Then he walked a few more minutes, and Yi Liang arrived at a large river that flowed to the north of Isteria.

The river seems to be about 20 meters wide, but the drop in water levels has exposed some of the river bottom on both banks.

"This is a very large river… where the water wheel could be installed…"

Ichiran climbed onto a large rock that was nearby and looked around looking for a place that seemed suitable for installing a water wheel.

The river is almost in a straight line and you can see several tributaries in the barn zone and all over the city of Isteria in the distance.

If we were to install a waterwheel, we would need to create a waterway for the waterwheel beside the river, as we did in the village of Grisea.

"Shall we go around there? I'll give you directions, so dig into the ground and build a waterway for the water wheel."

Find the dry waterway that was dug near the river, and Ichigo jumps off the rock and walks over.

The waterway is connected to the river, but the water level of the river is too low to contain water.

You should dig deeper into this waterway and change it as a waterway for the waterwheel.

"Dig this waterway to the depth that the river's water can take in. The digging range starts here… so far, please."

Ichiran picked up the stone that had fallen nearby and marked it through the ground.

Create an aqueduct about the same width as the one created in the village of Grisea.

"And also dig a hole to erect a waterwheel strut. Anyone with free hands is asked to assemble the water wheel and the wooden waterway that receives the drawn water."

As soon as Ichigo gives the instructions, Zirconia assigns the work to nearby squire.

When the squire rushed over to the carriage, they took out tools like bronze teeth and a flat shovel and began work simultaneously.

"Now, let's start assembling the water wheel. I'll teach you how to assemble it, so remember while you do it. Because I have to assemble a number of other water trucks."

"Help you assemble the water wheel, too. Let the others make wooden waterways."

The vast majority of the squire has hit the waterway digging, so they also assign work to the soldiers of the escort, who have about ten.

I also feel somewhat overstaffed, but it would be better than less.

"Mr. Kazra, do you install all the water trucks in the barn zone for what they're making you do?

"No, it doesn't mean I have to install them all. When you are in enough condition to send water to the waterway in the barn zone, install the rest elsewhere. In doing so, we'll make improvements to the water wheel."


"Yeah, it's an improvement"

Ichigo gives a slightly more confident look to Zirconia, who is inclined to her little neck with such expressions as what to do.

"Nothing, it means the water wheel is not just a tool to pump up water. If you put a little hand on it, it will also power you to move all kinds of tools."

"Uh... what kind of tools exactly do you mean?

"To give you one example, is it a powder mill that keeps moving on its own forever in conjunction with the movement of a water wheel? I don't need to use people's power, so I think it's going to be twice as efficient."

"How many times..."

To give an example of a machine powered by a water wheel, Zirconia shrugged in such a way that she didn't feel realistic anywhere.

I guess suddenly being taught by a water wheel that it's just a tool to pump up water until now has some such use doesn't boil down to not seeing the real thing.

"If the revival of the barn zone is achieved in the way I instructed it, food production in the barn zone will jump more than before. But this will also increase the amount of ex-post processing effort."

The effects of the compost that has been scattered in the fields of the barn zone since earlier will allow us to harvest large quantities of crops in a few months if we succeed.

There are many crops that are now dead, but the harvest of that next crop should be quite expectant.

This time, however, crops harvested by it… there should be a significant increase in grain shedding, especially of cereals used to make bread, as well as in the amount of work done to produce flour.

If we manage to handle this efficiently, the effects of increased crop production will go hand in hand with a significant reduction in the distribution price of food.

Citizens' lives should also be considerably easier.

"I don't know much about agriculture in this country yet, so I'd like you to tell me, how do grains and other things used for bread come off and flour?

"The bread wheat etc. to be used for bread is tied and stacked with ears on the table where you gave them a few wooden sticks, and then you punch the sticks on it and take them off. Latta wheat, which is also used in porridge, rata and other feedingstuffs, sears (abu) the bundled ears with fire and degreases them. Both use stone molars when powdering."

Apparently, the grain removal work in this world takes a pretty primitive approach.

