inspection.
The food situation in the village of Gricea seems to be considerably better to observe from the occasional sight of the villagers during the inspections and from the physical condition of the village chief and Barletta.
There is something to keep an eye on for the rapid recovery of the village of Gricea in the past month, called the pumping up of water using water wheels and the rapid growth of crops using forest soil.
These things are a very delightful thing to do, but Isaac felt something refreshing.
Because everything in this village is going too well, and that's how unnatural it feels.
Of particular concern is the water wheel.
Isaac was still unable to accept the fact that such groundbreaking tools were created by one peasant.
As Isaac looked over at the village thinking back about the water wheel, he realized there was a small shadow at the edge of his sight.
Looking sideways, in the shade of a tree about 30 meters away, the child looks at this one while hiding.
"(Boy...... like 5 or 6 years old. The name is certain......)"
Isaac thought a little in retrospect of the villagers' roster and smiled and waved at the boy with a face to his face.
The boy, waving his hand, looked like he shrugged his shoulder for a moment for being found, but as soon as he got out of the shade of the tree he ran toward us.
"Ha, you were a great soldier!? I've never seen armor that cool!
The boy ran over to Isaac and looked excited, not even while Isaac greeted him.
Apparently, he's thrilled to see a heavily armed soldier.
"Mmm, just a little great soldier. I'm captaining a hundred soldiers."
"A hundred too!? Wow! I always wear cheap armor when I come to the village, so I had no idea!
While Isaac smiled bitterly at the boy's words, he decided to ask this boy to try what he had just come up with, looking at the boy who seemed to enjoy his armor as he circled around him in an even more excited manner.
"You sure it was you, Colts? Actually, I'm keeping my troops waiting near the village, why don't you take a tour?
When Isaac said that, the Colts had a mixed look with surprises and expectations.
"What, it's okay!?
and raise his voice and look up at Isaac.
"Oh, I hope so. But before we do, let's just go tell your parents to get out of the village for a little while. If you're gone on your own, you're gonna make a fuss."
"Yeah! My house is this way!
When Colts responded with great joy to Isaac's suggestion, he stood in front of Isaac and began walking fast to his house.
Isaac just starts walking a few steps after the Colts, and, yes, stops on the spot with his hand.
"What's going on? Come on, let's go!
"No, forget one important thing. Colts, if you knew..."
"What? Say it quickly!
Colts rushes Isaac like he's in a hurry, to Isaac, who says in a lot of ways.
Isaac said what he had just thought, even though he felt only a little guilty inside about how the Colts were doing.
"I just heard the name of the person who built the water wheel from the village chief, Mr. Balin, but forgot about it because it was a name I had never heard of... Colts, do you know the name of the man who built the water wheel?
To Isaac's question, the Colts looked decent for a moment, but immediately opened their mouths.
"You mean Master Kazura?