I also somehow remembered such methods as beating the ear with a stick and shedding grain, as Ichiyoshi learned in elementary or middle school history classes as a child, but I've never heard of such methods as broiling the ear with fire and shedding grain.

"Do you broil on fire... I'm not sure because I've never seen it, but won't the ratato wheat fruit burn?

"As soon as you broil and the ear falls to the ground, you'll step on it and put out the fire, so the fruit won't burn. Can you see it later? It's quite fun."

Do you think of the working landscape, Zirconia explains with a smile to miss.

Yiliang had seen the Zirconia smile many times before, but this was the first time she had ever seen a natural smile like this.

"Right, definitely once... you know, Mr. Zirconia has done that kind of work before?

"Yes, I was originally a peasant, so I also took care of the fields and mowed them every year. Since I married Narson at 16, I haven't done it once, though."

Ichigo was heartily surprised by the unexpected Zirconia statement.

I knew Zirconia was a biological nobleman, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

What the hell happened to marrying Narson, a noble enough to be a lord, despite his peasant status?

"(of, were you a peasant? I'm pretty curious about how you got to get married...... Speaking of which, how old the hell is this guy?

From what I've seen, Zirconia looks pretty young.

Sensibly, but there seemed to be no significant age difference.

"So it's a familiar task for Mr. Zirconia... but still, when you have years to spare, have you forgotten your senses?

"Right...... it's been ten years since I stopped doing farming, so I may not be able to do it well now. Let's give it a try next time..."

"(Are you 26 years old? It's on one of mine, so it's pretty much a tattoo... is that it?

I used a good story flow and succeeded in enquiring about the age of Zirconia.

But when I heard that much, one question arose in the good.

It is the relationship between Liese and Zirconia.

"(... How old the hell is Mr. Reese?

From what I've seen, Reese looks like she's about the age of her mid-teens, but that would mean that Zirconia was 11 or so years old when she gave birth to Reese.

Given the age at marriage that Zirconia had said earlier, that would not be possible.

"(I wonder if Mr. Zirconia is Mr. Narson's late wife... not if he's guessing that right now)"

Noticing that his own thoughts were beginning to be significantly derailed, Ichigo hastily corrected his thoughts.

"… So shall we build not just a mill but also a grain remover? If we don't cut the price of food somehow, the general public will be exhausted."

"Yes. I can't imagine what it would be like, thank you. We can prepare anything, whether it's people or things, so please let us know anything."

I felt a slightly softer atmosphere from Zirconia than usual because of the chatter about farming.

Until earlier, Zirconia felt a slightly tingly atmosphere, worried ahead of the great task of reviving the barn zone.

As a matter of good, I would like to proceed with the work in a perfect atmosphere, as I did in the village of Gricea, if possible, so I would be relieved to have it back to its usual condition.

This is something I learned in my social life, but if even the air in the field is good in any busy situation, it's something I can manage to do.

Zirconia, like Ichigo, keeps working late every night, so I guess I'm physically and mentally exhausted and can't afford my heart.

This is going to need to be given Lipo D for once, like Isaac and the others, to get full strength or even force him to take a rest.

"Um... Master Kazura. Dear Zirconia, I would like you to tell me how to assemble..."

In anticipation of a paragraph about Ichigo and Zirconia, a soldier from the escort, who had finished unloading only one part of the water wagon from the carriage, called out.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was completely out of my mind about you."

Yiliang remembered about the water wheel in the voice of a soldier and rushed to start giving instructions to the soldiers.

Then about two hours later.

The squire managed to rebuild the existing waterway for the waterwheel and also finished digging holes for the waterwheel's struts.

Waterwheels and wooden waterways have also been assembled prior to the waterway, and now everyone is just getting into the installation work of the waterwheel.

"If you get a lot of momentum and install it, the shaft will be damaged, so get it down slowly...... oh, it's a little off that way. Please drop by a little more."

Ichigo slowly installs the water wheel on the strut as the squire wanders around the water wheel to be lifted and gives instructions.

When the water wheel was installed, I checked to see if it was placed properly on the strut and turned it to show it as I twirled the water wheel using my hand to try it.

"Okay. Now let's install a waterway that receives water from the water wheel."

Follow the good instructions and install the assembled wooden waterway beside the water wheel by the attendants.

Upon completion of the installation, he moved his squadrons away from the waterwheel, and Ichirana moved with a bamboo to the part of the river that connected the waterway.

"I'll flush the water."

Yiliang calls out to everyone and removes the soil that separates the river from the waterway.

When the soil was removed, the water poured into the waterway with momentum from the river.

The water flowing through the waterway pushes the plate feathers of the water wheel, and the water wheel begins to rotate slightly.

The water wheel took the water from the waterway into the crate for discharging water as it rotated, and spit the water out into the wooden waterway installed at height.

The squire and the soldiers of the escort who watched raised their voices of surprise at the figure of the water wheel, which pumped up the water vigorously.

"... I see that the water that was flowing through the waterways of the village of Grisea was also drawn up from the river in this way"

Zirconia shrugged as she looked up at the waterwheel drawing up the water one after the other, impressed.

"Yeah, the water wheels in the village of Grisea are exactly like this... that?

Back next to Zirconia, Ichiya, who was looking up at the water wheel in line and taking a breather, walked right next to the water wheel to see if she had found anything.

"What's wrong?

"... there is unevenness in the rotational speed"

Ichirano replied so, inviting him to call Zirconia next door.

"Look at the part of you that's pumping up water. I don't think the timing is constant..."

"... Sure, there's variation. It's supposed to spin at a constant speed, isn't it?

Zirconia, who had been pointed out well and stared for a while at the timing when the water tanker would carry out the discharge, asked nicely with her face stared at the water tanker.

The water wheel seemed to be working fine at first glance, but if you look closely, it was clearly uneven in rotation speed.

"Yeah, that's right. I gave you the same parts drawings I used in the village of Grisea, so this is a mistake at the site where I made the parts."

"... I am so sorry. We'll investigate the cause immediately and have it rebuilt."

"Please. Because if there is unevenness in the rotation speed, the water wheel itself will be damaged quickly, as well as less efficient to work with...... Oh, but let's just keep this water wheel moving. Ignoring efficiency somewhat, but we have to send water to the barn zone."

Ichigo said that much and wondered what the cause would be.

The water wheel made in the village of Grisea was created under the direct supervision of Ichigo himself, so it could be finished in perfect condition.

However, the drawings given to Zirconia are the exact same as those used in the village of Gricea.

The drawings are unlikely to be flawed, so I guess there is some problem with the way the field works.

It is most likely that the precision of the tool has been sweetened because we made a mass-production of the parts of the water wheel in a great hurry, but I don't think that's the only cause.

"(Speaking of which, I haven't seen a lot of tools in this world... if there's nothing busy in the tools, is that also what makes them inaccurate)"

When the work was carried out in the village of Grisea, not only were tools such as bronze fleas, which had originally been used in the village, but also tools made in Japan, which were brought in large quantities by Yiliang.

However, Isteria artisans who were asked to make parts for the water wheel this time do not possess such tools.

Perhaps it would be more unscrupulous to ask them to make the equivalent of a waterwheel in the village of Gricea in such a situation.

But whatever it is, those checks are behind us.

If we don't pull the water quickly into the barn zone that is so dry from it, it won't even work on crops that are marginally viable.

Even if a few waterwheels collapse later due to poor tool accuracy, there are even thirty planes worth of existing parts alone, so you should replace them with a new waterwheel from the broken end.

The water wheel that connects it to a mill or other machine is difficult, but only the water wheel for discharging water should close its eyes to some problems at the moment.

"In the meantime, let us stop making parts for the water wheel from tomorrow. When you resume, find out exactly what caused it and take action before you do so."

"Okay. I'll let you take action early...... Um, I'm really sorry. It's my responsibility."

You feel responsible, Zirconia gave a blatantly dark look.

"Uh, no, don't be so concave. I'm the one who gave the unscrupulous instructions, so it's not just Zirconia's fault."

Yiliang turned his attention to the vast barn area while scooping Zirconia, which was completely shivering back.

We have succeeded in installing one water wheel for now, but there will be quite a few other places we will have to install it.

It's still going to take a while for Ichigo to take a breather.